Crobat Prime/Hypno/Rapidash


I have an eternal grudge against LuxChomp and want a way to defeat it more easily (or at all). I have also wanted to use Crobat Prime for a while and recently found a way to possibly combine the two.

Crobat Prime from Unleashed combined with Hypno from HGSS seemed to have potential. Hypno's Power has a 50% chance of sleep therefore preventing retreat while inflicted with Severe Poison and retaliation. The addition of Rapidash from Arceus is just a nice little immunity (Body) to all effects of attacks, including damage, from SP Pokemon who like to OHKO everything.

This is the basic strategy, Spiritomb included of course, and would like to see anything come out of this
The big problems I see with this anti-Luxchomp combo is how Luxchomp can play around whatever you do, thanks to Luxchomp's Poke Turn and Power Spray. If they Spray the Hypno, then Luxchomp can retreat out. If they don't, then they could just Poke Turn out. Hypno is also flippy, and Garchomp can snipe around Rapidash. Luxray can play around Rapidash. Don't forget: Luxchomp also runs Uxie Lv.X, who can Zen Blade Rapidash.
I'm aware of Uxie X and it's not like I'm restricted to just these strategies (Vileplume?). Thanks for pointing out the need for trainer lock because I would have taken a while to realize it needed it after a few loses.
Uh... you only have a 25% change (in theory) of keeping them asleep. It will feel like a lot less. There's 50% to put them to sleep, and another 50% to keep them asleep. Rapidash doesn't beat SP. Rapidash has some poor attacks and can't do much at all. SP decks are more than happy to just tick off your bench. Plus, ALL SP decks play Uxie X... so that strat is basically toast. They will happily Belt Blade/BottomDeck to kill of your Dash. YOu would be better off playing with real cards against a SP player.

Great Crobat cannot play in this format due to the massive amount of free-retreaters/evolvers/Xs/turns. You would be best drop all gimmicks and go for straight bat with friends. Don't stop them from retreating (and dugtrio). Don't have an intended starter... put on the pressure early and don't let up.
if you want to counter luxray then run machamp or donphan. If not just put in a mankey sv with a rainbow energy to OHKO luxray x
Mankey, IMO, is a bad idea considering how easy it is for Mankey to get KO'ed.
Look, if you want to own some SPs, take machamp. You KO everything. There is pratically nothing to stop it. Go make a Machamp deck instead of thinking another way to beat it.

Not criticizing your ideas but, come on, Take out...

Or, if you want to stay with this, then, add vileplumes to trainer lock and then, try this Special Condition combo. It might work if you put more Hypno. (actually, take Vileplume LA, it is better)
SP has stopped playing a Stage 1 Pokemon to counter Mewtwo, so play that. Then all you need is a safe and effective way of sniping out Dialga G Lv.X and you are set. So you could go for Pokemon Reversal or Luxray Lv.X to drag them out, and then use some sort of powerful (not Rapidash) fire type to KO it. In the end it all comes down to Mewtwo, and the decks that I see being able to use Mewtwo effectively include: Flygon, BlazeRay, Garchomp, and even Gyarados if you are willing to spend five spots (3 Psychic and a 1-1 Mewtwo)
What you need to KO DGX is some good old-fashioned Blaziken FB.
If you do use Mewtwo, just watch out for the Garchomp sniping. Don't want to have to spend 2 energy on retreating. Also, get a way to have that energy back (fisherman?)