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Crobat/Vilplume/Dugtrio for BR (Masters)


Savior of the Universe!!
The idea is a classic Crobat Prime poison deck with Dugtrio to make retreating damaging to the opponent, and Vilplume as a trainer lock (to prevent warp point, switch,poke turn, super scoop up, etc.) I poison them with Crobat and if they retreat they take damage and retreating will be the only way to get rid of the poison due to Vileplumes body.{P}

Deck list is as shown,

4-4-4 Crobat Prime
1-1 Dugtrio PL (retreat causes damage)
1-1-1 Vilplume UD (trainer lock)
2 Sableye SF
2 Uxie (draw power)
1-1 Bronzong SF (to get energy in a pinch)

4 Bebes Search
2 Underground Expedition
2 Lookers Investigation
2 Flower Shop Lady
2 Pokemon Collector
4 Rare candy (pre- Vileplume setup)
2 Rockets Trickery
2 Oaks New Theory
2 Elms Training Method
2 Judge

8 {P} ( easily fished out with Bronzong)

I am very proud of this deck and I'm excited to try it out at the next BR tournament. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated :D
-2 elm's training method
-2 sableye
-2 underground expedition
-4 rare candy
-2 flowershop lady
-2 rocket's trickery
-2 Judge
16 taken out

+4 Spiritomb
+2 Professor Oak's New Theory
+1 Palmer's Contribution
+1 Uxie X (if dont have, BTS)
+1 Azelf
+ 1-1-1 VilePlume
+1 Unown Q
+1 Collector
+2 Warp Energy
16 cards added

Spiritomb is better starter than Sableye since it has 1st turn lock and setting up vileplume becomes easier. Azelf to fish out that 1-1 tech when its prized. 3 Collectors for maximum consistency. warp energy for when vileplume gets dragged to active. Unown Q for free retreat on Uxie or Spiritomb. 2 more oak's new theory for hand refresher as you will be needing it. 2-2-2 line is way better than 1-1-1. Palmers is just better than flowershop lady and you dont need 2 recovery supporters anyways.
I would add Uxie X if I could but 'm not sure I could easily get my hands on him. I prefer BTS simply because I don't have to bother with putting Uxie active to lvlX him. I will try adding a second lineup of Vileplume as well as Spiritomb once he becomes a promo :) Thank you for your input.
Wait, did you just say that you are using BTS to level X a Pokemon? Don't you mean Level Max?


-2 Sableye
-1 Bronzor
-1 Bronzong
-2 Looker's Investigation (this card is better suited for people that have Gengar just to see the hand. Looker states that you can take up to 5 cards, so anyone that doesn't want to be trainer locked can just take 1 card)
-4 Rare Candy (even if you manage using one or two, the rest will be a hinderance)
-2 Elm's Training Method (waste of space when you need a basic)
-2 Judge (there's no point in giving your opponent a new hand if you are trying to lock them)
-2 Rocket's Trickery (that's just clutter, sorry)

+1 Uxie LA
+1 Azelf LA
+3 Spiritomb AR
+4 Cyrus's Conspiracy (replaces Bronzong and you can get a supporter you might have been needing for the next turn. All Bronzong will do is take a nech slot away from you. At least give that slot to Azelf)
+2 Warp Energy
+1 Oddish
+1 Gloom
+1 Vileplume
+2 Professor Oak's New Theory

Hope that helps.

-Nico ^.^
No ma'am I said that I would rather run BTS as a speeder upper as opposed to Uxie X. I have never been a fan of level Xs especially with no trainers.

@ DarkDream7: Thank you ^_^ I am very proud of this deck so far. I will hopefully be using it in BR this weekend. So far I have tested i with Viletomb/Gengar, Machamp X it beats 'em both. I want to test it against other fast decks like SP decks or possibly Kingdra decks and see how it fares.