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Dark Fury (Hydreigion-Emboar-Cobalion)


Tell me if there's anything bad/if I should add anything.

Also, I tried to build this deck good using only BW series cards, but I'll be fine with adding HS series cards.

4-2-4 Hydeigion
2-1-2 Abiliboar
3 Cobalion (NV)
Total: 18

4 Pokemon Communication
2 Evolite
2 N
2 Rocky Helm
2 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Collector
1 Switch
Total: 25

8 Fire Energy
3 Metal Energy
4 Special Metal Energy
Total: 17

Set up Hydreigion and Emboar. Use Emboar to power up Hydreigion to attack the opponent's active Pokemon and to snipe their benched. Use Cobalion with Evolite for basic attacking and stalling. Rocky Helm for Hydreigion. Use N if you need a better hand/completely loosing and want your opponent to suffer discard their hand. Pokemon Communication and Rare Candy for help in getting Pokemon out.

So, how good is the deck? Are there just a few things I need to change, or is the deck a completely terrible idea?
I understand the concept for this deck and you have a consistent list, but it has a lot of problems. Your Emboar line won't need to be that thick. You only need one on your bench and he probably will never attack, so we'll trim that down a bit. Also, any deck that has a Stage 2 evolution line (especially 2 Stage 2 lines) needs Rare Candy to get your evolutions out quicker. The suggestions I'm making below aren't going to fix this deck in one go. You still could probably use other cards like fisherman/energy retrieval, junk arm, twins, etc. but I think these fixes will get you started.

-2 Tepig
-3 Pignite
-2 Emboar
-2 Zweilous (sp?)
-4 Fire Energy

+4 Rare Candy
+4 Pokemon Collector
+3 Professor Oak's New Theory
+2 Switch
Thanks for the ideas. Fixing the deck now...

And I agree that the deck will need a bit more fixing, but thanks for helping at that.
You need to run 4 DCE because it works good with the Hydreigon. Run at least 2 Reshiram so you can use him to attack with while you're setting up a Hydreigon. Run 2 Fisherman and 3 Energy retrieval to get back the energy from deceased Hydriegons. Good luck with the deck!
-4 Metal Energy
-1 Switch
+1 PONT (For overall consistency)
+4 Special Metal Energy (For Obvious Reasons, especially because Cobalion can abuse them alongside eviolite)
Blastagator said:
You need to run 4 DCE because it works good with the Hydreigon. Run at least 2 Reshiram so you can use him to attack with while you're setting up a Hydreigon. Run 2 Fisherman and 3 Energy retrieval to get back the energy from deceased Hydriegons. Good luck with the deck!
I don't think that I'll need Reshiram, as Cobalion pretty much takes that place. What should I remove for Fisherman, though? And thanks for wishing me good luck with the deck!

FlamingDriscoll09 said:
-4 Metal Energy
-1 Switch
+1 PONT (For overall consistency)
+4 Special Metal Energy (For Obvious Reasons, especially because Cobalion can abuse them alongside eviolite)
Editing the decklist...

Really good idea about the Special Metal Energy, didn't think of that. Cobalion will be a complete tank :D.
here's what i would do:
-1 Evolite(you are mainly focusing on hydreigion)
-3 metal energy(special metal are pretty much all you need for cobalion)
-1 N(i think two are fine)

+1 cleffa(i think you should have at least one for consistency)
+3 DCE(this speeds up your hydreigion)

Hope i helped =)
DarknessGrace said:
here's what i would do:
-1 Evolite(you are mainly focusing on hydreigion)
-3 metal energy(special metal are pretty much all you need for cobalion)
-1 N(i think two are fine)

+1 cleffa(i think you should have at least one for consistency)
+3 DCE(this speeds up your hydreigion)

Hope i helped =)
I'd like to keep the 3 Metal Energy, just in-case i get more than one Cobalion out, so I can set the second/third one out.

I'll remove the Evolite and N and add 2 DCE. Would that be okay for now? Or should I remove something else?
i think the two DCE is fine for now, you can also test it out and see if you want the DCE or if you want more DCE.
DarknessGrace said:
i think the two DCE is fine for now, you can also test it out and see if you want the DCE or if you want more DCE.
Agreed, I think that 2 DCE will be fine now that I think about it.

I'd like to test it, but I hate Redshark, and don't have the cards in TCGO. However, I have just about half the cards, so I should be able to test it out at (if I join) my local League soon-ish :D.
Robot3300 said:
Agreed, I think that 2 DCE will be fine now that I think about it.

I'd like to test it, but I hate Redshark, and don't have the cards in TCGO. However, I have just about half the cards, so I should be able to test it out at (if I join) my local League soon-ish :D.

okay good luck with your deck =)