Cynthia’s Milotic from “Heat Wave Arena”

There are ways to deal a Budew, a Stage 1 that needs 2 energy is not it
We have a whole Elekid that can snipe Budew anywhere for zero energy and acts as a pivot.

And said Elekid survives the format rotation
The reason why I brought up Budew at the start of my comment was to highlight how little there is to say about this Milotic competitively. I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for a card that blatantly sucks. I thought I was being obvious but clearly not obvious enough lol
But this one can snipe TWO budew
If there’s a Budew in the active, it can kill three Budew at once!! You could theoretically win the game in only 2 turns after a Salvatore and Teal Mask Energy Switch
Would a Milotic ex be allowed to evolve from a Cynthia's Feebas? I have a deck which has Feebas and Milotic ex in it, and I think Cynthia's Feebas would be a good replacement, but I'm not sure if that's allowed— as the translation of the Cynthia's Milotic specifically states that it evolves from Cynthia's Feebas.
If only Cynthia's Roserade increased the damage your Cynthia's Pokémon do to ANY of your opponent's Pokémon. Then we'd at least having something interesting for casual play.
Assuming 2 Roserade is reasonable to set up early on, I'm guessing 120 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon and 90 damage to 2 of their benched Pokémon wouldn't be broken for 2? Wait a minute...
Scratch that, my idea is horrible. 120 and 90 to 2 is insane enough without the damage capping at 180 to active and 150 to 2.
Would a Milotic ex be allowed to evolve from a Cynthia's Feebas? I have a deck which has Feebas and Milotic ex in it, and I think Cynthia's Feebas would be a good replacement, but I'm not sure if that's allowed— as the translation of the Cynthia's Milotic specifically states that it evolves from Cynthia's Feebas.
Nope, counts as a different name