Ok...So this is my trade thread. Let's get through all the boring stuff so we can get to the good stuff a.k.a the cards...
My Trade Preferences
1. I live in the United States, and for now, am only trading in the US *Only cards printed in English, unless otherwise stated* I will, on occasion, send elsewhere, if the trade is worth it....
2.Ref rules apply, as do all the forum rules.
3. Cards should be in good condition *i.e. no creases, folds, rips, scratches etc.* I would not send someone a messed up card, and I would like the same respect.
4. I send my cards in toploaders and would appreciate the same *no more than two cards per toploader*
5. Once addresses are exchanged, there is no backing out.
6. Please, no scammers...*I use Delivery Confirmation on all trades when available....*
7. I will check your list...
8. Just because it isn't on my want list, it does not mean I wouldn't be interested....just ask.
9. All my cards are in English unless otherwise stated.
10. Please no World Championship Cards....
11. Thank you for your time in reading this....Now onto the cards!!!
Yeah....I know it has been a while, but I'm back! Ok guys, I am looking to complete some sets here, so keep those offers coming! Remember to keep checking back, and if there is something that you really want, but you have nothing from my wants, I am always in the mood to check lists!
Legendary Treasures
Radiant Collection-
Snivy RC1 x1
Servine RC2 x1
Serperior RC3 x1
Growlithe RC4 x1
Torchic RC5 x1
Piplup RC6 x1
Pikachu RC7 x1
Ralts RC8 x1
Kirlia RC9 x1
Gardevoir RC10 x1
Meloetta EX RC11 x1
Stunfisk RC12 x1
Purrloin RC13 x1
Eevee RC14 x1
Teddiursa RC15 x1
Ursaring RC16 x1
Audino RC17 x1
Minccino RC18 x1
Cinccino RC19 x1
Elesa RC20 x1
FA Shaymin Sky Form EX RC21 x1
FA Reshiram RC22 x1
FA Emolga RC23 x1
Mew EX RC24 x1
Meloetta EX RC25 x1
Reshiram EX #29 x1
Kyurem EX #44 x1
Zekrom EX #52 x1
Black Kyurem #100 X1
Victini EX #24 x1
Excadrill EX #82 x1
Keldeo EX #45 x1
Mewtwo EX #54 x1
White Kyurem #101 x1
Lugia EX #102 x1
Victini #23 x1
Samurott #39 x1
Mewtwo #53 x1
Meloetta #78 x1
Landorus #85 x1
Cobalion #91 x1
Garbodor #68 x1
Thundurus #50 x1
Zekrom #51 x1
Moltres #22 x1
Rayquaza #93 x1
Sigilyph #66 x1
Gothitelle #72 x1
Tornadus #108 x1
Lucario #80 x1
Hydreigon #99 x1
Zapdos #46 x1
Serperior #8 x1
Zoroark #90 x1
Leavanny #12 x1
Genesect #15 x1
Garchomp #96 x1
Articuno #32 x1
Virizion #15 x1
Charizard x1
Tangrowth #2 x1
Ninetales #21 x1
Empoleon #35 x1
Phione #36 x1
Seismitoad #42 x1
Xatu #56 x1
Mismagius #58 x1
Toxicroak #63 x1
Reuniclus #76 x1
Gallade #81 x1
Meloetta #86 x1
Gyarados #31 x1
Reverse Holos-
Dwebble #13 x1
Solosis #73 x1
Lucario #80 x1
Gallade #81 x1
Crushing Hammer #111 x1
Seismitoad #42 x1
Double Colorless #113 x1
Rayquaza #93 x1
Garbodor #68 x1
Oshawott #37 x1
Energy Switch x1
Phione x1
Cobalion x1
Gible x1
Croagunk x1
Kirlia x1
Sableye x1
Charmander x1
Ralts x1
Snivy x1
Moltres x1
Tepig x1
Tangela x1
Virizion x1
Cedric Juniper x1
Vulpix x1
Bianca x1
Druddigon x1
Garchomp x1
Crustle x1
Leavanny x1
Meloetta x1
Plasma Blast
Mesprit x1
Golurk x1
Masquerain x1
Azelf x1
Accelgor x1
Suicune x1
Machamp x1
Cradily x1
Volcarona x1
Uxie x1
Aggron x1
Escavalier x1
Drifblim x1
Froslass x1
Genesect #10 x1
Reverse Holos-
Chatot x1
Lileep x1
Plume Fossil x1
Escavalier x1
Iris x1
Lairon x1
Machop x1
Archen x1
Glalie x1
Relicanth x1
Volcarona x1
Octillery x1
Fraxure x1
Ultra Ball x1
Plasma Freeze
Thundurus EX x1
Latios EX x1(#113 FA)
Latias EX x1
Ace Specs-
Life Dew x1
Chandelure x1
Reshiram x1
Metagross x1
Hydreigon x1
Ghetsis x1
Sceptile x1
Dragonite x1
Kingdra x1
Electrode x1
Cofagrigus #56 x1
Kyurem x1
Seismitoad x1
Exeggutor x1
Krookodile x1
Vanilluxe x1
Quagsire x1
Staraptor x1
Nidoking x1
Nidoqueen x1
Steelix x1
Weavile x1
Cacturne x1
Sableye x1
Mr. Mime x1
Bisharp x1
Cofagrigus #57 x1
Muk x1
Hariyama x1
Beedrill x1
Kecleon x1
Raticate x1
Reverse Holos-
Flareon x1
Palpitoad x1
Makuhita x1
Kakuna x1
Eevee x1
Mankey x1
Bisharp #74 x1
Bisharp #73 x1
Staravia x1
Cryogonal x1
Deino x1
Dratini x1
Miltank x1
Mawile x1
Nidoran (F) x1
Lampent x1
Horsea x1
Reshiram x1
Krokorok x1
Hydreigon x1
Nidoran (M) x1
Tympole x1
Vanillish x1
Wooper x1
Noctowl x1
Electrode x1
Absol x1
Cacnea x1
Cofagrigus #56 x1
Superior Energy Retrieval x1
Beldum x1
Deino #76 x1
Lanturn x1
Vanillite x1
Grimer x1
Litwick x1
Starly x1
Pachirisu x1
Hoothoot x1
Sandile x1
Sneasel x1
Muk x1
Voltorb x1
Dragonair x1
Chinchou x1
Plasma Storm
White Kyurem EX #96 x1
Articuno EX #25 x1
Ace Spec-
Victory Piece x1
Weezing x1
Magnezone x1
Crobat x1
Klinklang x1
Gallade x1
Infernape x1
Lucario x1
Garbodor x1
Togekiss x1
Manaphy x1
Beartic x1
Ludicolo x1
Scrafty x1
Exploud x1
Druddigon x1
Torterra x1
Giratina x1
Skarmory x1
Liepard x1
Vanilluxe x1
Sharpedo x1
Beheeyem x1
Watchog x1
Dodrio x1
Garbodor x1
Magnezone x1
Vespiquen x1
Clefable x1
Leavanny x1
Conkeldurr x1
Jellicent x1
Bouffalant x1
Snorlax x1
Cherrim x1
Mamoswine x1
Braviary x1
Reverse Holo-
Trubbish x1
Skarmory x1
Vanillish x1
Clefairy x1
Watchog #113 x1
Watchog #112 x1
Phanpy x1
Vanillite x1
Joltik x1
Ether x1
Evolite x1
Pansear x1
Skitty x1
Frillish x1
Clefable x1
Doduo x1
Klang x1
Klinklang x1
Patrat x1
Chimchar x1
Combee x1
Escape Rope x1
Scraggy x1
Conkeldurr x1
Swinub x1
Torterra x1
Foongus x1
Swadloon x1
Togepi x1
Ralts x1
Sharpedo x1
Druddigon x1
Timburr x1
Bicycle x1
Durant x1
Togekiss x1
Kirlia x1
Magnezone #46 x1
Jellicent x1
Solrock x1
Plasma Frigate x1
Snorlax x1
Lucario x1
Galvantula x1
Zubat x1
Lotad x1
Lombre x1
Squirtle x1
Carvanha x1
Crobat x1
Whismur x1
Litwick x1
Cherubi x1
Cubchoo x1
Koffing x1
Durant #92 x1
Riolu x1
Legendary Reverse Holos
1. Alakazam
8. Dark Slowbro
10. Flareon
11. Gengar
13. Hitmonlee
14. Jolteon
16. Muk
18. Venusaur
25. Hypno
26. Jynx
28. Magneton
29. Mewtwo
30. Moltres
34. Pidgeotto
36. Arcanine
42. Fearow
49. Kadabra
55. Nidorina
57. Omanyte
60. Rapidash
63. Seadra
64. Snorlax
65. Tauros
69. Caterpie
70. Charmander
71. Doduo
73. Drowzee
74. Eevee
77. Geodude
78. Grimer
82. Nidoran (F)
83. Nidoran (M)
87. Ponyta
92. Seal
93. Slowpoke
96. Tentacruel
98. Vulpix
99. Weedle
101. Potion Energy
108. Bill
109. Mysterious Fossil
110. Potion
2. Ampharos
3. Arbok
4. Blastoise
6. Charizard
7. Clefable
9. Dragonite
10. Dugtrio
12. Feraligatr
19. Mew
28. Typhlosion
29. Typhlosion
32. Weezing
40. Charizard
49. Golem
52. Magby
60. Poliwrath
91. Quilava
92. Wartortle
Expedition Reverse Holos
1. Alakazam
3. Arbok
7. Clefable
9. Dragonite
12. Feraligatr
13. Gengar
14. Golem
15. Kingler
16. Machamp
25. Raichu
27. Skarmory
28. Typhlosion
29. Tyranitar
30. Venusaur
31. Vileplume
34. Ampharos
37. Blastoise
39. Charizard
42. Cloyster
43. Dragonite
45. Fearow
46. Feraligatr
51. Machamp
55. Mew
56. Mewtwo
57. Ninetales
59. Pidgeot
60. Poliwrath
63. Skarmory
64. Typhlosion
65. Typhlosion
66. Tyranitar
71. Bayleef
73. Charmeleon
74. Croconaw
75. Dragonair
76. Electabuzz
77. Flaaffy
79. Graveler
82. Ivysaur
83. Jynx
85. Machoke
86. Magmar
87. Metapod
88. Pidgeotto
89. Poliwhirl
90. Pupitar
91. Quilava
92. Wartortle
93. Abra
94. Bulbasaur
96. Caterpie
97. Charmander
98. Charmander
99. Chikorita
100. Chikorita
104 Cyndaquil
106. Diglett
107. Dratini
109. Gastly
110. Geodude
111. Goldeen
113. Houndour
114. Koffing
115. Krabby
118. Magikarp
120. Marill
121. Meowth
123. Pidgey
124. Poliwag
125. Poliwag
128. Rattata
130. Spearow
131. Squirtle
133. Spearow
134. Totodile
139. Dual Ball
141. Energy Restore
142. Mary's Impulse
143. Master Ball
144. Multi-Technical Machine
145. Pokemon Nurse
146. Pokemon Reversal
147. Power Charge
148. Professor Elm's Training Method
149. Professor Oak's Reasearch
150. Strength Charm
151. Super Scoop Up
153. Energy Search
154. Full Heal
155. Moo-Moo Milk
157. Switch
158. Darkness Energy
159. Metal Energy
Noble Victories Reverse Holos
12. Accelgor
Next Destinies
95. Reshiram EX
98. Mewtwo EX
100. Emboar
102. Zoroark
103. Hydreigon
Next Destinies Reverse Holos
20. Chandelure
27. Articuno
28. Panpour
46. Luxray
60. Darmanitan
81. Persian
Dark Explorers
54. Groudon EX
63. Darkrai EX
103. Entei EX
104. Kyogre EX
108. Tornadus EX
110. Archeops
Dark Explorers Reverse Holos
49. Slowking
69. Zorua
72. Bisharp
This is just a start, and there are a lot more Haves and Wants to come. As always, if you are looking for something, just ask...I might have it. Just because it isn't listed, doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested, just ask. Thanks for looking!
My Trade Preferences
1. I live in the United States, and for now, am only trading in the US *Only cards printed in English, unless otherwise stated* I will, on occasion, send elsewhere, if the trade is worth it....
2.Ref rules apply, as do all the forum rules.
3. Cards should be in good condition *i.e. no creases, folds, rips, scratches etc.* I would not send someone a messed up card, and I would like the same respect.
4. I send my cards in toploaders and would appreciate the same *no more than two cards per toploader*
5. Once addresses are exchanged, there is no backing out.
6. Please, no scammers...*I use Delivery Confirmation on all trades when available....*
7. I will check your list...
8. Just because it isn't on my want list, it does not mean I wouldn't be interested....just ask.
9. All my cards are in English unless otherwise stated.
10. Please no World Championship Cards....
11. Thank you for your time in reading this....Now onto the cards!!!
Yeah....I know it has been a while, but I'm back! Ok guys, I am looking to complete some sets here, so keep those offers coming! Remember to keep checking back, and if there is something that you really want, but you have nothing from my wants, I am always in the mood to check lists!
Legendary Treasures
Radiant Collection-
Snivy RC1 x1
Servine RC2 x1
Serperior RC3 x1
Growlithe RC4 x1
Torchic RC5 x1
Piplup RC6 x1
Pikachu RC7 x1
Ralts RC8 x1
Kirlia RC9 x1
Gardevoir RC10 x1
Meloetta EX RC11 x1
Stunfisk RC12 x1
Purrloin RC13 x1
Eevee RC14 x1
Teddiursa RC15 x1
Ursaring RC16 x1
Audino RC17 x1
Minccino RC18 x1
Cinccino RC19 x1
Elesa RC20 x1
FA Shaymin Sky Form EX RC21 x1
FA Reshiram RC22 x1
FA Emolga RC23 x1
Mew EX RC24 x1
Meloetta EX RC25 x1
Reshiram EX #29 x1
Kyurem EX #44 x1
Zekrom EX #52 x1
Black Kyurem #100 X1
Victini EX #24 x1
Excadrill EX #82 x1
Keldeo EX #45 x1
Mewtwo EX #54 x1
White Kyurem #101 x1
Lugia EX #102 x1
Victini #23 x1
Samurott #39 x1
Mewtwo #53 x1
Meloetta #78 x1
Landorus #85 x1
Cobalion #91 x1
Garbodor #68 x1
Thundurus #50 x1
Zekrom #51 x1
Moltres #22 x1
Rayquaza #93 x1
Sigilyph #66 x1
Gothitelle #72 x1
Tornadus #108 x1
Lucario #80 x1
Hydreigon #99 x1
Zapdos #46 x1
Serperior #8 x1
Zoroark #90 x1
Leavanny #12 x1
Genesect #15 x1
Garchomp #96 x1
Articuno #32 x1
Virizion #15 x1
Charizard x1
Tangrowth #2 x1
Ninetales #21 x1
Empoleon #35 x1
Phione #36 x1
Seismitoad #42 x1
Xatu #56 x1
Mismagius #58 x1
Toxicroak #63 x1
Reuniclus #76 x1
Gallade #81 x1
Meloetta #86 x1
Gyarados #31 x1
Reverse Holos-
Dwebble #13 x1
Solosis #73 x1
Lucario #80 x1
Gallade #81 x1
Crushing Hammer #111 x1
Seismitoad #42 x1
Double Colorless #113 x1
Rayquaza #93 x1
Garbodor #68 x1
Oshawott #37 x1
Energy Switch x1
Phione x1
Cobalion x1
Gible x1
Croagunk x1
Kirlia x1
Sableye x1
Charmander x1
Ralts x1
Snivy x1
Moltres x1
Tepig x1
Tangela x1
Virizion x1
Cedric Juniper x1
Vulpix x1
Bianca x1
Druddigon x1
Garchomp x1
Crustle x1
Leavanny x1
Meloetta x1
Plasma Blast
Mesprit x1
Golurk x1
Masquerain x1
Azelf x1
Accelgor x1
Suicune x1
Machamp x1
Cradily x1
Volcarona x1
Uxie x1
Aggron x1
Escavalier x1
Drifblim x1
Froslass x1
Genesect #10 x1
Reverse Holos-
Chatot x1
Lileep x1
Plume Fossil x1
Escavalier x1
Iris x1
Lairon x1
Machop x1
Archen x1
Glalie x1
Relicanth x1
Volcarona x1
Octillery x1
Fraxure x1
Ultra Ball x1
Plasma Freeze
Thundurus EX x1
Latios EX x1(#113 FA)
Latias EX x1
Ace Specs-
Life Dew x1
Chandelure x1
Reshiram x1
Metagross x1
Hydreigon x1
Ghetsis x1
Sceptile x1
Dragonite x1
Kingdra x1
Electrode x1
Cofagrigus #56 x1
Kyurem x1
Seismitoad x1
Exeggutor x1
Krookodile x1
Vanilluxe x1
Quagsire x1
Staraptor x1
Nidoking x1
Nidoqueen x1
Steelix x1
Weavile x1
Cacturne x1
Sableye x1
Mr. Mime x1
Bisharp x1
Cofagrigus #57 x1
Muk x1
Hariyama x1
Beedrill x1
Kecleon x1
Raticate x1
Reverse Holos-
Flareon x1
Palpitoad x1
Makuhita x1
Kakuna x1
Eevee x1
Mankey x1
Bisharp #74 x1
Bisharp #73 x1
Staravia x1
Cryogonal x1
Deino x1
Dratini x1
Miltank x1
Mawile x1
Nidoran (F) x1
Lampent x1
Horsea x1
Reshiram x1
Krokorok x1
Hydreigon x1
Nidoran (M) x1
Tympole x1
Vanillish x1
Wooper x1
Noctowl x1
Electrode x1
Absol x1
Cacnea x1
Cofagrigus #56 x1
Superior Energy Retrieval x1
Beldum x1
Deino #76 x1
Lanturn x1
Vanillite x1
Grimer x1
Litwick x1
Starly x1
Pachirisu x1
Hoothoot x1
Sandile x1
Sneasel x1
Muk x1
Voltorb x1
Dragonair x1
Chinchou x1
Plasma Storm
White Kyurem EX #96 x1
Articuno EX #25 x1
Ace Spec-
Victory Piece x1
Weezing x1
Magnezone x1
Crobat x1
Klinklang x1
Gallade x1
Infernape x1
Lucario x1
Garbodor x1
Togekiss x1
Manaphy x1
Beartic x1
Ludicolo x1
Scrafty x1
Exploud x1
Druddigon x1
Torterra x1
Giratina x1
Skarmory x1
Liepard x1
Vanilluxe x1
Sharpedo x1
Beheeyem x1
Watchog x1
Dodrio x1
Garbodor x1
Magnezone x1
Vespiquen x1
Clefable x1
Leavanny x1
Conkeldurr x1
Jellicent x1
Bouffalant x1
Snorlax x1
Cherrim x1
Mamoswine x1
Braviary x1
Reverse Holo-
Trubbish x1
Skarmory x1
Vanillish x1
Clefairy x1
Watchog #113 x1
Watchog #112 x1
Phanpy x1
Vanillite x1
Joltik x1
Ether x1
Evolite x1
Pansear x1
Skitty x1
Frillish x1
Clefable x1
Doduo x1
Klang x1
Klinklang x1
Patrat x1
Chimchar x1
Combee x1
Escape Rope x1
Scraggy x1
Conkeldurr x1
Swinub x1
Torterra x1
Foongus x1
Swadloon x1
Togepi x1
Ralts x1
Sharpedo x1
Druddigon x1
Timburr x1
Bicycle x1
Durant x1
Togekiss x1
Kirlia x1
Magnezone #46 x1
Jellicent x1
Solrock x1
Plasma Frigate x1
Snorlax x1
Lucario x1
Galvantula x1
Zubat x1
Lotad x1
Lombre x1
Squirtle x1
Carvanha x1
Crobat x1
Whismur x1
Litwick x1
Cherubi x1
Cubchoo x1
Koffing x1
Durant #92 x1
Riolu x1
Legendary Reverse Holos
1. Alakazam
8. Dark Slowbro
10. Flareon
11. Gengar
13. Hitmonlee
14. Jolteon
16. Muk
18. Venusaur
25. Hypno
26. Jynx
28. Magneton
29. Mewtwo
30. Moltres
34. Pidgeotto
36. Arcanine
42. Fearow
49. Kadabra
55. Nidorina
57. Omanyte
60. Rapidash
63. Seadra
64. Snorlax
65. Tauros
69. Caterpie
70. Charmander
71. Doduo
73. Drowzee
74. Eevee
77. Geodude
78. Grimer
82. Nidoran (F)
83. Nidoran (M)
87. Ponyta
92. Seal
93. Slowpoke
96. Tentacruel
98. Vulpix
99. Weedle
101. Potion Energy
108. Bill
109. Mysterious Fossil
110. Potion
2. Ampharos
3. Arbok
4. Blastoise
6. Charizard
7. Clefable
9. Dragonite
10. Dugtrio
12. Feraligatr
19. Mew
28. Typhlosion
29. Typhlosion
32. Weezing
40. Charizard
49. Golem
52. Magby
60. Poliwrath
91. Quilava
92. Wartortle
Expedition Reverse Holos
1. Alakazam
3. Arbok
7. Clefable
9. Dragonite
12. Feraligatr
13. Gengar
14. Golem
15. Kingler
16. Machamp
25. Raichu
27. Skarmory
28. Typhlosion
29. Tyranitar
30. Venusaur
31. Vileplume
34. Ampharos
37. Blastoise
39. Charizard
42. Cloyster
43. Dragonite
45. Fearow
46. Feraligatr
51. Machamp
55. Mew
56. Mewtwo
57. Ninetales
59. Pidgeot
60. Poliwrath
63. Skarmory
64. Typhlosion
65. Typhlosion
66. Tyranitar
71. Bayleef
73. Charmeleon
74. Croconaw
75. Dragonair
76. Electabuzz
77. Flaaffy
79. Graveler
82. Ivysaur
83. Jynx
85. Machoke
86. Magmar
87. Metapod
88. Pidgeotto
89. Poliwhirl
90. Pupitar
91. Quilava
92. Wartortle
93. Abra
94. Bulbasaur
96. Caterpie
97. Charmander
98. Charmander
99. Chikorita
100. Chikorita
104 Cyndaquil
106. Diglett
107. Dratini
109. Gastly
110. Geodude
111. Goldeen
113. Houndour
114. Koffing
115. Krabby
118. Magikarp
120. Marill
121. Meowth
123. Pidgey
124. Poliwag
125. Poliwag
128. Rattata
130. Spearow
131. Squirtle
133. Spearow
134. Totodile
139. Dual Ball
141. Energy Restore
142. Mary's Impulse
143. Master Ball
144. Multi-Technical Machine
145. Pokemon Nurse
146. Pokemon Reversal
147. Power Charge
148. Professor Elm's Training Method
149. Professor Oak's Reasearch
150. Strength Charm
151. Super Scoop Up
153. Energy Search
154. Full Heal
155. Moo-Moo Milk
157. Switch
158. Darkness Energy
159. Metal Energy
Noble Victories Reverse Holos
12. Accelgor
Next Destinies
95. Reshiram EX
98. Mewtwo EX
100. Emboar
102. Zoroark
103. Hydreigon
Next Destinies Reverse Holos
20. Chandelure
27. Articuno
28. Panpour
46. Luxray
60. Darmanitan
81. Persian
Dark Explorers
54. Groudon EX
63. Darkrai EX
103. Entei EX
104. Kyogre EX
108. Tornadus EX
110. Archeops
Dark Explorers Reverse Holos
49. Slowking
69. Zorua
72. Bisharp
This is just a start, and there are a lot more Haves and Wants to come. As always, if you are looking for something, just ask...I might have it. Just because it isn't listed, doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested, just ask. Thanks for looking!