Crystal Pepsi

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
You think they'll ever release it again? It's been 18 years since the flavor was released and Van Halen used to sponsor the soda and now I'm kinda intrigued to try it again but considering that it's been expired for 18 years it kinda makes you wanna re-release it to feel that taste again ya know?
Hey there! I don't think that they'll re release Crystal Pepsi any time soon, unfortunately. There are so many different Pepsi drinks that have been discontinued. Like you, I'm a nostalgic shopper, still trying to look for Pokémon Battle Coins that I had when I was 4 years old. Hopefully, they'll bring Crystal Pepsi back one day!
Yeah but it was Caffiene Free and I assumed that it tasted like regular Pepsi despite that it was clear hence the term "Crystal".
Pepsi blue was pretty good, they should remake that even thouhg we still have a bottle of that in my refrigerator.
I remember this product actually, but I have to agree with manooill. This was one in a very long line of Pepsi products that just fizzled out. It's possible that they may bring it back some day, but I doubt that it will be any time soon (if ever)...
Card Slinger J said:
You think they'll ever release it again? It's been 18 years since the flavor was released and Van Halen used to sponsor the soda and now I'm kinda intrigued to try it again but considering that it's been expired for 18 years it kinda makes you wanna re-release it to feel that taste again ya know?
