Wi-Fi Trades d master342's Extravagent "My Player" Thread: Biggest Bump in History!!!

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RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

well if it isnt to much of a trouble. The shiny crobat
but I have nice non shiny pokemon like rhyperior. a modest arcanin V-Tackle pichu. PBR pika. nice breed. Prinplup is the nicest. hes quiet and has hydro pump and ice beam. You dont have to buy those coins to get another ice beam. Please Im desperate for shinys
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Not shiny GOLBAT..it's not a Crobat but sorry maybe one of the legendaries??

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

well one of my pokemon arent that good to trade for a legend

I could get you a blissey its calm and seren grace great for bolt beamer. It would be just like mine
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Has to be Bold Blissey to trade..I'm saying I'll trade a Legendary for Ryperior, Arcanine and those 3 items or something like that so it's a fair trade...

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

not for shiny. Ill give you arcanine but I have second thoughts for rhyperior. If I get you the bolt or bolt beaming blissey will you give me a shiny.

for arcanine. will I get a regi
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Wait...No shinys traded today, maybe next week..legendaries I can trade..You can get a Regi for your Arcanine holding Life Orb, is that okay??

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

regice. I used to have a regice i was level 100, but when my game got stolen I was crushed. I thats why I want regice
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

So do we have a deal?? I'll be on wi-Fi in exactly 5 min...if yes.

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

O.K lets do this. Ill make my own Pthread when I get more pokemon
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Thanks for the 2 pokes..By the way have you battled pokemon with Horsea?? Does it have EVs??

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Hey yugi12321 when do you want to trade your Celebi for my shiny Machoke?? Any more trades/pokemon needing EV trained??

EDIT: Thanks for the poke yugi12321..Is it poossible to trade something else for your pokerus?? *Sounds hopeful*

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Yea sure thing, what do you want?
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

How about you spread your Pokerus to a Bidoof/Starly(throwawy pokemon) and I give you a throwaway pokemon w/ a Master Ball...That way we're both happy...

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Ok, i'll give you gastly, meet me there.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

EV train please:
shiny eevee
in: sp. attack

shiny eevee is at lv 33 and i dont care how long it takes if it is with in 10 days

THANKS!!!!! ALOT!!!!!!!
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Sure which EV's do you want on it?? yugi12321 thanks for the Pokerus...

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

sorry i missed the format but i edited look at post befor ^^
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

Hey what's your in-game name and FC..I'll trade you a Shinx(throwaway poke)..Register me and I'll register you..Just Sp Attack 252 EV's?? Can you clone it after I EV train it?? And do you mind if I give it Pokerus so I can speed up the process?? Please answer these questions...

dmaster out.
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

ya i will clone it what lv do you ev train it at 100? if so could you train it to 99 so i can still evolve. or can i evolve at lv 100? just be safe and train it to 99
name and fc is in my sig and i have to eat so it might be 30 to 45 min
RE: d master342's "My Player" Thread(Wi-Fi + Legendarys + EV training = Trader's Dream!!)

I don't level it up I just EV train it, leveling takes forever for me; If you still want to continue the trade please post...If so, what's your in-game name??? Do you mind if it gets Pokerus and is it just 252 EVs in SP. ATK??

dmaster out.
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