Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and More from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

Bro ofc the only time the pokebeach comment section is positive is when it’s about Cynthia, the glazing is crazy
if they didn't want that to happen maybe they should have made the trainer mons in battle partners actually good.
The tool boost means no Powerglass can help Cynthia's Garchomp...

...but can a small line of the Generations Start Deck Blaziken ex help? I mean, if Charizard can team up with Dragapult as stage 2s in same deck, why can't said Blaziken ex team up with Cynthia's Garchomp in same deck too? But wait a second... Too much basics to fit in the bench for a spare Garchomp after 3 or 4 Cynthia Roserades are set? How can that fit within 5 bench spots?

^ The answer? Terapagos ex and Area Zero Underdepths for 3 more spots!

Now that combo would be truly game-changing to the point where one will be confident that it will last all the way until the end of its life in a similar way to Zoroark GX in the S&M era: the dominator until its rotation 2 or 3 seasons after!
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The tool boost means no Powerglass can help Cynthia's Garchomp...

...but can a small line of the Generations Start Deck Blaziken ex help? I mean, if Charizard can team up with Dragapult as stage 2s in same deck, why can't said Blaziken ex team up with Cynthia's Garchomp in same deck too? But wait a second... Too much basics to fit in the bench for a spare Garchomp after 3 or 4 Cynthia Roserades are set? How can that fit within 5 bench spots?

^ The answer? Terapagos ex and Area Zero Underdepths for 3 more spots!

Now that combo would be truly game-changing to the point where one will be confident that it will last all the way until the end of its life in a similar way to Zoroark GX in the S&M era: the dominator until its rotation 2 or 3 seasons after!
At that point, you might as well play Mamoswine with Grand Tree.

Pult/Zard can exist because Drakloak's Recon Directive is pretty busted, and Pult/Zard shares 1 energy type (Fire) to attack, with the latter able to accelerate to itself AND power up a backline Dragapult.

Gabite's Champion Call, while powerful in it's designed archetype, does not help you find Blazikens nor ways to get Blazikens.
I agree it's good but do you really think you have room for Cynthia's Garchomp, Tera Garchomp, and Roserade? That seems like a lot. It would be one thing if the Garchomps could evolve from the same Gible but they can't. Still I think this is shaping up to be a really good deck and so happy I was really wanting this to be good. I love Garchomp.
I think if you run Tera Garchomp you kinda have to cut Roserade out. Which would be an insane waste, but if you REALLY like Garchomp I think it's a valid option. You'd be playing some sort of a hit-and-run style deck by switching the two Garchomps and probably finish a KO with Spiritomb sometimes.

If you want a full Cynthia deck, then I agree with others in this thread, Crispin should be good enough.
One in top 8, two more in top 16. I think their point is SV9 trainers aren't that bad after all, as Tera Box and N turned out to be pretty decent (I still think N wants a Zekrom that does everything Miraidon ex does for lightning).
One in top 8, two more in top 16. I think their point is SV9 trainers aren't that bad after all, as Tera Box and N turned out to be pretty decent (I still think N wants a Zekrom that does everything Miraidon ex does for lightning).
to clarify, i meant 1 card in the set not 1 appearance in the brackets. responding to a post rebutting a broad and by no means literal claim i made that they did a poor job with battle partners relative to what we've already seen of heat wave arena by citing a single card from battle partners doing well.
Ya I don't see how it doesn't look like her?
She's supposed to be a mature woman, the champion of Sinnoh. In her official art and sprites she has refined, mature features. Here she looks more like 20. Idk if they were going for a younger version of her, but it just doesn't fit her vibe imo.
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Well for starters most people do believe she's in her 20s but I don't see how you make her look more like herself. It looks just like her official art work to me.
Am I missing something or is there just Cynthia bias (most likely answer).

Because her archetype looks quite mid at the moment. Playable, but mid.

If there's a new Cynthia supporter/item/stadium that helps attach fighting energy then it's more viable but considering they didn't bother giving N an attack over 170 base damage we can't just assume it.
Whether it's mid or not, Cynthia's Spiritomb is an absolutely terrifying card. I'm guessing the deck could easily afford to take 2HKO's with a +70 HP tool, free retreat and that ticking time bomb. Not knocking out Cynthia's Garchomp ex in a single hit just makes it easier for your opponent to curb-stomp you, as even if the Spiritomb doesn't OHKO you, your opponent has another turn to set up more of their stage 2's. The question is how consistent a deck that wants to set up presumably 3 Cynthia's Garchomp ex and a Garganacl or two a game would be. (Actually, maybe Blaziken ex is the play. Losing a Garganacl could be devastating for your tempo.)