Crustle, Dwebble from “Heat Wave Arena”

This might actually be a decent rogue deck. Aegislash was pretty clunky and still saw some scattered play, this will probably be a much more consistent choice
It also has a better type for this, too. One shots and lives a hit from Cornerstone ex. This will probably get tested in immunity / tank decks as an option.
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This will be like one of the first times I get to build a deck around one of my favorites and it plays atleast decent

The choice of giving him another AR is... odd but hoping for a Parasect AR or ex <3
TPC really trying to push random ass mons to boost their popularity. I get we can’t have the same 10 legendary fan favorite every set along with the poster child and cherry boy, but at least pick niche mons people know about or be creative. The Magmar and electivire pseudo team up cards around the camp fire from gen 8 is how you do it. Not Mr Krabs holding his hands up at gun point for tax evasion.
Oh no why would they pick Crustle instead of giving us another Charizard????

Y'all sound silly
It’s weird that so many Pokémon that already had Art Rares or SARs are getting another one. With Battle partners so many Pokémon got new art rares but this set it’s only Rapidash (who has an Alt art in Sword/shield) and Ho-oh. The others have all had art cards previously.
Strange choices.
Cool art, but they've started repeating art rares recently which is really disappointing... I was so excited when Scarlet and Violet started because unpopular Pokemon were getting cool illustrations, now they're doing a bunch over again :/ It was basically a guarantee they'd do Pokemon like Pikachu and Charizard a bunch of times, but Crustle? Joltik? I hope they keep art rares for Gen 10, or at least something like it so they can do more.
I think Ethan will get pinsir and one of the typhlosion line unfortunately or it's possible that the typhlosion line is in the pre release and Ethan pichu gets it instead
if they give another AR to pinsir, who already got one in SV era, and not pichu, who is finally getting its first card in YEARS, i repeat that i will be *devastated*
Cool art, but they've started repeating art rares recently which is really disappointing... I was so excited when Scarlet and Violet started because unpopular Pokemon were getting cool illustrations, now they're doing a bunch over again :/ It was basically a guarantee they'd do Pokemon like Pikachu and Charizard a bunch of times, but Crustle? Joltik? I hope they keep art rares for Gen 10, or at least something like it so they can do more.
Joltik IR goes so hard tho
I really like the Illustration Rare art and it's quite a different style from the other Crustle Illustration Rare, plus I like I'm pretty happy with this. But I understand it is a little weird since the last IR was pretty recent. A little boring to just make another Safeguard 'mon, seems like the lowest effort way to make a card not be pure filler (but very likely not really viable since Mimikyu exists and is a Basic), but I mean, it is better than a pure filler card, so there's that.
I really like the Illustration Rare art and it's quite a different style from the other Crustle Illustration Rare, plus I like I'm pretty happy with this. But I understand it is a little weird since the last IR was pretty recent. A little boring to just make another Safeguard 'mon, seems like the lowest effort way to make a card not be pure filler (but very likely not really viable since Mimikyu exists and is a Basic), but I mean, it is better than a pure filler card, so there's that.
I would argue that Mimikyu can easily get one shot while this has more than double its hp. Also the basic can auto evolve as long as you have one energy to attach to it so it's an "easy" stage 1.