Criticism on unlimited format decks in a league that allows it?

DNA said:
Personally, I'm not a fan of modified at all, and I haven't been active in league play lately because I haven't found any leagues in the area with a good number of unlimited players. (Yes, I can often beat modified decks with my unlimited one, but what's the point?)

That said, I wish there was some kind of middle ground. Banning a few broken cards or combos (I haven't personally played against the Aero/Dark Vileplume/Aggron EX deck, for instance, but it does sound fairly unbeatable if the deck isn't designed to counter it - then again, modified is often dominated by a few decks as well) without throwing out 80% of cards ever made.

My friend brought an Unlimited deck to League just for fun once, and it was basically a donk-style deck using Porygon-Z's Overload, combined with a bunch of Item Finders/Seekers/draw cards to get rid of the opponent's entire bench (the deck can use Seeker 6+ times in one turn very easily via Porygon2's Download) and then Overload for a KO.

And people wonder why P!P does rotations. I don't understand the people that don't get why; I really don't =P

I'm not convinced that deck's unbeatable. For instance, there's a card in unlimited called focus band, which depends on a coin flip, but if it flips heads the would-be-KO'd pokemon survives with 10 HP. Easy to throw into any deck and gives you a chance against that donkfest, so if it became an archetype I'd throw some in. Next turn you can bench all your pokemon again. and your opponent will probably be pretty vulnerable - you'll have a full bench and they'll have a huge discard. Then there are staples -goop gas attack slows down any deck dependent on pokemon powers, Aerodactyl evo-locks them if you get 'em out fast enough, and Dark Vileplume decks stop it in its tracks if they're faster.

EDIT: Forgot about windstorm. Maybe *that's* not the counter after all.

That said, a ban list would not be a bad idea. Because I hate having a couple decks dominate the metagame in modified, and I wouldn't want to see it in unlimited either. If, y'know, enough people played that we could speak of a metagame.
I know it's not unbeatable. All I needed to do was drop a Mesprit on him and he was stuck. I'm just saying that, in Unlimited, it's a lot easier to pull off cheap combos than you can in Modified.

As for a banlist in Unlimited that just blocks certain cards? Yeah, I'm on board for that.
DNA said:
I know it's not unbeatable. All I needed to do was drop a Mesprit on him and he was stuck. I'm just saying that, in Unlimited, it's a lot easier to pull off cheap combos than you can in Modified.

No disagreement there. Though coming up with them can be a lot of fun.
birdboy2000 said:
DNA said:
I know it's not unbeatable. All I needed to do was drop a Mesprit on him and he was stuck. I'm just saying that, in Unlimited, it's a lot easier to pull off cheap combos than you can in Modified.

No disagreement there. Though coming up with them can be a lot of fun.

I'm a tad too lazy to go back and read all the previous ones, but I do agree with this a bit, coming up with these devastating combos is part of the fun. Unless ya go too overboard.
Our league tends to be pretty lax. We enforce the modified format, but if someone comes in and doesn't have enough cards for their modified deck and has old cards we don't really mind. We actually help them out, looking through all their cards and coming up with something they can play, or trading them new cards.

For example, we have a new person at league who is really friendly and she happens to have last year's Jumpluff deck (Claydols!). I didn't mind playing her with my current deck, even though it was a bit unfair, I just shrugged it off. Now she's fixed her deck so that it's legal.

Everyone wants to play HGSS-on, which to me is annoying. My deck is not HGSS-on, it doesn't have to be, and I'm not going to make it so until the rotation happens.
I like playing unlimited. I will have to if I want to keep playing Arceus now =/ but there are some ridiculous crobat combos in unlimited. original scoop up is poke turn for crobat drops. computer search/oaks new theory are completely broken. as well as energy removal and super energy removal.

I played back in the base - neo days, so I know my way around them. but not everyone does.

when I play my Meganuim/Venasaur EX deck, it just goes all over the place nuts. double my leaf energy, with energy trans. it's fun and fast.

but you do have to warn people when you're playing unlimited otherwise you can tell they're not having fun.

my league doesn't really care when I run my unlimited deck, and I'm sure ALOT of people will start to play unlimited since most of them have only been playing 3 years or so, so they've only known SP decks and have all their expensive lv X's that are no longer expensive.

I see like 5 of the league players at BR, cities, states, regionals. so most of the people there are there just to have fun. pomona valley league, that plays in montclair. represent ;)

DarkPkmnTrainer said:
Our league tends to be pretty lax. We enforce the modified format, but if someone comes in and doesn't have enough cards for their modified deck and has old cards we don't really mind. We actually help them out, looking through all their cards and coming up with something they can play, or trading them new cards.

For example, we have a new person at league who is really friendly and she happens to have last year's Jumpluff deck (Claydols!). I didn't mind playing her with my current deck, even though it was a bit unfair, I just shrugged it off. Now she's fixed her deck so that it's legal.

Everyone wants to play HGSS-on, which to me is annoying. My deck is not HGSS-on, it doesn't have to be, and I'm not going to make it so until the rotation happens.

I agree with you on that. but I also know why they would want you to play HS-on.. they need to playtest. I would rather test my deck at league than test it at Battle Roads. and I'm sure that's what's going on. just tell them that if they can beat your deck that isn't HS-on, then they have a better chance of beating one that is HS-on. and that should qualm their gripe.

my neighbor plays Donchamp with E-belts. and I play electric.. it's ridiculously hard to beat him. but I feel like if I can beat a Donchamp that still has e-belts, I can beat one that doesn't use e-belts easier.