• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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Daren's enormous trade thread!!! Have plenty of Platinum Arceus!!!

RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

rayquaza95: Srry, Nothing
Puddy: Please don't quote my entire trade thread. You don't appear to have a trade thread so I don't know what you have, ask me again when you've made one, k?
Superwolfe: I like you Mismagious X and infernape X (But not TOO much)
Overdose: Nothin' srry
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!!!!

1x Frosslass GL
2x Roserade GL
2x Bastidon GL
1x Aerodactyl GL
3 Mamoswine GL
2x Machamp GL
2x Gengar GL
2x Ambipom G
3x Steelix GL
2x Quagsire GL
1x Forretress G
1x Shiftry
1x Arcanine
1x Nidoqueen
1 nidoking
1x beedrill

3x Miner's
3x Sunnyshore Gym

these are the one's I'm willing to trade. make an offer.
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Hmm you didn't say anything after my name~ Do you not need anything from me?
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Dionashi said:
Hmm you didn't say anything after my name~ Do you not need anything from me?

Oops. LOL. Sorry, i really am only looking for BEt cards right now. I'm pretty good with Pre-BET right now. srry.
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

srry cant trade that one anymore
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

umbreon: sorry, I really only need cardz from my wants right now
Superwolfe: sorry, just traded it, i'm about to take it off my list
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

no, sorry i just traded loatzel and I'm using Luxray and Alakazam
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

CML for palkia GX.
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Hey, could you CML for these:


3x Palkia G
5x Manectric (Only need ENG ones)

Legends Awaken
2x Mesprit
1x Uxie

LMK if you need anything.

RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Juliacoolo: Srry, I don't see anything I need
AnthonyG: Sorry, I no longer have Uxie, Mesprit, or Palkia G.
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Oops, I forgot to take that off the list, I don't really have it anymore
RE: Daren's enormous trade thread! I'm back with BET!

Daren, I have a 1st ED Japanese Heat Rotom.
Would you trade a Lv.X for it?