Darkrai EX / Landorus EX


Use this thread for all discussion of the Darkrai EX/Landorus EX deck. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs. This does not include any other Darkrai EX variant. This is only for Darkrai decks that contain Fighting types.

You may post decklists here, but only as a means of adding to the discussion. Don't post decklists here for advice.

All discussion not related to Darkrai EX/Landorus EX will be moved or deleted. All shallow or uninformed discussion will also be deleted by the mods.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

In this deck I start with Landorus and hit early and load Darkarai on bench. Then to the discussion! I play Dusknoir as a tech to move all the damage from hammerhead and night spear to the active for the kill. Then late late game I run a 1-1 Mandibuzz for a snipe on a weakling! That's my techs with my strategy. What do you think?
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

Which Mandibuzz? It really sounds interesting and I've tried the one with Dusknoir too.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

Please discuss Dusknoir in the Dusknoir thread that I just made. Sorry for the confusion.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

This deck is amazingly fast (if used correctly) and can hit for lots of damage both early and late game, making it a great threat to many decks in the format. It can use many techs such as Mewtwo, Tornadus, Keldeo, Ho-oh, and Sigilyph. It has nice match-ups againts many decks, and the ones that it doesn't have an easy time with aren't instant losses either. My favorite version uses Sigilyph and Mewtwo as single techs.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

I agree, the reason this deck is potent is because of speed and having a great early and late game. I actually use 2 Mewtwo and 2 DCE in my list, so Mewtwo is more of a main attacker in my version. It's worked quite well for me and by focusing more on Mewtwo, it has a better matchup vs. Blastoise and is great for when you can't get the Darkrais charged up fast enough.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

I understand that having more Mewtwo makes for a better Blastoise match-up, but I feel that DCE isn't a very good option for this deck. Using prism for Sigilyph is better imo, since it can also be used for other pokemon if necessary.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

tyrannitar trainer said:
In this deck I start with Landorus and hit early and load Darkarai on bench. Then to the discussion! I play Dusknoir as a tech to move all the damage from hammerhead and night spear to the active for the kill. Then late late game I run a 1-1 Mandibuzz for a snipe on a weakling! That's my techs with my strategy. What do you think?

Assuming you're talking about the BW one, Mandibuzz was never a good card (it saw some play with Kingdra Prime back before even EP, but the deck was tier 2 or lower material and died quickly) and it hasn't changed with the increase in power. 50 damage to a benched mon that already has damage on it is just bad. There are very few situations that I can think of where 50 damage to a benched Pokemon with 30 or 60 on it will do something that another 30 wouldn't. Mandibuzz is also a stage 1 so its harder to set up and provides the opponent with an easy KO (either the basic or it), which hurts the deck's integral strategy.
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

The list my sister used to win a City (note: we didn't own any ACE SPEC's at the time).

3 Sableye
3 DarkraiEX
3 LandorusEX
1 KeldeoEX

7 Darkness
5 Fighting
1 Water

4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Dark Patch
4 Potion
4 Energy Switch
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
3 Cheren
3 Ultra Ball
2 Skyla
2 Energy Search
2 Eviolite
1 Dark Claw
RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX

my darkrai/landorus deck. it focus on consistency and turn 2 land's judgement.

pokemon: 7

4x Landorus ex
2x Darkrai ex
1x Mewtwo ex

TSS: 39

4x catcher
4x dark patch
4x energy switch
4x ultraball
3x energy search
2x tool scrappers
2x plus power
2x switch
1x computer search

4x Skyla
4x Juniper
2x N
3x Random Reciver

energy: 14
7x dark
7x fighting

pretty consistent deck. first turn hammer head then 2nd turn lands judgement enough to kill any EX with hammer head damage
was thinking of adding terrakion as a sigilyph counter but havnt been seeing much sigilyphs running around(and the ones i have encountered were eazly bypassed)
Focusing on T2 Lands Judgment is just bad, it's an attack you can misplay with a lot. A stable damage output with a backup attacker and some tech/Energy Switch plays are much better. Also anything that requires setting up one or multiple Stage 1/2s won't work, as it'll hurt the decks consistency.

How can you bypass Sigilyph with no non-Ex attacker?
Soul Seeker said:
Focusing on T2 Lands Judgment is just bad, it's an attack you can misplay with a lot. A stable damage output with a backup attacker and some tech/Energy Switch plays are much better. Also anything that requires setting up one or multiple Stage 1/2s won't work, as it'll hurt the decks consistency.

How can you bypass Sigilyph with no non-Ex attacker?

darkrai and mewtwo are anazing back up attackers. and i ment snipping/ catchering around sigilyph.
Umm, how is the BDIF Tier2? Doesn't it have the most Cities wins? Oh maybe that's Mewtwo/Landorus...
Anyway, I still think that this deck is definitely Tier 1. It has great consistency, power, shenanigan options, early game pressure, and it should definitely play CP Search over Gold Potion.
You'd be surprised; this deck doesn't have a win count even close to the ones I listed as Tier 1. I based them off the current Cities results.
@ JayKam:
Once your opponent figures out you don't have any counters, they'll drop nothimg else, you should at least run 1 Terrakion.
Because of the number of people in my area using Sigilyph techs, I always run 2 Terrakion in my list. Sigilyph can also OHKO Sigilyph.
yea most likly ill add terrakion, but only a noob will play like i have no sigilyph counter. its like people who assume i have no mewtwo...
I think what he's trying to say is that most people will assume you have a Sigilpyh counter hidden somewhere. They'll figure it out eventually, but if you play it right, they may have already dropped enough Pokémon onto the field for you to take your last prizes without having to KO the Sigilyph.

If Sigilyph is really popular in your area though, you should play a Terrakion. If it's not, then just hope you don't play against one of the few people using it. It's often better to improve your other matchups then worry about a single non-popular one.