Crazy Phobias

Is afraid of:

I'm not lying about the first 2. XD​
You know..there's a fear of being afraid.

I'm afraid of small spaces, and uncomfortable temperatures.
#1weavile said:
Why are you afraid of death?

Yh, why are you afraid of death? It is inevitable. Most phobias derive from the idea of death... Heights, water etc. Its that fear of dieing which creates these phobias. imo. I probably am wrong but hey :p
Juliacoolo said:
I'm not sure if caution is a phobia, but if so, I certainly have it. My sister always yells at me for making her look both ways before crossing the street at 3:00 AM.

I'm not sure if those are real mental problems, or if people develop them because of a bad experience with a certain thing, and fear it their whole life.

I also HATE pencils. I get chills writing with even perfectly sharp pencils.

A "caution phobia" would be a fear of being cautious, which doesn't fit your description. It's more of a neurosis.

Let's see, I've been diagnosed with...

Hodophobia - Fear of road travel.
Entomophobia - Fear of insects.
Eosophobia - Fear of daylight.
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed.
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions.
Doxophobia - Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Nosophobia - Fear of becoming ill.
Paralipophobia - Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.
Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking.
Scoptophobia - Fear of being seen or stared at.
Somniphobia- Fear of sleep.
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.

omahanime said:
politicians and lawyers

You're my new best friend.
I'm really really extremely scared of spiders and bugs. If I see a little spider than I would run a mile away from it. I seriously am scared of spiders and bugs.
42 chocolate said:
Yeah, we make fun of each other. Unfortunately, there are no balloons outside during P.E... :/

In Chemistry, the first thing we do is blow up hydrogen balloons, and they did that in assembley yesterday. Wonder how your freind would have coped XD.

I hate wasps and bees. When I was young, a wasp stung me and well...
I have a fear of asking people for favors or things. My guess is that it is because I don't like the feeling of rejection.

I'm also afraid of death, but that's pretty common.
I have a phobia of bugs and spiders. I, also, have this really weird phobia of mirrors in the dark. I get really, really tense and anxious around mirrors in the dark and I always close my eyes before walking into the bathroom at night when I have to go. I just hate it.
THe thing I am most terrified of is bees. I can deal with almost anything, but bees are not one of them. I start to go crazy and run away faster than a Rapidash.
Haha, never knew so many people were afraid of bees and wasps (and bugs in general). I simply love bugs, and bees? I would describe them as soft and cudly xD Sometimes I even don't get myself.. Meh..

Anyway, I used to be afraid of clowns when I was a kid. But I don't think I'm really terrified of something now. Maybe height, but yeah only like in a dangerous situation, but I think almost anyone would be then xD

I guess I still have to discover my fears.
I am completely terrified of clowns. Seeing one causes me to start scratching my arm.

Once, there was a clown day at school. My arm wound up bleeding by the end of it.
afraid of:

-men in taco hat's referring to the Mexican labor laws as wholesome plot's of youth
-disco (not the music, but disco *shivers at the thought*)

I am frightened by large catfishes and small pastries. i'd rather live in a place with large pastries and small catfish. ah ya, the perfect world.

nostalgically hating of the disc,