Customized Play Mats

I never had any to begin with :p like I said earlier, I'm using a different material than standard playmat huge mousepad style stuff. It's actually drawer liner that I'm using. $5 a roll, takes half a roll (give or take) to make a mat. They have some with patterns, but brown was the only plain one I found.
if you want one like that I can trade for one. We can work out the details in a PM. But they take about 3 days to make since it's sewn by hand. I'd prefer to sell it, but can't through here as I'm not a verified seller.

they have different patterns available too. I can take pictures and post them on here of what's available to me in the area. Either way I plan on making more. Possibly 1 per roll so I have more material to work with.
I was just at target, they have some doormats that can be used as playmats.. The rubber is extra thick, the cloth is too.. And so long as it's used as a playmat, the cloth will stay more than soft enough. There was a red one and a tan one. $20 each. You can probably make 3 regular sized ones from one doormat.
I actually had this playmat based on SP and yea its totally allowed. You can use it, its not like you cant use something you made. Mines features Palkia G on Left, Dialga G on Right, and Darkrai G on middle while Arceus and Shaymin are soaring the Air and then a Absol for Absol G releasing Dark Energy.
I have a mat I made with sharpies and a blank.
It's a Rotom and it's saying "YES!".
I've since ruined it.
Imma paint over it.
EDIT: I really like yours, Carlitos.