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Darkness Rush(Darkrai, Zoaroark, Krookodile)

Darkness Drago

Aspiring Trainer
  The main strategy of the deck is to have D.R. Darkrai on the bench to provide free retreat while I start with D.R. Zorua, attach an energy ,evolve, and next turn start taking prizes.  After Zoroark gets knocked out pull up D.R. Krookodile and take names with massive damage it can lash out. D.R. Sableye is just a tech.
Note: D.R. stands for Dark Rush/ U.D. stands for Undaunted/ B.W. stands for Black&White

15x Pokemon
2x Darkrai D.R.
3x Zoroark D.R.
1x Zoroark B.W.
4x Zorua D.R.
2x Krookodile D.R.
1x Krokorok D.R.
2x Sandile D.R.

31x Trainers/Supportors
3x Dark Patch
4x Pokemon Coumunication
4x Pokemon Collector
4x Proffessor Oaks New Theory
3x Dark Claw
2x Rare Candy
4x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Catcher
1x Super Rod
4x Sage's Training

14x Energy
4x Special{D}
Remove the Umbreon, Eevee isn't dark and you'll do fine against pokemon with powers anyway. I would add a 1-1 line of Zoroark Dark Rush for it.
Here's some changes I would make:

-2 Sableye What does this actually do? You said its a tech, but against what? I can't figure out how this thing is useful
-1 Darkrai EX its a Pokemon you only need 1 of on your bench, and 180 hp means the opponent won't be able to KO it easily. 1-2 Darkrai is all you need
-1 Krokorok with Rare Candy in your deck, a 2-1-2 line is more efficient than a 2-2-2
-1 Darkness Patch Zoroark's attack is pretty cheap, so you don't need this much energy acceleration-especially since this deck can't reliably get energy in the discard anyway
-1 Rare Candy You've only got 2 Stage 2 cards, so why do you need 3 Candies?
-1 Flower Shop Lady In a deck with Junk Arm and no Vileplume, Super Rod outclasses this
-2 Darkness Energy The attacks aren't that expensive that you would need this much energy

+1 Pokemon Collector If you don't have other basic searchers you need 4 Collectors
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory More hand refresh=more consistency, never a bad thing
+2 Junk Arm Any deck without Vileplume should be running 4 of these, especially this one since it has a bunch of trainers and benefits from discarding energy
+1 Super Rod Doesn't take up your supporter for the turn like FSL does, and its reusable with Junk Arm
+4 Sage's Training My favorite card, this lets you quickly dig through your deck for the card you need regardless of the scenario, it can also discard energy for Darkness Patch

In my opinion, these changes will give your deck a lot more consistency without hurting it in any way. Also, Umbreon can't learn Fire Fang.
I know umbreon can't learn fire fang I just wanted to beat the Scarmory, and thanks for the help. And sableye for one dark energy grabs 2 trainers out of the discard pile and puts them in your hand for no cost at all.

The changes have been made and i'm still taking requests.