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Darkrai Absol Sableye


Aspiring Trainer

3 Darkrai ex
3 Absol
3 Sableye
1 Keldeo ex


4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
3 Random receiver
4 Dark patch
4 Ultra ball
4 Hypnotoxic laser
4 Pokemon catcher
3 Energy switch
1 Max potion
1 Computer search
1 Tool scrapper
2 Virbank city gym
2 Dark claw


10 Darkness energy

Basic Darkrai deck where Darkrai ex is usually your main attacker alongside Absol (depending on the match up). Sableye is there to get back your resources and help you get your turn 2 night spear consistently and Keldeo ex is there to use it's ability to remove any poison counters on Darkrai ex. I decide to play a heavy random receiver count instead of a heavier supporter count as I feel that having too many supporters in your hand, in Darkrai, makes it very cloggy and it really hurts when you Juniper them away, and also, it has been working wonders for me (oh and you can get it back with junk hunt). I also don't play Skyla because I personally don't really like it in Darkrai, it gets you the cards you need, but sometimes you just need multiple cards to pull off a move you want to pull off, and also, sometimes you need to get a draw supporter through random receiver so it's painful if you random receiver into Skyla at the wrong time, but don't get me wrong, it's still an amazing overall card.

I'm jumping around from a 3 Darkrai ex and 3 Absol split, and a 4 Darkrai ex and 2 Absol split. Also, I would love to try and fit a 4th random receiver. Furthermore I can't decide between Computer search and Dowsing machine as my ace spec. Computer search helps you get off your turn 2 night spear much more consistently but Dowsing machine can act as your 5th dark patch, 5th N, 5th catcher or etc. Finally, I'm having trouble with some matchups, in specific, Plasma and Blastoise with Black Kyurem. The plasma match up is manageable and much better than the Blastoise match up, but since I don't play enhanced hammer, it's fairly difficult especially because of their Kyurem. For the Black Kyurem match up, it's very difficult for me to constantly stream Darkrai's and pull off N in the same turn. The only way I see myself winning the match is getting a good start and being able to k.o. their Squirtle turn 2 or they get a bad hand.

All comments are appreciated and could you guys leave some suggestions on cards or PM me ways of handling those matchups? Thanks :)
Interesting, I will definitely try adding in enhanced hammers and a 3rd dark claw but I personally prefer the 3 random receiver and 2 Bianca. Question: How well does the deck fair against garbador without tool scrapper, Do you ever regretting not putting in a max potion/ energy search and Do you draw into your catchers when you need them?
E1996C said:
Interesting, I will definitely try adding in enhanced hammers
if you want you can take out a enhanced hammer and add a pokemon catcher 3 is fine 4 is also good but i went 3-2 (3 catcher and 2 enhanced hammer) because right now (atleast in mine metagame) everyone plays TKD/Plasma Box (Thundurus/Kyurem/Deoxys)
E1996C said:
but I personally prefer the 3 random receiver and 2 Bianca
that would be good if you like. it is more a matter of prefence. but that could totally work
E1996C said:
Question: How well does the deck fair against garbador without tool scrapper, Do you ever regretting not putting in a max potion/ energy search and Do you draw into your catchers when you need them?
it does ok against garbador it really matters about the hand because if i get night spear 1-2 turn then it is really hard for them to keep up and you could pokemon catcher the trubbish's easy so it is hard for them to keep up and you have ehanced hammers so that kills their double colorless so i say it is like a 60-40

energy search is ok but you have so much draw that i usually get the energy i need and for max potion i think it could work but you are probably going to dicard it with professor juniper and for the catcher's i usally get them when i need but with 3 catchers you will maybe 1/5 games need a pokemon catcher but that is a maybe
Ahh, okay thanks for the feedback. BUMP, updated my list. Currently using dowsing machine over computer search as I feel that it really helps in the late game and getting your essential resources back. Want to try and fit a 2nd Keldeo in the deck!

All comments are appreciated
well this is my decklist:

4x Sableye
3x Darkrai EX
1x Absol
1x Keldeo-EX

4x N
4x Professor Juniper
3x Bianca

4x Ultra Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
4x Dark Patch
4x Energy Switch
3x Random Receiver
1x Revive
1x Max Potion
1x Enhanced Hammer
1x Crushing Hammer

1x Virbank City Gym

1x Life Dew
1x Dark Claw

11x Darkness Energy

I use a bunch of random techs to beat common decks. Hope you can change your decklist in your way to help you win at nats! GL and where is your nats? I'm curious.

EDIT: I just realized you had trouble with Blastoise. Thats what Sableye+revive+life dew is for: stalling. ;):D