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Darkrai EX / Hydreigon

You probably need to get over not wanting to discard your hand. For the most part i feel if you cant use anything in that hand now an you have extras you can rely on being in your deck or have ways of getting it back. Like super rod or dark patches. You shouldnt be too afraid to use juniper and freshen your hand. Especially if you are looking for something like a catcher or dark patch. its almost better to try your luck and use juniper and hope you get what you need. In pokemon it seems like the faster you can go through your deck the better. You get everything you need so you can overwhelm your opponent.

Like if you can get enough energy floating around your bench with enough attackers, your opponent will probably run into a scenario where no matter what they do they will lose an attacker. They can try an knock one of your pokemon out. But you still are able to move energy around and charge up another pokemon that can knock out their attacker. Sometimes they will be left with nothing if they do attack and then they will have to retreat to a sacrificial pokemon and pass. Hoping you dont have a catcher.
testing is going very well, I've only lost to a few random rogues so I feel confident.

still trying to make room for that 3rd max potion but I don't see even slight room for it so ill keep looking.

I don't think its a perfect deck yet, I still run into situations where I can't do anything so I'm taking a hard look at my trainer lineup.

keep the helpful advice comming, I could not have gotten to where I am without each and every one of your help, thank you everyone so much.
i think it would be safe to get rid of a dark energy for a max potion. 13 is kind of alot. You could also drop colress and Bianca for 2 Random Recievers. Since you have junk hunt you can get a supporter for the next turn whenever you need it. With only 4 Ns and 4 Junipers, theres a good chance you will get one of them. That and you dont have to worry about bianca and colress in your starting hand. You could also use dowsing machine instead of computer search to get back supporters as well.
well I tried swapping out the 1 bianca and the 1 colress for 2 tool scrappers, if they turn out to be dead or not fit or whatever the case I'll switch them for the 2 random receivers.