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Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
I know the card doesn't see a lot of play, but I still love it and have played it in the past with a pretty descent amount of success, so I'm trying to put together a deck for it and I got a few ideas/lists drawn up. Here are 2 of them I'm testing out quite a lot.

3-2-3 Crobat Prime
2-2 Zoroark (bw-bw)
2-2 Cinccino (bw-bw)
1-1 Xatu (ul-ul)
1 Rotom ud
1 Bouffalant revenge
1 Jirachi col
2 Pichu
1 Absol prime
Pokémon: 24
3 Juniper
4 Collector
4 Communication
3 PP
3 JA
2 Candy
1 Cheren
T/S: 23
6 Psychic
2 Rainbow
Energy: 12

Start with pichu/absol depending on your hand, then start building whatever you need to counter what you are playing. Jirachi is for an end sweep once you have damage all over the field or to downgrade a candied plume or something with some snipe damage on it for a quick KO. Debating a lot about this deck. DCL in place of Jirachi, whether or not cinccino/bouffalant/absol are worth it, beefing up xatu's line, adding a 1-1 dodrio line to keep from having to sometimes discard a DCE and just about all of my T/S line. The point is to rush the field, so I'm not sure if twins has a place in the deck, but stuff like sages, etc. Trainer lock hurts this deck pretty badly, too. Also, I'm not against thinning out the crobat line, but I still want it to be a pretty prominent part of the deck, since it can counter quite a bit in the right situation.

3-2-4 Crobat Prime
3-2-2 Vileplume
1-1 Slowking hgss
1-1 Donphan Prime
3 Mew Prime
2 Pichu
Pokémon: 25
4 Collecltor
4 Twins
3 Juniper
3 Judge
2 Cheren
4 Candy
T/S: 26
6x Psychic
3x Rainbow
Energy: 9

Set up vileplume asap for the lock and swarm crobats. Slowking is to give your opponent dead trainer draws or help you get whatever you need out faster, not crucial to the set up. I'm not really sure about the T/S at all since I've never ran a trainer lock deck. Mew to LZ a crobat to start attacking earlier so you can focus on a T2 plume through candy, and an easier setup on crobat. Donphan for the lightning counter.

Change log:
- 1-1-0 crobat
- 1-1 Slowking
- 3 Seeker
- 2 Cheren
- 1 PETM
- 3 Psychic energy
+ 3 mew prime
+ 1-1 Donphan prime
+ 2 Twins
+ 3 Judge
+ 3 Rainbow energy

Any thoughts for either? And ps, I'm not looking for "Crobat is a stupid card, don't run it" kind of posts. It has potential, and I'm gonna find it.

Added change log for Crolock. Any other suggestions?
I think Crobat is way better with Mew Prime. Its got great attacks, but not for a stage 2. For a basic though, they are godly.
I'm trying to run crobat and not mewbox if at all possible. 130hp is, after all, the magic number, and it can be swarmed. Adding 1-3 mews in either list wouldn't hurt imo, but I don't really want to run mewbox. 60hp is just really weak, even if it is fast to set up.
RE: Crobat (Needs division in thread title)

I saw a list a while back with crobat and yanmega--i never tested it out but it looked pretty good--try somthing like that out and see how it goes--the problem with crobat is that it just doesnt have alot of late game so i think yanmega would give it a bit of a boost--or maby try it with the sniping sygilph--I agree with you that this card has potential and i as well want to find--PeAcE!!!
RE: Crobat (Needs division in thread title)

hey these look familiar. I enjoy playing against the first one (rush). its a very wide open game that can become difficult quickly if you poison the right pokemon and then pressure with quick powerful attackers. I think this deck screams for catcher actually, i'm not a fan of it in every deck it seems like a natural fit here. Catcher up a big stage 2 with no energy and high retreat and take it out. Crobat > Donphan Prime, if you could find something to counter Yanmega Prime consistently you would be in real business with a rouge rush deck that counters probably two of the biggest cards in the format.
RE: Crobat (Needs division in thread title)

Run an extra Crobat, and like 2 or 3 Mew Prime, and just use the Mew while your setting up the actuall Crobats, I mean, to be doing 80 damage by the time your turn hits again is amazing starting from turn 2. And the 60 Hp doesnt hurt if your just using it to set up.
Also, having that Crobat and the Mew Prime means you dont need to worry about not attacking, most likely, you'll always have someone