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Dark Flare (HGSS-On) (needs main pokemon in deck title)


May Be More Crazy Than He Appears
So in the mean time before I get the cards to build my tail swipe deck, I decided to put this together for my areas weekly tourney. A rough version of this won me this weeks (it was unsanctioned and there were like 5 of us, so we all agreed to jump ahead), but I wanted to improve it for next week.

3-2-3 Hydreigon
3-2-2-1 Emboar (2 Ability, 1 Flare Blitz)
2-2 Ninetails
1 Reshiram
1 Cleffa

3 Collector'
1 Juniper
2 Fisherman
2 Twins

3 Energy Retrieval
2 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
3 Communcation
2 Catcher
2 Switch

10 Fire Energy

Basically do the typical strategy for this type of deck, depending on what pokemon you start with, Collector T1 for any combination of Deino, Tepig, Vulpix and Reshiram, get fast setup on Emboar and Hydreigon (which while playing in tourney happened because Reshiram usually got up front and bought me time for Hydreigon or Blue Flared alot). Get Hydreigon out ASAP and start bench sniping.

I wanted the Reshiram in at least 1 deep for an early game heavy hitter/tank to give me time to set up, and I kept in 1 Flare Blitz emboar as an anti-Gothitelle/Beartic/Dragons tech for the 150 damage so that they cant Outrage revenge or damage swap

Added both Energy Retrieval and Fisherman for getting energy back after Blue Flare/Flare Blitz/Roast Reveal, so that I have more energy recycling and because Fisherman can be used during trainer lock.

One thing I noticed during play with this was that with Roast engine combined with supporters, I rarely had to use Emboar to power Hydreigon as I usually had gotten him and two DCE fairly quickly, so Emboar was free to power up the Flare Blitz or Reshiram, or start on another Hydreigon.
RE: Dark Flare (HGSS-On)

Wow!!! This deck is cool and the list is nearly perfect. Just as a personal preference, I would add in two Interviewer's questions.
Anyway, Good job.
One thing i would consider doing is instead of running ninetails for draw power, use engineers adjustments. It doesnt take up a bench space and you get to draw one more card. I use them in my electrik lanturn lock deck. It works amazingly.