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Crobat/Gliscor (Masters, Cities)

Al Capownch

Old Man - wants coffee
This is an optimal deck, but at the moment I'm runnig a ninja fang gliscor instead of an extra lv.x and it seems to be working.

Pokemon (22)
3-2-3 crobat prime (everything from unleashed)
4-2-2 Gliscor lv.x (all LA)
3 Spiritomb (AR)
1 uxie (LA)
1 Unown q

t/s/s (25)
3 Bebe's
3 Expert Belt
3 Rare Candies (rather these than BTS - everyone else apart from sp decks and garados run those...)
1 pokemon communication
2 twins
1 Flower shop lady
1 Premier Ball
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Collector

2 rainbow
7 {F}
6 {P}

Plan here is to get lv.x out quickly, and have the paralysis lock quick and easy. 3 gligars on the bench, 1 evolved into gliscor and one lv.x ed (active). Crobat's just there to be annoying and snipe to finish off the retreaters.
Too many Pokemon lines here. It would be better to focus on Crobat and Gliscor, and add suportive lines instead of the lines you are using. You also don't need that many Energies - 12 should be fine. Your Trainers need work.
-2/2 Primeape
-2/2 Hypno
-1 Gligar (4 is overkill)
-2/0/2 Crobat (Your focus is getting the Paralock, Crobat is for backup and snipe. You don't need 4 of them)
-2 Fighting Energy
-2 Psychic Energy

+2 Uxie
+1 Unown Q
+4 Spiritomb AR (this is for locking your opponent with. Keep 1 Gliscor active and 1 benched, and 1 Spiritomb on bench, then level up active, Para-lock, and attack with it to sent it back to hand. Then make Tomb your Active to lock Trainers - no Warp Point, no Switch etc. Basically, the only way to escape the lock would be Warp Energy. Next turn, Unown Q to Tomb, retreat, level up new Gliscor, rinse and repeat. You WILL need BTS to constantly evolve Gliscors so you can level up every turn)

+3 BTS

Okay, we still have 7 spots left, so let's clean up the Trainers a bit.
-1 Energy Switch
-1 Team Rocket's Trickery (a single copy won't help you much)

+3 Pokemon Collector (every deck needs these)
+1 Luxury Ball
+1 Bebe's Search
+1 Palmer's Contribution
+2 Seeker

With those changes your deck should run more consistently and you have a more powerful lock to work with.

(rather these than BTS - everyone else apart from sp decks and garados run those...)
I'm pretty sure Gyarados runs BTS to avoid leaving Magikarps on bench for easy prizes...
you can try and add a 1-1 Dugtrio PL tech to punish them if they try to retreat.

try this list....

3-3-1 Gliscor LVX {F}
2-2-2 Crobat Prime {P}
2-2 Dugtrio PL {F}
4 Spiritomb
2 Uxie
1 Zelf
1 Unown q

3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Seeker
1 Twins
2 Cyrus Consp. (get yer energy!)
2 Communication
1 Premier Ball ( get ur lvl X!)
1 Palmer's

6 Fighting
5 Psychic
2 Rescue
2 Warp

you could take out some energy to add another regular gliscor or lvlX or whatevs..
As everyone said, drop hypno, there's reason behind this, all you're opponent need's to do is either flip, full heal or bench they're pokemon which is not hard and you're sleep has no effect. Don't listen to him 4 gliscor is needed, it's like nerfing a GCX because you'd call it over kill (the main reason behind adding 2-2 for gliscor is to abuse that paralyze power so you're opponent can't do anything) . cya
churs varit.
yeah, main reason I got 4 is so I have more chance of getting a 3 gliscor switching thing happening if the BTS isn't out.
LOL, your funny, you're using rare candy but relying on you're opponent running bts to give you the advantage of playing gliscor? I'd rather run 2-2 gliscor, the reason why I ensure this is because I've gone against gliscor X and seriously the only time it's useful is when you can play it. So I played luxray la against that deck and punted an lv.x just cause, he had 1 gliscor on his bench and another in hand, he had such an issue actually running gliscor properly cause i kept on hammering him, if he had an additional giscor X he would have rendered my luxray completely useless and hammered me but since he didn't he couldn't (this happened quite a few time's on different occasion's). I'm just going off of my experience against this deck, and thats always been the issue, it can burn/poison and hide yes, but I ususally just bench, ssu or poketurn then come out with a brand new attacker and hit you hard. But gliscor LVX makes it hard for me to do thing's like that (kinda-ish). cya
My Rare candies are poor man's bts D:
I will replace them if I manage to trade for any or just be lucky enough to draw one in a booster