D&P Sky Tamers

I'd like to join. Here's a card.

Scizor lv.32
HP 110
Type (M)

(M) (C) Sonic Speed 40
Flip a Coin, If Heads prevent all effects of Attack including damage done by the Defending Pokemon.

(C) (C) (C) Blitz Beat 60+
This attack does 60 damage plus 30 more damage for each Scizor you have in play (excluding this one) .

Weakness : (F) +20
Resistance : (G) -20
Retreat Cost : (C)
I'd like to join. Here's a card.

Pidgeot: Lv.43
HP: 120
Type: [C]

[C][C] Sonic Whirldwind 40
Before doing damage, switch the defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. The new defending pokemon is now Confused and damaged.

[C][C][C] Gust 60
If the defending Pokemon is Confused, this attack does 20 more damage.

Weakness : [L] + 40
Resistance : (F) - 30
Retreat Cost : [-]
Can I be a spoiler?
I've got a spoiler:

Flygon Lv.57-Type:[F]- HP 130
Stage Two-Evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Power: Sand Wave
Once during your turn, you may flip a coin, if heads, place 2 Damage Counters on each of your opponents benched pokemon.This power can't be used if Flygon is affected by a Special Condition.

[F][C] Safeguard 30
Prevent all effects of attacks done to Flygon during your opponents next turn, excluding damage.

[F][F][C] Skill Dive 70
This attack does 20 damage to one of your opponents benched Pokemon. Flip a coin, if tails, discard one energy attached to Flygon.

Weakness: [C]+30 Resistance: [L]-20 Retreat:[C]

How about that?
Can I try a Flygon Spoiler?

Flygon Lv. 64-Type (F)-HP 120
Stage Two evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Body: Sandstorm Echoes
Once Per turn (Before you attack) You may flip a coin for every (F) Energy attached to Flygon. For each heads choose a card randomly from your opponent's hand and discard it.

(*) Desert Emergence
Search your deck for 2 (F) energies and attach them to 1 of your pokemon.

(F)(F)(C) Sand Blast 80
Discard 2 (F) energies attached to Flygon.

Weakness: (W)+30 Resistance: (L)-30 Retreat Cost: 0
Well if it were to revive (F) energies it would probably be broken, but thanks for the suggestions Bella. :)
Bellomence said:
marinepika said:
Can I try a Flygon Spoiler?

Flygon Lv. 64-Type (F)-HP 120
Stage Two evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Body: Sandstorm Echoes
Once Per turn (Before you attack) You may flip a coin for every (F) Energy attached to Flygon. For each heads choose a card randomly from your opponent's hand and discard it.

(*) Desert Emergence
Search your deck or discard pile for 2 (F) energies and attach them to 1 of your pokemon.

(F)(F)(C) Sand Blast 80
Discard 2 (F) energies attached to Flygon.

Weakness: (W)+30 Resistance: (L)-30 Retreat Cost: (*)

I added and discard pile so that Flygon will do discard and revive (F) Energies, what do you think ?

Sandstorm Echoes looks a bit strong, tears the opponents hands to shreds.:p I also added an retreat cost.

I love the card marinepika. Great Work

Ya, I only thought the power was broken. The rest of the card is good though! Sorry if I meant the whole card was broken. I guess I forgot to just say the power was broken
EMPOLEON82294 said:
Bellomence said:
marinepika said:
Can I try a Flygon Spoiler?

Flygon Lv. 64-Type (F)-HP 120
Stage Two evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Body: Sandstorm Echoes
Once Per turn (Before you attack) You may flip a coin for every (F) Energy attached to Flygon. For each heads choose a card randomly from your opponent's hand and discard it.

(*) Desert Emergence
Search your deck or discard pile for 2 (F) energies and attach them to 1 of your pokemon.

(F)(F)(C) Sand Blast 80
Discard 2 (F) energies attached to Flygon.

Weakness: (W)+30 Resistance: (L)-30 Retreat Cost: (*)

I added and discard pile so that Flygon will do discard and revive (F) Energies, what do you think ?

Sandstorm Echoes looks a bit strong, tears the opponents hands to shreds.:p I also added an retreat cost.

I love the card marinepika. Great Work

Ya, I only thought the power was broken. The rest of the card is good though! Sorry if I meant the whole card was broken. I guess I forgot to just say the power was broken

Yea, I agree that the power is kinda broken. Atleast put a limit. example: 'Can't Discard more than 2 cards from your opponent's hand by this way' it makes it abit fair.