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Crustle / Reuniclus


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate/Veteran

  • 2-1-2 Reuniclus BW
  • 3-3 Crustle BCR
  • 1 Cresselia Ex
  • 1 Mr Mime PLS
  • 1 Virizion Ex
  • 1-0-1 Serperior LT

  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Shauna
  • 2 Bicycle
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Computer Search

  • 4 Grass
  • 6 Fighting

Use Crustle's ability "Sturdy" to survive any hit with 10 hp. Be it G-Booster, Black Ballista, or anything else that usually means a OHKO. Use Reuniclus' ability to move damage around between my pokemon. Serperior's ability heals 10 from each of my pokemon between turns to get rid of damage. Cresselia Ex heals an additional 10 each turn and is somewhere to put excess damage counters before i get set up. Virizion Ex prevents status effects.

Muscle Band turns any pokemon into a 2HKO (aside from megas).

The main goal is just to set up asap and then a slow grind to a win.

Either way any suggestions on how to make this deck more consistent or faster? And yes there are a few cards that outright counter this deck. But teching for them may not be super helpful since it still would normally mean a loss.

Garbodor would almost instantly beat it and Latias Ex would also be an instant loss.
RE: Crustle/Reuniclus

I actually don't think this deck needs to be faster. It only needs to be fast enough to get the lock up a good strong before you lose, as once it's up you've basically won (unless your opponent plays a counter, which would lose you the game regardless).

For that reason, I would change out computer search for dowsing machine. I feel that retrieving cards like supporters,max potion, and super rod is going to be great in scenarios where you need to keep the lock up. I would also question the viability of roller skates in general, and might advise playing either beach or bicycle over that (or more supporters).

It also seems logical to replace 1 or 2 shauna with colress, considering your bench should generally be close to full.

Evosoda doesn't look particularly useful, but I don't really know what to replace it with. Up to you.

Besides that, the list seems pretty good (as far as this particular archetype is concerned). Good luck.
RE: Crustle/Reuniclus

I actually played in a tournament with this deck for 1 round. Adjusted the list after i got home. I actually had 1 Mewtwo for Latias but i almost feel like its not worth wasting a card on it. Sure Mewtwo is always good, but it doesnt help the overall deck itself. In the match i was against someone rather young that they allowed me like 6 turns to set up until i knocked out their first pokemon before they started attacking. I was lucky for that fact since it took forever to set this deck up. Granted i did win 2-0 in that round but I wasn't satisfied with the deck so i switched back to my main Beedrill Deck for the remainder of the tournament.

My original list had
+1 Mewtwo
+2 Colress
+1 Dowsing Machine
+1 Virizion Ex

-2 Roller Skates
-2 Evosoda
-1 Computer Search

I will never play colress as its so terrible turn 1. Shauna is just overall more consistent. And usually by the time i hit full bench and colress is amazing. I should in theory have my set up and not even need colress. But 10 cards is indeed huge.

I also question Roller Skates and Evosoda. I dont like either of those cards in general. Being flippy for the Skates just almost makes it pointless. But Bicycle to me feels like it wouldn't work in this deck. Being so clogged with pokemon that are hard to get out and other stuff. But granted i dislike bicycle in general as well but i know i will probably hate myself with roller skates. Maybe i will switch it for bicycle and play test it a bit to see how often i am actually able to use it. Idk whats worse. Not being able to play a card or having it fail.

For Evosoda. This is another card i particularly don't like. In general this card seems pretty bad to me. Starting with it is terrible and in most cases an ultra ball or even a level ball is better. But with Crustle being just out of level balls range. I sort of want to give it a chance. Heavy ball is also an option though. But evosoda searches for crustle, reuniclus, and duosion. While Heavy Ball only gets Crustle. So either card basically prevents me from grabbing a basic anyway.

The 2 cards together (bicycle and evosoda) are a bad combination imo. Since evosoda can and will just get stuck in my hand at times. But we shall see after some testing.
RE: Crustle/Reuniclus

I would advise just watching Top Cut's videos (there is two videos on their youtube channel, where Kyle plays/profiles this deck) You can check and compare that list to yours as a starting point.
caltick said:
From what I understand is g boost does not got through sturdy

Correct G- booster will not knock out frustule if it has full hp because gbooster says nothing can prevent the damage. Sturdy says if you would be knocked out your hp becomes 10 instead. So if you get hit with a G-booster you take. 400 damage them your remaining hp becomes 10 before you get knocked out .