Cry from the Mysterious, Temple of Anger archetype thread

Blue Thunder

so long!
Hello, everyone. In this thread, you are allowed to discuss what cards may become archetypes, and good combos. Keep in mind though that Ex cards will be gone, so don't try to use those in your combos.

Discuss! :D
Ah, a good thread to discuss in. Mind you please put a link to what's in the set because half of us including me aren't really sure what's in it.

Frolass and glaceon will be a big hit.
Leafeon won't be as widely played as expected.
Magnezone would be broken if used properly.
Rhyperior will be hard to kill.
Porygon-Z lv.x will be toilet paper.
- Frosslass + Spiritomb + Omastar MD = Total pwnage!!! :p
- A Kingdra deck with several techs like Claydol GE
- The Froggy deck
- Bellosom & Vileplume swarm deck
Um, why has no one said the RS legendaries yet? :S T2 Groudon(Groudonk?) will be huge on its own, aswel as a great F type starter. Kyogre will be the same but W type. Rayquazza will be abused... can be Firestartered aswel. Various fossil decks will be used, very disruptive and set up easy now thanks to Relicanth, Fossil Excavator (PALEONTOLOGIST!) and the fossils and Omanyte and Kabuto's abilities. Finally Garchomp tech deck... the ultimate tech deck!
what about magmortar and leafeon? seems pretty good
maby a grass overgrow deck with sceptile, tangrowth and leafeon? you end up sniping for 100 t3 and 140 t4! that kills a gallade!
also leafeons attack is usefull, using everything in play!
I think it is too soon to tell what will be big and what won't. We all knew Gallade and Magmorter were very good cards, but I don't think anyone aticipated that the two would dominate the format.

Though I won't even guess what will be big, I can see a few decks going around. Leafeon Lv.X will be a main energy accelerater. It will definatly up the percentage of Tangrowth/Sceptile decks, since you can pile energy on Tangrowth like mad, and snipe off any resistance. I don't see why Glaceon is a big hype. 70 for three is an above average ratio, yes. It flips for a 10 snipe. It's body is nice, and may stop a few Gardevoirs, but it won't be around long enough for it to take a toll. It only has 100 HP. Gallade can kill it with two Flips. Plus Magnezone just abuses it. Empoleon does 60 for three and gets an auto 10 Snipe, apposed to Glaceon's flip. It's other attacks aren't that great. 30 for one is starting to become pretty average for a stage 1 nowadays. Yes, it does get a flip for preventing all effects of attacks, including damage. I have one word for you. Warp Point. Wait. That was two. Who cares?
I imagine Omastar will be a popular tech. Every one loves Pesky fossils! I could see a fossil tech, utilizing Omastar, Areodactly, and perhaps the Omastar PK.
I imagine Garchomp will see some play.
T2 Eeveelutions may see play. Depending on who your focus is, it could be pretty good and pretty fast. Eevee is just broken, grabing all other Eevees from your deck. That will be cool in Preleases and drafts, CFF for five eevees. If you can draft/pull them, I'd play it.
Infernape could see play with Blaziken or Typhlosion.
Kingdra. Nuff' Said.

Froslass+Ampharos DP3

Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf with... stuff (Gardellade, etc)


Probably s'more.
tc19930815 said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
- Frosslass + Spiritomb + Omastar MD = Total pwnage!! :p

no, but Frosslass+Ampharos SW is

anyway, Lanturn in Cry from Mysterious has much potential

Frosslass + Spritomb still works. Ampharos does the same thing in this case but I prefer Spiritomb for some reasons... :)
The lightning Lanturn is going to be a sleeper hit. Nobody's gonna expect it, and all of a sudden it'll be around. Tentacruel is dangerous, they can use 1 to set you up, then another one to constantly Poison-Para you. Gliscor is evil but manageable, will prompt people to play more Switch/Warp Point. Kingdra is an awesome T2 deck that can be stable later on, methinks it can use both T2 and Setup varieties to great success. Houndoom became much better. Luxray spells trouble for any X deck and Kingdra. Deoxys will be a rogue deck, has potentional, but I can't say just how much. Pixies are evil but fear Mewtwo X, who in turn fears all Stage 1 and above Psychics, who in turn fear the Pixies. Watch out for Vileplume.
garchomp lvl x will reach archetype status, rebirth begs for a wide variety of techs and the best counter to it will be another garchomp deck. i expect this will cause a proliferation of chomp decks similar to the current Ga/Ga situation.
kingdra will be dominant and will really limit fire decks. i don't know if even heatran lvl x will be enough to keep fire at the top.
thirdly, the eeveelutions might work. the problem there is that glaceon lvl x has to be active to shut off opp powers and while leafeon lvl x is a great energy accelerator, in truth a levelled up stage 1 is considerably harder to set up than a stage 2 type energy accelerator. so i expect it's effective play will be less than most ppl anticipate.
Most every deck can nowadays.

I just can't wait for Tentacruel. Most of the Time it OHKO's Magmorter most of the time (if Morter has more energies on it, it does).
I already got my personal wants list up, so here goes:
Exeggute + Exeggutor
Basically, Exeggute's a more specific and slightly weakened version of Pachi. But with Dusknoir around, this is not at all an unmanageable problem, and we have lots of Psychic(/Grass Pokes) to build decks with nowadays (one of which is in fact the best deck around atm).
Exeggutor is there to do what all Absols, Houndooms, Ambipoms, Murkswarms, TGWs and TGMs together failed to do thus far: the key to hand disruption. The thing about Exeggutor is that it forces you to play a superfast deck with only very little Supporters and setup problems. Mostly, opponents compensate your speed by throwing out all sorts of supporting forces, most likely called Claydol and Gardevoir. But with Exeggutor, you let them think twice. Whenever your opponent is being annoying, just spam all those Trainers in your hand and leave HIM with 0 cards, while you can enjoy a fresh hand. Also, his 2nd attack can be quite fun to Scramble for late-game and turn some things around. Especially things called Mewtwo LV. X and G&G.

Some of the Pixies
The pixies are sort of what I expected them to be, which is very good. The non-X pixies are pretty decent, and Uxie is a nice throw-in for decks that don't want to run Claydol and starters, but still tend to have slow setup. In fact, all 3 of them are cool throw-ins. Now the LV. Xes. Mesprit LV. X is what you'd call broken, until you actually read the attack. It's not easy to pull off this divine judgment. Good show, Nintendo, although this might actually be a problem that can be taken care off. Why? Well, we have in your arsenal: one pixie which gives them all free retreat, one pixie that makes starters pay a C more, and a pixie to block Poke-Powers. I think that covers most of our opponent's options to slow us down. Now we just load up on 4 Premier Balls and this judgment might come sooner than one thinks. Together with Snowpoint Temple, this might become a force to be reckoned with.
I'm looking forward to Froslass and the Eeveelutions. Might be able to create a good Water/Grass deck.