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Dark / Ghost(psy)deck help


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, I'm ash (haha yea the irony). Anyway, i just started this entire TCG a month ago, and when i went into this i told my self i do not want to have the same base strategies as most people use. (chandelures/ zekrom / vileplume ).
So i went to this tournament a week ago, and luckily i placed 3rd but i saw a lot of flaws in my deck.

So the Deck that got me third place consisted of:

2 Mime Jr.
1 Druddigon
1 Larvitar (51/95)
2 Larvitar (50/95)
3 Pupitar (38/95)
2 Tyranitar (26/95)
3 Deino
3 Zweilous
1 Hydreigon
3 Zorua
2 Zoroark (71/114)
1 Zoroark (BW19)

2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Full Heal
2 Energy Switch
1 Great Ball
1 Lost world
1 Team Rockets Trickery
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch
1 Bianca
1 Pokemon Reversal
3 Professor Elm's training method

14 Darkness Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy (79/90)

Now since that tournament, i have thought of a lot of switches. For one, i noticed this deck is terrible, TERRIBLE against fighting decks. And imo Tyranitar is too weak for the amount of time it takes to set it up. I have thought about getting the Prime card but im not so sure yet.

So what I'm trying to do is cut the Tyranitar evolution chain, and add in a 2 ghastly 2 haunters and 2 gengar primes evolution set. Which will play nice with the lost world. Additionally I'll have a jirachi in my deck to use time hollow alongside my new legend card "Darkrai And Cresselia" which will let me reorganize opponents damage counters anyway i like. Now i still feel a bit intimidated on how most competitive decks come out with very strong basics (Zekroms / and those) and it worries me whether or not it takes too long for my deck to set up.

My main strategies in this deck are the lost zones (no mew prime), and to place damage counters, i would really like to find a way to find a quick setup. I would like to have enough benched pokemons and a strong active pokemon, zoroark isn't the best but it's good for its nasty plot and foul play, but what i really want to do is target the enemies bench (Hydreigon).
I'd be thankful for some feedback, pokemon/trainer cards/ recommendations/ energy numbers etc. I'm going to be ordering cards soon. Also any good pokemon with good abilities/pokebodies i could have in this deck?

P.s is it worth it so run the Darkai and Cresselia Legend competitively?
You need a sweet sleeping face Pokemon ( if you already have one, then your good.)

Just use it to stall, and you set up. Jirachi is forgotten about, and no one confers it. I have wasted several rare cadies to just get time hallowed. I say you might wanna get rid of great ball for PONT this will help you set up.

I am new, so correct me if I am wrong.
That list got you 3rd at a tournament...?

So essentially your ideal dream would be to build a LostGar (Gengar Prime) deck. Well unfortunately for the deck to be able to function decently you'll need 2 or 3 Mew Prime to give the deck the early game pressure, however with all the Junk Arm and Professor Juniper/Sage's Training, it wouldn't be too hard for your opponent to get rid of pokemon from their hand to stop "Hurl into darkness", if not minimise its effects. Though it' such an unexpected deck that a few people might be caught off guard by it. Though it see's pretty much no play competitively because it gets wrecked by alot of todays decks, plus the Junk Arm and Juniper/Sage's Training thing. However if you want to use it then you're going to want (in terms of the pokemon line) a full 3-2-3 Gengar Prime line, a couple Mew primes though 2 will do. 1 or 2 Mr.Mime CL to allow you to look into your opponents hand and a Spiritomb TM to mess with your opponents hand if they're trying to keep pokemon out of their hand and not to forget Slowking HGSS to manipulate the top of your opponents deck to try and make them draw into pokemon. so ideally you'll want:

3-2-3 Gengar Prime
2-2 Slowking HGSS
2 Mew Prime
2 Mr Mime (or 1)
1 Spiritomb

There would no need to run Cresselia & Darkrai Legend as the only attack you should be focusing on is Hurl Into Darkness and the occassional Cursed Droplet to KO a few weakened pokemon. the manipulation of the spread damage barely even helps you a you can freely place damage however you like with Cursed Droplet. Plus in general Cresselia & Darkrai Legend is rather sub-par in todays format as Kyurem spreads damage just fine (they only competitive spread deck).

As for your current deck; seeing as you want to be able to target your opponents bench their is an idea that i've had in my head for a while now which revolves around Hydreigon/Eelektrik/Thundurus. The general idea is that you want to start with a Thundurus and set up a turn 2 Disastor Volt. This allows you to get {L} energy into the discard pile for Eelektrik and put down some early game pressure which is nice for securing a lead. You then use Eelektriks' Dynamotor to put {L} energy onto Hydreigon (or prevolutions) and seeing as Hydreigon can utilise any energy to fuel its attack, you now have a way to charge multiple Hydreigon (the main problem with Hyreigon is recovery after a KO).

I would advise you download/use some sort of card simulator like PlayTCG or Redshark (Redshark allows you to do certain functions easily) too be able to test out your ideas before you buy the cards for the deck. It will allow you to make fixes to your deck so you know which cards work and how many of 'said card' you need.
Thanks for the really in depth reply, the thing is tho, that a lot of todays decks are- how should i say- over used. Like one thing i noticed is that when i went to the tournament, majority of people were using Zekroms and Reshirams, many mew primes, and chandelures. I eventually faced of with Mathew Koo (ranked 3rd in whole of Canada). And he basically had a chandelure, a Jirachi and pretty much Stolen me, but since my deck was primarily dark it did take longer than anticipated. I wouldn't want to go with Mew Prime (cost is a factor), but i believe there has to be a way to make a strong versitile dark deck that includes

-one or two Hydreigons
-several zoroarks (I realized that having a zoroark early in the game can be a game changer when facing a Zekrom / high powered attack opponent, since Zoroark can copy any move) Plus with special darkness energy its still good.
-Gengar Prime ( You mentioned the previous counters but considering the 0 retreat cost in play with the trainer card "Switch" it could really help, cursed drop injunction with berserker blade and inconjunction with Moons Invite is just inspiring)

The reason I'm wanting to incorporate a dark / ghost type deck is because hardly anybody uses it. I feel like even though we don't have that much to work with, it can still be successful. Would you agree the tyranitar in it is not worth it? Oh and im planning on doing a 2 - 2 - 2 Hydreigon or a 3 - 2 - 2 (or maybe one with rare candy). And i'm looking at the PlayTCG right now :D

EDIT: Using an Elgyem "First Contact", could significantly help. Paired with a Beheeyem's synchronoise OH YEA