Hello guys,
After a while testing the deck this is my final list. I now have many wins with my deck LOL!! My only problem is that i would really like an extra ultra/level ball or sableye in it to speed up my game more. I have some techs in the deck that i would really love to hear opinions about.
So here it is:
3-1-3 hydreigon
3 darkrai ex
2 sableye
1 sigilyph
1 mewtwo ex
1 shaymin ex
4 prof. Juniper
4 N
4 cheren
2 pokemon catcher
4 max potion
3 dark patch
3 rare candy
2 eviolite
3 ultra ball
1 levelball
2 tool scrapper
1 double colorless
4 blend
8 darknes energy
Strategy is to obv turn2/3 hydreigon and darkrai to start winning lol
I tried and immediatly loved the double colourless. I once started with sigylyph in a mirror match and it was strong. But thats not the main reason. The amount of energy i have in play normally is about 6/7. Depending on getting hammered. With the double colourless im able to ohko a 180hp pokemon for sure.
Im thinking about these changes;
- 1 super rod
+ 1 ultra ball
-2 random receiver
+1/1 bianca cheren
What else take out for 1 extra sableye, and do I really need it?
I would greatly apreciate any opinions or help!![undefined=undefined]
After a while testing the deck this is my final list. I now have many wins with my deck LOL!! My only problem is that i would really like an extra ultra/level ball or sableye in it to speed up my game more. I have some techs in the deck that i would really love to hear opinions about.
So here it is:
3-1-3 hydreigon
3 darkrai ex
2 sableye
1 sigilyph
1 mewtwo ex
1 shaymin ex
4 prof. Juniper
4 N
4 cheren
2 pokemon catcher
4 max potion
3 dark patch
3 rare candy
2 eviolite
3 ultra ball
1 levelball
2 tool scrapper
1 double colorless
4 blend
8 darknes energy
Strategy is to obv turn2/3 hydreigon and darkrai to start winning lol
I tried and immediatly loved the double colourless. I once started with sigylyph in a mirror match and it was strong. But thats not the main reason. The amount of energy i have in play normally is about 6/7. Depending on getting hammered. With the double colourless im able to ohko a 180hp pokemon for sure.
Im thinking about these changes;
- 1 super rod
+ 1 ultra ball
-2 random receiver
+1/1 bianca cheren
What else take out for 1 extra sableye, and do I really need it?
I would greatly apreciate any opinions or help!![undefined=undefined]