Ruling damage counters


Pokemon Professor
am i allowed to penny, dime, and nickel as damage counters? it will act like the old fashion damage counters except nickel represents 5 damage counters and dime represents 10 damage counters. i notice this is faster than doing damage counters with dice especially when playing with or against empoleon type decks. i use the dice to roll for heads or tails and in case of emergency damage counters.
As long as it's clear what they're representing.

In a tournament setting, you would probably want to clear it with the head judge just to be safe. I'd be surprised if they didn't let you.
well at the canadian nats they wouldent let us use damage counters from japan that have the 50's on them they would only represnt 10
In Tasmania (and likely the rest of Australia) we use the normal damage counters. A flipped over counter where the white side is up represents 50 damage.
Empoleon/blissey said:
well at the canadian nats they wouldent let us use damage counters from japan that have the 50's on them they would only represnt 10

that must be the dumbest thing ive heard this week!!!

ive got them and there clearly BIG and SMALL and there clearly RED and ORANGE
Dices work best, IMO. 90 damage? a 6 and a 3. 20 damage? a 2. Its that simple and easy to use.
Oh yes, dice weren't allowed either as damage counters at Cdn Nats, unless one dice = 10 damage. It was supposed to make it more clear.

-- Worked great for my youngest son who had an opponent who convienently brushed off counters when my son called over a judge after his opponent refused to acknowledge a knock out.
In our country, we are not allowed to use money for damage counters because long ago we were alleged of gambling <_<.
poleskitty said:
Oh yes, dice weren't allowed either as damage counters at Cdn Nats, unless one dice = 10 damage. It was supposed to make it more clear.

-- Worked great for my youngest son who had an opponent who convienently brushed off counters when my son called over a judge after his opponent refused to acknowledge a knock out.
How is a die not clear? You just simply count the number of whatever on the top of the die. Its far easier to grab 2 dice and make one say 6 and one 2 then grab 8 pennies or whatever. As for the OP, as long as they all represent the same number, they are fine.
I think dice or normal damage counters works easiest. It clearly says what each thing represents, and you don't have to remember what each penny nickle and dime mean.