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Cro/Gen Legend Deck (HGSS ON)


Aspiring Trainer
20 Pokemon
2-2-2 Gengar Prime
2 Crobat Prime
4 Mew Prime
2-2 Darkrai & Cresselia Legend
2 Lunatton
2 Solrock

9 Energys
3 Dark Energys
6 Physic Energys

Trainers 31
4 Pokemon Collector

you start attacking with Mew ( Crobats Sever Poison) or with Gasty, Haunter or Gengar, to put damage counters on the oponents pokemon, easly 4 once per turn. With the Sever Poison of Crobat using it with the Lost Link Body of Mew you will do 4 damage counter only bye waiting your opponents turn. They wont be able tu cure with Serperior because of Solrock Poke-Body. So having many oponentes pokemon with damage counter its Legend time, you use to move the damage counter to pokemons how you like and they will get knock out.
The good thing of this deck is that our Pokemon only needs 1 energy. There retreat is free, and you can send 1 Pokemon to the lost zone if you want.
RE: Counter Deck (HGSS ON)

i would just play forretress instead of crobats and mews and gengars because it puts 10 damage on everything and it gets more damage all around for cresselia and darkrai. also try playing vileplume so they cant superscoop up or rarecandy because it will be easier to ko unevolved things. and slows down emboar ability and magnezone.