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Dark Rush (Zoroark and Darkrai EX)


I have been looking around, procrastinating, and looking around some more. Then I made this deck, I think it has potential.

Here is the list for ye:

Dark Rush Deck

Pokemon - 12

2 Darkrai EX
4 Zorua DX
3 Zoroark DX
1 Zoroark BW
2 Sableye DX

TSS - 35

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Prof. Oak's New Theory
3 Prof. Juniper
2 Sage's Training
3 N

1 Burned Tower

4 Dark Claw
4 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Revive
3 Junk Arm

Energy - 13

6 Darkness Energy
4 SP Darkness Energy
3 Double-Colorless Energy (DCE)

The main idea of this deck is to get out a fast Zoroark and deal a lot of damage (about 140) with it on about the second turn. I added the BW Zoro for a swift counter to anyone that can KO themselves with an extra 20 damage pretty much. Sableye is a bench filler, but can be utilized in the mid- to late-game. Darkrai is, of course, for free retreat. I have no Level Ball so then I could max out my Pokemon Collector, for a more quick bench-fill. Burned Tower keeps Skyarrow Bridge out of play for a while, all your Pokemon are free retreat anyway. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory.

I was thinking maybe a Honchkrow UD 16/90 would be pretty good in a deck like this.
I'm not certain about his deck because there is probably going to be a rotation so it will most
likely be BW on when the set comes out I think. So many cards will be rotated.
Why would we have rotation now?
I should think we'll have these cards without rotation until november-ish
more on-topic, I'd recommend a 2-2 split of zoroarks, you really need zoroark BW to take on zekrom/reshiram EX.
- 1 PONT
+1 N
-1 DCE - can't be retrieved or accelerated like normal basic energy
+1 Dark energy
I don't see a reason for a rotation either, Puff.

But yeah, I like your ideas. Except for the split Zoroarks. I want to be attacking mainly with the one from DX.

Updated list.
That is not a very informative post, but I can still understand where your coming from.

Really though, this deck is MUCH MUCH faster than a Terrakion deck, and can OHKO Terrakion by turn 2.

So, in my opinion, Dark Rush > Terrakion.
ManPeach said:
That is not a very informative post, but I can still understand where your coming from.

Really though, this deck is MUCH MUCH faster than a Terrakion deck, and can OHKO Terrakion by turn 2.

So, in my opinion, Dark Rush > Terrakion.

all you need is 2 terrakion 1 exp share and 2 energies and he is 1HKO everything you have each turn after that.
I would say you almost absolutely need a fighting type counter.
maybe a Shaymin Ex or Tornadus. (I think shaymin is better)
Terrakion would make a good secondary attacker though. I don't think zoroark will be enough as an attacker. I think terrakion is a good secondary attacker because with darkrai and a dark energy it has free retreat, is a great counter to other dark and electric types, which is pretty popular, though it is not dark type. Sableye isn't needed if you have junk arm.
-1-2 sableye
-1 PONT (I would run 4 juniper because you really want to discard the dark energy as fast as possible for dark patch)
-2 revive? (really not needed much)
-1 dark energy (I think 4 DCE is needed)

+1 junk arm (good for discarding)
+1 DCE (for zoroark's attack)
+1 juniper (for discarding)
+2 (either a secondary attacker, which would be nice, or maybe a super rod and ssu?)
I will consider it if Terrakion smokes me in testing, but I doubt it will. Terrakion will be my first to test against. That Terrakion will get the 2 Energy onto it, die, EXP share, use one attack, then die again on one of my turns to come. Terrakion will run out of EXP share and will die off. That is just an assumption.

Also agreed completely with Jirachi. I only see one flaw in that though; Terrakion needs Fighting energy. I suppose I could add a few Prism in there, but then I will be taking about from my other Energy, because I will not be taking out the TSS for a few Prism unless Terrakion becomes dire.
Terrakion will have an advantage because of zoroark's weakness. If you are to add a secondary attacker, maybe a Shaymin EX would also be good since terrakion will be more popular because of eelektrik decks and dark decks.
ManPeach said:
I will consider it if Terrakion smokes me in testing, but I doubt it will. Terrakion will be my first to test against. That Terrakion will get the 2 Energy onto it, die, EXP share, use one attack, then die again on one of my turns to come. Terrakion will run out of EXP share and will die off. That is just an assumption.

gotta be careful with a mind set like that if they get a Terrakion sat up with 3 energy then its going to cause a ton of problems for this deck, i'v already built one real similar to this one and play tested it fighting = death, Landorus/Terrakion crushes this deck unless you have a perfect and i mean perfect set up by turn 2. its still able to beat the two if it sets up like it needs to.
I'd say in the 5 battles i had with my friends Terrakion./Landorus deck...it was about 20/80 as far as battle percentage. just my opinion on how it worked for me i'm still tweaking mine as well.

i'v been working on it since it was first revealed in japan its scary how much damge it dishes out on turn 2. i'v delt 180 turn 2 with BW zoroark, and 170 with DX zoroark.
Xintetsu1021 said:
gotta be careful with a mind set like that if they get a Terrakion sat up with 3 energy then its going to cause a ton of problems for this deck, i'v already built one real similar to this one and play tested it fighting = death, Landorus/Terrakion crushes this deck unless you have a perfect and i mean perfect set up by turn 2. its still able to beat the two if it sets up like it needs to.
I'd say in the 5 battles i had with my friends Terrakion./Landorus deck...it was about 20/80 as far as battle percentage. just my opinion on how it worked for me i'm still tweaking mine as well.

i'v been working on it since it was first revealed in japan its scary how much damge it dishes out on turn 2. i'v delt 180 turn 2 with BW zoroark, and 170 with DX zoroark.

A good tier terrakion/landorus is a hard to beat deck.
160 a turn and 10 the each bench nearly every round, that's good for 2 1HKO's from only 1 landorus, that's T3 for the ideal and consistent setup from a L&T deck.
T3 you can easily also have 2 more Terrakion with 2 exp share as well as 1 energy on 1 of the Terrakion when you do end up KOing his first Landorus.
He brings in Terrakion for retaliate that's another 180 damage. to any dark pokemon 1HKO.
Say you KO that Terrakion too.. You are down 3-2. With 2 more terrakion most likely ready to retaliate for another 190 damage.
No deck can withstand that type of damage output.
I am also going to make a Fighting deck that features Groudon as a deck to fall back on if this one doesn't work out, and probably will just make it anyway even if this deck is as good as I think it is.

Zoroark with 2 SP Dark and a Dark Claw on T2 can dish out 160 damage exactly, so yeah it can deal a lot on T2.

To the Terrakion/Lando thing; duly noted.
here's my fixes i'd make:

Pokemon - 18

2 Darkrai EX
4 Zorua DX
3 Zoroark DX
1 Zoroark BW
2 Sableye DX
2 Sneasel UD
2 Weavile UD
(you may consider Scyther DX or Shaymin EX as a terrakion counter, but i know this deck is way too fast for just the terrakion deck to anything against)

TSS - 31

3 Prof. Oak's New Theory
3 Prof. Juniper
3 N

3 Dark Claw
4 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Revive
4 Junk Arm
3 Ultra Ball
2 Random Receiver / Pokegear 3.0

Energy - 13

6 Darkness Energy
2 SP Darkness Energy
3 Double-Colorless Energy (DCE)

The game is way too fast for collector to be as effective as it used to be :(

This build should do well for u cuz of how fast you'll get your set up. The weavile will definately help with getting rid of your opponent's cards and the sneasel with a SP {D} and dark claw can do 40 for 1 energy atleast if u get 1 heads. thats alot for 1 energy. also, the ultra ball will help you get your pokemon fast as well as discard ur dark energy for dark patch. Revive is definately good in this type of deck. u may consider super rod also to get back key cards that were either discarded or knocked out. lemme know what u think of this build.