• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.


Charizard FTW

Darkrai is such a bo$$
Sup guys, Ive been recently toying around with Darkrai/Garbodor, and I got to say its a really good deck but I feel like I can improve mine with you guy's imput.

  • 3- Sableye (Junk Hunt)
  • 3- Darkrai EX
  • 3-2 Garbodor (70 hp trubbish from Dragons Exalted, and Garbotoxin Garbodor)
Total 11
  • 4-N
  • 4-Juniper
  • 2-Colress
Total 10
  • 3- Random Receiver
  • 2- Enhanced Hammer
  • 4- Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3- Pokémon Catcher
  • 1- Tool Scrapper
  • 4- Float Stone
  • 2- Dark Claw
  • 3- Dark Patch
  • 3- Ultra Ball
  • 1- Level Ball
  • 1- Dowsing Machine
  • 1- Super Rod
Total 28
  • 2- Virbank City Gym
Total 2
  • 9- Dark
Total 9

Total overall 60.

Edited to coincide with the rules! Also, you should add in a Strategy as some people may become confused about it. ~Kecleon
i would say drop a random receiver, float stone, and level ball for skyla. They greatly help in this deck. Allow you to grab your item cards so you can get them to the discard or get some tools for garbodor.

I would also take out virbank laser. This deck needs catchers for it to work properly. Probably also add silver mirrors to help against TDK and other plasma decks. You wont be able to knock out as fast, but theres a much better chance you can decking someone out with catchering the high retreat cost targets and enhanced hammering the energy away.
No Catcher and no Skyla... the lack ofSkyla isn't as bad as the lack of Catcher, though.I really like both of them. Silver Mirror isn't REALLY needed, but if you have the space it can be good. I personally like cards like Exp. Share, Energy Search, and Potion or Max Potion. Just my two cents though.
I would take out a trubbish for a 4th dark patch since a 2-2 line of garbodor is fine and four dark patch is a must in the deck since if you saw any matches from the klaczynski open, you will see how usefull dark patch is.
I think that Absol should go into this deck, as it is a great non-EX Pokemon and many decks get a lot of Pokemon down on their bench early. I would take out an Enhanced Hammer for a Absol because you can always get the Enhanced Hammer back with Sableye.

Hope that helped!:D
Awesomeguy76 said:
I think that Absol should go into this deck, as it is a great non-EX Pokemon and many decks get a lot of Pokemon down on their bench early. I would take out an Enhanced Hammer for a Absol because you can always get the Enhanced Hammer back with Sableye.

Hope that helped!:D

I disagree since enhanced hammer is a must and you at least should run 2 to run consistently well against the plasma mach up. I think that absol slightly ruins consistency and is not really needed in the deck, its a very good card I admit, but if you think about it, it's not really needed in darkrai/garbodor.