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Standard Darkrai GX/Zoroark GX Deck


Aspiring Trainer
This deck has worked very well so far. I was watching a lot of Guzzlord GX videos and I saw a lot of Darkrai and Zoroark being played in them. So I thought why not take out Guzzlord, combine those two and see what I can do. It flows very well, Zoroark's Trade makes draw support run smoothly and the addition of Sableye to stop my opponent from using supports helped tremendously. The deck that gives me the most trouble of course is Lycanroc, but there isn't much i can do about that with the weakness and all. Anyway, I hope you all like this deck list. It is original and never seen before, or at least I have never seen one.

4- Zorua
3- Zoroark-GX
1-Zoroark (Stand-in)
1-Zoroark BREAK
3- Sableye
1-Hoopa (Shining Legends)
2-Tapu-Lele GX

3- N
3-Professor Sycamore
4-Ultra Ball
3-Choice Band
3-Float Stone
2- Altar of the Moone
2-Field Blower
1-Parallel City
1-Special Charge
1-Rescue Stretcher

6- Dark Energy
Why do you play Sableye? Actually, I see why your list is so crowded with cards. I play straight Zoroark myself and the list gets pretty crowded when you put in all the cards you want, but still have like, 10 spaces left. I would play 4 Choice Band, because if you have as many attackers as you do, you want to make sure they can pump out damage as hard as possible. And because Zoroark doesn't take OHKO's, you're bound to fall behind prizes sometime throughout games, so I would play a Counter Catcher. 2 Brigette is another thing to consider, since you don't want to whiff it turn 1 at all, and the second copy makes great discard fodder for Trade.
Why do you play Sableye? Actually, I see why your list is so crowded with cards. I play straight Zoroark myself and the list gets pretty crowded when you put in all the cards you want, but still have like, 10 spaces left. I would play 4 Choice Band, because if you have as many attackers as you do, you want to make sure they can pump out damage as hard as possible. And because Zoroark doesn't take OHKO's, you're bound to fall behind prizes sometime throughout games, so I would play a Counter Catcher. 2 Brigette is another thing to consider, since you don't want to whiff it turn 1 at all, and the second copy makes great discard fodder for Trade.

I have Sableye in there because it is amazing to start out with. If my opponent can't use supporters for like the first 3 turns then it helps me get set up faster then them. I did consider the 2 Bridgette. And I kinda disagree on the whole crowded part. I can see where you may think that, but all the Pokemon, except for Sableye, Darkrai, and maybe Espeon, should be in any Zoroark Deck. The trainers are very common to any meta deck except for Mallows (which are there for Trade), Alar of the Moone (which are there becasue everything has two retreat cost and that would take away so much energy), Parallel City (which is there for mirror match and for late game Lele Denial), and maybe special charge (But seriously anything that runs DCE should consider special charge). So really everything has a purpose. I do think I will take out 1 Guzma and 1 Float Stone for 2 Enhanced Hammers. Everything runs DCE or Rainbow and they are really good. lol