Scalpers are starting to cripple access to cards on Earth...
^ Whether it's Japan, in which the scalpers won, despite strict supply-maintenance measures imposed by Creatures, measures that include the article-mentioned lottery, by driving up the demand, but illegitimately in the strongest sense, with their actions, or even the USA, where they may have won too much when they managed to take down an innocent Target shopper in Wisconsin, and in the process, brought the pokemon card scalper situation to the scary level. The level that's spooking Wal-Mart & Target away from the card-selling business, a spook that makes me wish that most places are moving away from the worst part of the pandemic that shuttered the hobby shops, as without Wal-Mart or Target, TCG becomes online-sale-only, or at least until the day we can find and play with pokemon cards like we used to, without the need for a environment enforced by one central location(rather than one for all 50 states, or something like that) like the one created by a bad pandemic like COVID. But the scalpers are surely making that part nearly impossible in a world of face-coverings...
^ Such scariness makes me afraid to buy any more physical cards in the near-term, but maybe once COVID officially passes, and manufacturing finally returns to normal, this scalper business will become a classic memory... Until then, I'm sticking to the online game, where scalping is harder to do without TPCi enforcement watching, and keeping the prices reasonable...
...Or so they say...