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Aspiring Trainer
This is just a fun deck for my sister. I'd like her to have a good deck though. I'd like to keep it NXD on though in case she wants to do a tournament.

9 Pokemon:
3 Darkrai-EX
3 Sableye
3 Absol

37 Trainers:
4 N
4 Juniper
2 Skyla
3 Enhanced Hammer
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Hypno-Toxic Laser
2 Virbank Gym
3 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
4 Dark Patch
3 Dark Claw
1 Computer Search
2 Tool Scrapper

13 Energy:
13 Dark

Same as any Darkrai/Absol deck. Set up and get stuff with Sableye. Attack mainly with Absol with Darkrai for ability and backup. Any help is appreciated!
I would cut the plasma balls, you already have the ultra! Also, add 2 more dark patchs for energy acceleration and, perhaps, trade a skyla for a juniper!
-2 Plasma Ball
-1 Skyla
+ 2 Dark Patch
+ 1 Juniper
Also, there is no emolga in the decklist...
-2 Ghetsis
-1 virbank

+2 emolga
+1 catcher

Ghetsis doesn't really help out the deck, and 2 virbank is standard. This gives you 3 spaces. I used 2 of them for the emolga you were missing, and the last space to finish off the catcher line.
I run the same line for pokemon :)

I am 4/5 with this deck. I lost to the Thundorus/deoxys/keldeo deck.All because she catcher my sableye and KO them and then,kept on switching out her pokemon until i ran my deck dry and she won. (I dislike keldeo-ex+float stone lol)

+1 Juniper
-2 Skyla (With this deck your pull rate for items are high.)
-2 Ghetsis (You want them to use there tool cards,so then you can skyla tool scrapper them.)
-1 Virbank Gym (They will be also running Virbank,so 2 is good)
-3 Level Ball (You are running ultra ball and discarding energy is a big thing now that energy switch is gone)
+2 Dark Patch (again,energy switch is rotated out and more dark patch will help)
-2 Plasma Ball (Your Trainers can take care of that for Absol and the other pokemon.So,no need to worry)
+3 Enhanced hammer (DCE+Plasma energy killer)
+3 Switch (Again, No energy switch means switch will have to be used again when they catcher your pokemon without energy)

+1 Dark (Cant energy switch anymore.You will need more energy now for the better pull rate)

Like i said earlier, I'm doing great with this deck. hope i helped :)