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Standard Darkrai/Giratina/Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
2 Darkrai EX (BKP)
2 Giratina EX (AOR)
2 Shaymin EX (ROS)
1 Hoopa EX (AOR)
1 Yveltal EX
1 Yveltal (XY)
2 Trubbish (BKP)
2 Garbodor (BKP)

4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Lysandre
1 Hex Maniac

4 VS Seeker
4 Ultra Ball
4 Trainer's Mail
4 Max Elixir
3 Fighting Fury Belt
2 Float Stone
2 Escape Rope
1 Super Rod
1 Parallel City
1 Reverse Valley

8 Dark Energy
4 Double Dragon Energy

I just threw this together after some moderate success online with the list. The deck is awesome if you are able to establish an early ability lock and start the Darkrai beats. However, sometimes it feels too slow in the current meta and just gets run over.

The Reverse Valley may be better suited as a 2nd Parallel City, but I'm unsure. I am also not completely sure the supporter line up is correct and am open to suggestions there.

Hoopa EX has been in and out as well as my alternate attacker in Yveltal EX. I don't know if Hoopa is needed with how much raw draw support we have or if Hydreigon EX would be a better alternative attacker.
Nice List!
Most suggestions I'm going to make go off of my past experience with this deck...

- Cut Yveltal-EX
In this deck, you already have a secondary attacker that is found in Giratina-EX and the energy commitment to Yveltal-EX without DCE is a bit much to hit for high damage. Giratina-EX has a high energy cost but it is justified in the very generous disruption in its attack effect. You should be fine with just Giratina and Darkrai
- Add 1 more Darkrai-EX
This is your main attacker and most of your damage is to come from this 'Mon. With only 2, you run the risk of prizing one (or two if you're really unlucky) or having something else happen that would cut you to just the single Darkrai-EX. Bumping up the count to 3 makes it a bit safer and more consistent for opening and drawing.
In my list, I've found that the single prize attacker greatly pulls the M Mewtwo into your favour even more. It also functions as a 7th prize along with the Yveltal STS/XY allowing more resources/damage/time to you without any game changing factors (mostly). This isn't a necessary addition but I've found it very clutch and a nice tech.
- If you are fortunate enough to own 1-2 Salamence-EX, it can replace Giratina.
- Add 1 Delinquent
This edgy Teen is a god in this deck. Along side of hand disruption, this cards primary effect is very clutch for stadium knockout in mirror. This card allows you to bump out a Parallel City or Reverse Valley your opponent played the way you didn't like and then play you own.
- Cut 1 Trainers' Mail
4 is a good number but 3 is sufficient. Only cut this if you need space (or if you go by all my suggestions).
- Cut 1 Escape Rope
1 is enough. This is mostly a disruption/situational lysandre that isn't as good. If you end up using it as a switch, my next suggestion should fix that.
- Add 1 more Float Stone
This card has a LOT of utility in this deck due to both garbodor and big retreat costs in Giratina-EX especially.
- Add 1 Parallel City
I think that a 2-1 split is fine. Parallel City is good at restricting opponents' Bench size, getting shaymins/hoopa off your own bench and cutting down enemy damage (occasionally). The extra 10 Damage off of Dimension Valley is good for hitting for and easy 110 or the godly 170-210/180-220 (with fury belt) just a bit easier. If you choose to run Mew FCL, I would recommend cutting the Reverse Valley.
- Cut one DDE
3 is enough. Overextending (2DDE +n Dark) can be dangerous, especially on a 3 {C} retrat mon. By reducing your DDE count, you are given less opportunity to overextend while keeping enough consistency to hit a DDE onto a Giratina when you need it for an attack or more damage for Darkrai-EX. To me, and overextended Giratina is bigger Lysandre bait than Hoopa-EX's and Shaymin-EX's.
These are just my thoughts from my experience.

I really appreciate the feedback. Here are the changes I'll be making to start.

- 1 Yveltal EX
- 1 Trainer's Mail
- 1 Escape Rope
- 1 DDE

+ 1 Darkrai EX
+ 1 Float Stone
+ 1 Parallel City
+ 1 Delinquent

I was looking into a couple of Salamence EXS as my next purchase for the deck. They are just hard to find.
Seems like this deck could do for a +1 Hydreigon EX to handle the Jolteon EX matchup along with giving you another good double dragon bench stash if you happen to prize a Giratina EX Maybe I am overthinking it though :)
A one of Hydreigon EX has gone in and out. There is very little Jolteon in my current meta, but it is always a switch I keep in mind. If the overall meta becomes more Evolution based Jolteon will end up occupying even less of the meta. I do still like it as a bench stash for DDE though