I already got my personal wants list up, so here goes:
Exeggute + Exeggutor
Basically, Exeggute's a more specific and slightly weakened version of Pachi. But with Dusknoir around, this is not at all an unmanageable problem, and we have lots of Psychic(/Grass Pokes) to build decks with nowadays (one of which is in fact the best deck around atm).
Exeggutor is there to do what all Absols, Houndooms, Ambipoms, Murkswarms, TGWs and TGMs together failed to do thus far: the key to hand disruption. The thing about Exeggutor is that it forces you to play a superfast deck with only very little Supporters and setup problems. Mostly, opponents compensate your speed by throwing out all sorts of supporting forces, most likely called Claydol and Gardevoir. But with Exeggutor, you let them think twice. Whenever your opponent is being annoying, just spam all those Trainers in your hand and leave HIM with 0 cards, while you can enjoy a fresh hand. Also, his 2nd attack can be quite fun to Scramble for late-game and turn some things around. Especially things called Mewtwo LV. X and G&G.
Some of the Pixies
The pixies are sort of what I expected them to be, which is very good. The non-X pixies are pretty decent, and Uxie is a nice throw-in for decks that don't want to run Claydol and starters, but still tend to have slow setup. In fact, all 3 of them are cool throw-ins. Now the LV. Xes. Mesprit LV. X is what you'd call broken, until you actually read the attack. It's not easy to pull off this divine judgment. Good show, Nintendo, although this might actually be a problem that can be taken care off. Why? Well, we have in your arsenal: one pixie which gives them all free retreat, one pixie that makes starters pay a C more, and a pixie to block Poke-Powers. I think that covers most of our opponent's options to slow us down. Now we just load up on 4 Premier Balls and this judgment might come sooner than one thinks. Together with Snowpoint Temple, this might become a force to be reckoned with.