Probably Bisharp/Mandibuzz or something. Possibly Absol Prime. Other than Zoroark, Dark doesn't have much going for it pokemon-wise unless you want to add in Stage 2s like Krookodile, Hydreigon, or Tyrannitar Prime.
EDIT: Now that I've read some of the posts on here, IMO Darkness may have a fighting chance. Mainly being because Zoroark can easily do 120 Damage per turn and its a Stage 1. It requires little to no engine that has to be on the field, unlike Zekrom and Eelektrik. It's Darkness Claw and PlusPower will help it rack up damage fast, and its attacks are fueled through Dark Patch and DCE. Plus it has alot of wiggle room for techs, may they be Absol Prime, Mandibuzz, which works well with Absol Prime and Mew Prime (why not throw that in there), or that Bisharp that can hit hard along with Absol Prime. In fact it may be better to just revolve around Absol and tech in Bisharp, Mew, and Mandibuzz. This set will open up a whole new engine that makes new decks possible, which I think the metagame really needs.
Probably Bisharp/Mandibuzz or something. Possibly Absol Prime. Other than Zoroark, Dark doesn't have much going for it pokemon-wise unless you want to add in Stage 2s like Krookodile, Hydreigon, or Tyrannitar Prime.
EDIT: Now that I've read some of the posts on here, IMO Darkness may have a fighting chance. Mainly being because Zoroark can easily do 120 Damage per turn and its a Stage 1. It requires little to no engine that has to be on the field, unlike Zekrom and Eelektrik. It's Darkness Claw and PlusPower will help it rack up damage fast, and its attacks are fueled through Dark Patch and DCE. Plus it has alot of wiggle room for techs, may they be Absol Prime, Mandibuzz, which works well with Absol Prime and Mew Prime (why not throw that in there), or that Bisharp that can hit hard along with Absol Prime. In fact it may be better to just revolve around Absol and tech in Bisharp, Mew, and Mandibuzz. This set will open up a whole new engine that makes new decks possible, which I think the metagame really needs.