Crustle, Dwebble from “Heat Wave Arena”


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Dwebble and Crustle will appear in Heat Wave Arena, which releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.
Dwebble – Grass – HP70
Basic Pokémon
[C] Ascension: Search your deck for a card that evolves from this Pokémon and put it onto this Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck.
Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 2...

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absolute disgrace that they get another ar, likely replacing a gyarados/psyduck/starry starmie slot. Who does this imposter think he is. He's a rock ffs
It isn't replacing any potential misty card, rotom is 74 and there are 3 slots in-between for misty to get at least one IR
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64: we don't know yet but probably pinsir
65: rosarade
66: probably shaymin
67: crustle
68: hydrapple
69: rapidash
70: probably an Ethan's Pokémon
71: probably a fire type
72: misty Pokémon
73: water type
74: rotom
with no crustle AR they could be shifted by one and we could get 2 misty pokemon or other combinations

hydrapple goes to 67, rapidash ro 68, …
with no crustle AR they could be shifted by one and we could get 2 misty pokemon or other combinations

hydrapple goes to 67, rapidash ro 68, …
True but unfortunately they did not, I do agree I wish they picked a different Pokémon who hadn't got one yet
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This might actually be a decent rogue deck. Aegislash was pretty clunky and still saw some scattered play, this will probably be a much more consistent choice
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