Pokemon Creative Pokemon Game Concepts


Aspiring Trainer
What kinds of pokemon games would you like to see?
I'm a rising programmer, and I'm interested in what kinds of games people would like to see.

1 game I'd like to see is where you can choose any common base level pokemon and choose a region to start in and basically play online in a pokemon world (where humans don't exist)
I think that would be really interesting.

Features would include:
-real time battling (not turn based)
-making CPU pokemon friends to help you gang bang people
-and whatever else you could think of

I don't know how I would handle the legendaries though. I guess if you played enough and became one of the top 32 players you could use one of the top legendaries in your pokemon profile.
I imagine people would have multiple profiles, living the lives of different pokemon.
I see the use of Pokemon Blast Rumble graphics, or something very simplistic.
A MMORPG would ruin pokemon. Also this game idea has all ready been used, MD... besides for the pick your region part.
I've become quite a big fan of the Mystery Dungeon spin-off games myself. I grew up on RPGs & dungeon crawlers, and i've always enjoyed co-op style adventure games; what i'd REALLY like to see released is a mystery dungeon co-op game. If you've played PMD then you might understand what i'm saying in more detail, but for the last couple of months i've had this image in my head - myself playing a bulky pokemon (umbreon) and soaking the damage up front, while a friend uses ranged attacks from behind me, topping off my HP with morning sun/moonlight/synthesis. I'd have countless hours of fun with a game like that, especially if you can play online via friend codes in a story-mode.


In regards to a pokemon MMO, I think they have the potential to pull it off quite nicely; i've been playing WoW for the last 7 years and every other MMO i've tried feels horribly clunky to me, however if they made a nice pokemon MMO i'd switch games in a heartbeat. It doesn't really need to be turn-based because using one of the pokemon's attacks could trigger a global cooldown on all four attacks (or have certain attacks share a cooldown). The casting time and cooldown can be modified by a pokemon's speed, seeing as it won't be turn-based so might as well make the stat useful for something. Alternately, you could learn more than four attacks which you can always use to interact whilst exploring the world, but have to set four priority moves for battling. (If you get attacked suddenly then all the other moves become greyed out and unusable during combat.)

I'd also give every pokemon 2 or 3 stances, the first one being:
*Passive - standard stance, you start a battle in this stance and it's triggered whenever you use an attack.

the second/third being:
*Evasive - slight increase in avoidance, triggers a cooldown on all attacks that aren't currently cooling down, can be used while all attacks are on cooldown with no adverse effects. (Basically, whenever you hear "dodge it!" in the anime - this is it.)

*Defensive - a flat damage reduction, can only activate this when all attacks are on cooldown.

The latter two stances should help balance out the game for the pokemon lacking in speed. I personally think it would be better in a world without trainers where you play the actual pokemon, and if they had 3D dungeons where you group up with friends then chances are they would include a lot of the stuff that I mentioned in my first, and unrelated paragraph... So I guess i'd have to fall in favour of a pokemon MMO, should they ever decide to try their hand at developing one.