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Dark Rainbow - Zoroark / Darkrai ++


Levi Phillips
  • Zorua x4
  • Zoroark x4 (Dark Rush & Brutal Bash)
  • Darkrai EX x2
  • Kangaskhan x2
  • Ho-Oh EX x1
  • Bouffalant x1 (Revenge Attack)
  • Vulpix x2
  • Ninetales x2 (Color Coordination)
  • Kecleon
  • Eevee x2
  • Leafeon x1


    • Fat Cheren (Tierno) x2
    • Colress x2
    • N x1
    • Ultra Ball x3
    • Energy Search x3
    • Energy Switch x3
    • Hypnotoxic Laser x2
    • Ether x1
    • Giant Cape x1
    • Dark Claw x1

    • Dark x11
    • Leaf x1
    • Lighting x1
    • Fighting x1
    • Water x1
    • Fire x1
    • Fairy x1
    • Physic x1
    • Steel x1

I usually start out with Zorua or Kangaskan, if Zorua I can usually get an energy on first turn and Acension to Zorua, if Kangaskan I use Call for Family and get Darkrai and Zorua, then I go from there. I have Ninetales for it's color coordination attack, doing the 90 damage considering I will have there type of energy on Ninetales. Leafeon and it's energy crush for energy stackers. I usually look for Ho Oh EX to discard it with ultra ball, then use rebirth to get it out with energy fast, not a priority but extremely helpful when I do that combo. Kelcleon for it's first move to imitate them. And Bouffalant for revenge, then I usually retreat it back for something else.

Things I am planning to change:
Once I get my hands on some dark patches that I'm going to start running those, I want more ethers in there as well since I run so much energy. Getting another Darkrai would be ideal for me as well. I need Flareon with Revenge blast.

Any suggestion, feel free to help me out, this is a pretty new deck it can use a lot of improvement!
PoisonxPoptart said:
    • Zorua x4
    • Zoroark x4 (Dark Rush & Brutal Bash)
      Since you're not running that many Dark Pokémon, it's better off with a focus to Foul Play Zoroark.
    • Darkrai EX x1
    • Kangaskhan x2
      It's really not worth to play a CFF unless you already have one in your MAIN strategy. Discard it.
    • Ho-Oh EX x1
    • Bouffalant x1 (Revenge Attack)
      I'ts not that good and difficult to charge. Not worth the space.
    • Vulpix x2
    • Ninetales x2 (Color Coordination)
    • Kecleon
      How many? Anyways, run none of those, Zoroark does it better.
    • Eevee x2
    • Leafeon x1
      I don't agree with running a single Flareon PLF. It would help here for late game attacks, but at the cost of discarding your entire team. You're better off with Leafeon instead, and as a single tech.

    • Fat Cheren (Tierno) x2
    • Hugh x1
      Absolutely NOT. This Supporters are NOT useful unless they are key to your strategy. You'll later see why.
    • Colress x2
    • N x1
    • Ultra Ball x3
    • Energy Search x3
      3 is too much. If you're not accelerating energy somehow, it's useless to run more than 2.
    • Energy Switch x3
    • Hypnotoxic Laser x1
      Why a single one? It's not that useful when running just one, and without Virbank.
    • Ether x1
      Yes, I totally agree on maxxing these out. You'll see it explained later on.
    • Giant Cape x1
      Why...? Just... not.
    • Dark Claw x1
      If you're playing this, run at least 2. BUT, there's something better...

    • Dark x12
    • Leaf x1
    • Lighting x1
    • Fighting x1
    • Water x1
    • Fire x1
    • Fairy x1
    • Physic x1
    • Steel x1

I usually start out with Zorua or Kangaskan, if Zorua I can usually get an energy on first turn and Acension to Zorua, if Kangaskan I use Call for Family and get Darkrai and Zorua, then I go from there. I have Ninetales for it's color coordination attack, doing the 90 damage considering I will have there type of energy on Ninetales. Leafeon and it's energy crush for energy stackers. I usually look for Ho Oh EX to discard it with ultra ball, then use rebirth to get it out with energy fast, not a priority but extremely helpful when I do that combo. Kelcleon for it's first move to imitate them. And Bouffalant for revenge, then I usually retreat it back for something else.

Things I am planning to change:
Once I get my hands on some dark patches that I'm going to start running those, I want more ethers in there as well since I run so much energy. Getting another Darkrai would be ideal for me as well. I need Flareon with Revenge blast.

Any suggestion, feel free to help me out, this is a pretty new deck it can use a lot of improvement!

Comments on BLUE.

It'll end up like this:
Pokemon: 17
    • Zorua LTR x3
    • Zoroark x3 (LTRx1/BLWx2)
    • Darkrai EX x2
    • Ho-Oh EX x1
    • Vulpix DRX x2
    • Ninetales LTR x2
    • Eevee PLF #90 x1
    • Leafeon PLF x1
    • Lunatone PLS x2

Trainers: 28
    • N x3
    • Juniper x3(I explained it to you in other thread)
    • Skyla x3
    • Colress x2
    • Ultra Ball x3
    • Level Ball x2
    • Energy Switch x2
    • Energy Search(Prof's Letter after XY1) x2
    • Ether x4
    • Silver Bangle(Muscle Band after XY1) x3
    • Computer Search/Dowsing Machine x1

Energy: 15
    • Dark x7
    • Leaf x1
    • Lighting x1
    • Fighting x1
    • Water x1
    • Fire x1
    • Fairy x1
    • Physic x1
    • Steel x1

Set up as many Zorua as you can and evolve them to hit fast with Zoroark. Lunatone+Ether to help accelerate energy, and you can use 2 if you have both on your bench. Ho-oh-EX as a late game attacker or if I you have it on your discard. Ninetales serves as a backup attacker that benefits from having multiple colored energy. Silver Bangle to hit EX's hard. And finally, Darkrai to give free retreat.

I hope I could help! Please tell me if you have any questions/doubts/disagree on something. :D
I just changed the deck a bit.

To respond to some of your suggestions, I've been running low on supporters since my main focus is my other decks and this one is fairly new, I only have hugh in there until I get something different which will be pretty soon since I've been trading and buying bunches of packs.

Giant Cape is in there for Zoruark because putting that on him will at least have him be able to take 100 damage and let me attack them for lots of damage, which is pretty nice. I also like that type of Zoruark because of that ability, no one ever seems to put damage on me unless it's a one shot which is also nice since I can just put damage on them with no damage on me.

A would put another dark claw in there, I just have one, if I did I'd put it in there in a heart beat

If I get any of the Zoruarks you suggested I'll test them out but the Zoruarks that I have, have been working out for me.

Anyways made some changes

Luckily I pulled a Darkrai today, pretty convenient
So, I'm getting another darkrai here soon, I think It should be pretty good in the deck 2 has been surving well enough though

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