Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but they have a horrible disease that makes you say "digimon" for the rest of your life.

I wish computers didn't have a Caps Lock key...
you live a long long long life of being poked by pointy sticks and shackled to a wall.

I wish for films I buy and watch to not then be on the next day.
I mean seriously, I brought 4 DVD's and watched em, cost me £10 in total, then during the next week there all on xD

what a waste of money...
Granted, but you get hit by Conficker C and your computer is destroyed.

I wish for 1mil.
Granted, but he gets banned from Mexico for having an unnatural colour of hair.

I wish I could draw even better hand-drawn avatars!
granted, but your pencil breaks and now you can't draw ever AGAIN!

I wish that I could talk again....
Granted, but everyone becomes deaf and they can't hear you.

I wish I won't have to play against Dialga G at Regionals and end with a winning record without getting DQ'd
^You never wished for anything. I wish my animated avatars and banners were better.
Granted, but your computor breaks down and all the repair shops and new computor shops close.

I wish that ash was a good trainer
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