Sorry mate i already have all of those
But thanks for the offer anyway. I can understand getting lost, it baffles me there's no spoiler tag option on this site :3
legendhunter32 said:
Can I offer my shiny Newmoon Darkrai at Level 100 for
Metagross NN OmegaWeapn ***
Clear Body
Soory but no thanks, i prefer my shiny legends UT and probably wouldn't trade the meetagross for that anyway due to how good its IVs are
xxashxx said:
File trading is where you trade your entire save file over to the member when then member wants a cetrain event. Then they remove the event or Pokemon they want and then trade you back your save file I think. You need a flash memory card to do it though or legality exe.
Not quite, if that were the case then everyone would have everyone's entire save file by now lol, plus legal.exe can't do anything like that lol File trading is where you just obtain a pkm file (your in-game pokemon but saved as a file) of the pokemon you are trading and literally you just email them to each other, it's incredibly quick and very good for event trading in particular.
Blastoisefolife I don't think i'll be able to wifi trade until August 3rd
I'm on holiday til then