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Darkrai/ Hydreigon: Techs and Items Worthwhile?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey, I have been trying to build a Darkrai/ Hydreigon deck that would surprise my opponent with its techs, yet still be as consistent and able to win as possible. Here is the list I have so far with the exception of two item cards that I have no idea what to do with:

Pokemon= 17

4-1-3 Hydreigon (2x Deino DrE, 2x Deino NV, 1x Zweilous DrE, 3x Hydreigon DrE)
3 Darkrai EX
3 Sableye
1 Shaymin EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Bouffalant (DrE)


8 Darkness Energy
3 Blend Energy (GFPD)


2 Bianca
4 Professor Juniper
3 N
1 Skyla

2 Random Receiver
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Max Potion
4 Dark Patch
1 Dark Claw
3 Rare Candy
1 Tool Scrapper
4 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search

I am open to any changes in the deck as long as the card chosen or changed has a good reason to be (or not be) there :D
Thanks for helping out :cool:

btw: Made a few changes after play testing the list a bit
11/14- added Dark Claw
You definitely need one to be Computer Search. Infinitely reusable search that helps you get energy into the discard? Yes please.
Personally, I'd make the other one a Sigilyph, just because it's so useful in this EX-filled format.
Puff said:
You definitely need one to be Computer Search. Infinitely reusable search that helps you get energy into the discard? Yes please.
Personally, I'd make the other one a Sigilyph, just because it's so useful in this EX-filled format.

I think Computer Search would be really good too. I had thought about sigilyph, but I prefer it to be an item card due to sigilyph being a highly expected card in this deck and the only reason people played it (in my opinion) is because it was a viable mewtwo counter. Also the fact that in every other deck out there there are many attackers who can make sygilyph regret he was ever played :) (terrakion in Darkrai decks, Rayquaza in Eels, Blastoise in Keldeo, etc.) any other suggestions in the decklist?
Hmm... If you want unexpected, you could go with Benchtini (Great for early game or against Registeel) or Dark Claw (Dragons and Terrakion don't enjoy dealing with this one)
Your trainer line should look like this:
3 Max Potion
3 Rare Candy
3 Dark Patch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
2 Random Reciever
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Extra slot for something like a Tool Scrapper
The thing about Darkrai/Hydreigon is that there is little room for techs. Shaymin EX and Mewtwo EX are both good techs, and should be run in all Darkrai/Hydreigon. You can always have variations in certain cards but sticking to the classic format for this deck is really the way to win. Techs like Cresselia aren't worth it, Mewtwo is just better than it. Switch really aren't necessary at all and Skyla might be somewhat worthwhile playing, but if you want a successful deck there is little wiggle room because of the demanding Hydreigon line; I like playing a 4-1-3 with 2 Deino NV and 2 Deino DrX (the kind that can paralyze). Because Rayquaza can really ruin your day if you play only Dragon type Deino and get off to a bad start.
The answer to your question in the title is no, not really. Maybe 1 tech, but nothing that changes a deck's consistency exponentially.
Dia said:
Your trainer line should look like this:
3 Max Potion
3 Rare Candy
3 Dark Patch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
2 Random Reciever
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Extra slot for something like a Tool Scrapper
The thing about Darkrai/Hydreigon is that there is little room for techs. Shaymin EX and Mewtwo EX are both good techs, and should be run in all Darkrai/Hydreigon. You can always have variations in certain cards but sticking to the classic format for this deck is really the way to win. Techs like Cresselia aren't worth it, Mewtwo is just better than it. Switch really aren't necessary at all and Skyla might be somewhat worthwhile playing, but if you want a successful deck there is little wiggle room because of the demanding Hydreigon line; I like playing a 4-1-3 with 2 Deino NV and 2 Deino DrX (the kind that can paralyze). Because Rayquaza can really ruin your day if you play only Dragon type Deino and get off to a bad start.
The answer to your question in the title is no, not really. Maybe 1 tech, but nothing that changes a deck's consistency exponentially.

Im sorry. I just dont agree. For there to be a competetive deck, there has to be at least 1000 different kind of cards and techs that people play. If it were, like you say, something that is already determined and would not be good if changed, then not that many people would play with this deck since so many other people would now exactly what it consists of. So no, I dont really agree to your rule for their being little space for techs. And just as a side note, I think 4 catchers is too much too play in a deck with item recyclage. If you want reasons on WHY I play the techs I do, I will be happy to answer that.
Dia said:
Your trainer line should look like this:
3 Max Potion
3 Rare Candy
3 Dark Patch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
2 Random Reciever
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Extra slot for something like a Tool Scrapper
The thing about Darkrai/Hydreigon is that there is little room for techs. Shaymin EX and Mewtwo EX are both good techs, and should be run in all Darkrai/Hydreigon. You can always have variations in certain cards but sticking to the classic format for this deck is really the way to win. Techs like Cresselia aren't worth it, Mewtwo is just better than it. Switch really aren't necessary at all and Skyla might be somewhat worthwhile playing, but if you want a successful deck there is little wiggle room because of the demanding Hydreigon line; I like playing a 4-1-3 with 2 Deino NV and 2 Deino DrX (the kind that can paralyze). Because Rayquaza can really ruin your day if you play only Dragon type Deino and get off to a bad start.
The answer to your question in the title is no, not really. Maybe 1 tech, but nothing that changes a deck's consistency exponentially.

I suppose it's time for my obligatory argument. Shaymin EX is bad. If you start with it, you lose. End of story.

Mewtwo is not just "better" than cresselia in Darkrai. I would argue that Cresselia is much better. It OHKO's an opponent's Mewtwo EX, and doesn't get OHKO'd in response. Its attack costs just as much as Hydreigons. Just need the one blend, and after you KO the mewtwo, you can safely switch the energies back off. I don't see the point of Mewtwo anymore, all it KOs is itself, which means if your opponent runs 2 Mewtwos, you're just giving up prize cards. Cresselia forces them to waste a catcher, and they will need 5 energies attatched to OHKO. I would like it noted, however, that Cresselia is ONLY good in Darkrai because you can move energies to it and power it up in one turn. In any other deck, Mewtwo is superior because it's easier to power up.

Also 4 Catchers is not to much, it is a staple. We don't have Junk Arm anymore. You can use Sableye, but again, you're giving up a free prize card to fish Catchers out of your discard pile when you just shouldn't have to.

Past the techs that Dia listed though, I do mostly agree with his trainer line. I personally run 4 Dark Patch and 2 Max Potion, but that's my own prefrence. I'd rather have the consistant start than the huge end game. I would also like to note that Dia doesn't list Computer Search, which Darkrai needs. It's like Ultra Ball except better, because it can search out anything. I also play 2 Skyla in my list, because it can search out Rare Candy, which is huge.

Lastly, and most importantly, where are your eviolites at? I can't believe that NOBODY between three people have come up with them.

My suggested changes:

-1 Shaymin EX if you start with this card you will lose. This is not debatable.)
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Bouffolant
-1 Deino, and make all 3 that are left the Dark-type ones, because you cannot use Dark Patch to attatch to the Dragon-type Deino.
-1 Energy Switch (...hydreigon does this for you rofl)
-1 Max Potion/Ultra Ball/Dark Patch (Depends on what you prefer. Take out the Max Potion if you dont' feel you use it too often, the Ultra Ball if you feel 3 + Computer Search is enough, or the Dark Patch if you feel 3 + Sableye is enough.)

+1 Cresselia EX (better than Mewtwo.)
+1 Skyla
+1 Blend {G}{R}{P}{D}
+1 N
+2 Eviolite (how everybody missed this is beyond me.)
I forgot to list Computer Search because it isn't out yet. And Shaymin EX isn't really bad, and you don't lose if you start with it, you just don't get off to a good start. 2 prizes doesn't make or break the game.
One Approved said:
Dia said:
Your trainer line should look like this:
3 Max Potion
3 Rare Candy
3 Dark Patch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
2 Random Reciever
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Extra slot for something like a Tool Scrapper
The thing about Darkrai/Hydreigon is that there is little room for techs. Shaymin EX and Mewtwo EX are both good techs, and should be run in all Darkrai/Hydreigon. You can always have variations in certain cards but sticking to the classic format for this deck is really the way to win. Techs like Cresselia aren't worth it, Mewtwo is just better than it. Switch really aren't necessary at all and Skyla might be somewhat worthwhile playing, but if you want a successful deck there is little wiggle room because of the demanding Hydreigon line; I like playing a 4-1-3 with 2 Deino NV and 2 Deino DrX (the kind that can paralyze). Because Rayquaza can really ruin your day if you play only Dragon type Deino and get off to a bad start.
The answer to your question in the title is no, not really. Maybe 1 tech, but nothing that changes a deck's consistency exponentially.

I suppose it's time for my obligatory argument. Shaymin EX is bad. If you start with it, you lose. End of story.

Mewtwo is not just "better" than cresselia in Darkrai. I would argue that Cresselia is much better. It OHKO's an opponent's Mewtwo EX, and doesn't get OHKO'd in response. Its attack costs just as much as Hydreigons. Just need the one blend, and after you KO the mewtwo, you can safely switch the energies back off. I don't see the point of Mewtwo anymore, all it KOs is itself, which means if your opponent runs 2 Mewtwos, you're just giving up prize cards. Cresselia forces them to waste a catcher, and they will need 5 energies attatched to OHKO. I would like it noted, however, that Cresselia is ONLY good in Darkrai because you can move energies to it and power it up in one turn. In any other deck, Mewtwo is superior because it's easier to power up.

Also 4 Catchers is not to much, it is a staple. We don't have Junk Arm anymore. You can use Sableye, but again, you're giving up a free prize card to fish Catchers out of your discard pile when you just shouldn't have to.

Past the techs that Dia listed though, I do mostly agree with his trainer line. I personally run 4 Dark Patch and 2 Max Potion, but that's my own prefrence. I'd rather have the consistant start than the huge end game. I would also like to note that Dia doesn't list Computer Search, which Darkrai needs. It's like Ultra Ball except better, because it can search out anything. I also play 2 Skyla in my list, because it can search out Rare Candy, which is huge.

Lastly, and most importantly, where are your eviolites at? I can't believe that NOBODY between three people have come up with them.

My suggested changes:

-1 Shaymin EX if you start with this card you will lose. This is not debatable.)
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Bouffolant
-1 Deino, and make all 3 that are left the Dark-type ones, because you cannot use Dark Patch to attatch to the Dragon-type Deino.
-1 Energy Switch (...hydreigon does this for you rofl)
-1 Max Potion/Ultra Ball/Dark Patch (Depends on what you prefer. Take out the Max Potion if you dont' feel you use it too often, the Ultra Ball if you feel 3 + Computer Search is enough, or the Dark Patch if you feel 3 + Sableye is enough.)

+1 Cresselia EX (better than Mewtwo.)
+1 Skyla
+1 Blend {G}{R}{P}{D}
+1 N
+2 Eviolite (how everybody missed this is beyond me.)
IDK if anyone told you this yet, but Cresselia is absolute garbage in Darkdreigon, because it doesn't have the ability to hit for big damage late game, it makes you use up a blend energy, it takes enough energy to put you in trouble once it gets KOd, and its ability is next to useless in a max potion abuse deck.
updated list. Comments + suggestions? :)

debating switching out energy switch (which could fuel a turn 1 night spear-only reason in there + when hydreigon isnt there) for dark claw for easier terrakion KO's (30 damage night spear and then dark claw night spear) but then again, it would only work as a 2x pluspower 1 turn because of a quick tool scrapper commonly found in many decks
Dia said:
I forgot to list Computer Search because it isn't out yet. And Shaymin EX isn't really bad, and you don't lose if you start with it, you just don't get off to a good start. 2 prizes doesn't make or break the game.
Shaymin EX isn't the worst card in this deck you can play but Shaymin only shines when your opponent has taken 5 prizes out, you have hydreigon AND a blend on the field, and when you don't discard it at some point during the game. My personal opinion is that you are better off adding a card to improve consistency rather that having a card that will actually help very, very seldomly. So many things have to go right for it to work that its not worth it. Most times in games if your opponent has taken 5 prizes you will either not have a blend or a hydreigon or something that will prevent you from using it. Shaymin is not that good because a Darkrai with Dark Claw will 1HKO it. Almost everything can 2HKO it. If you start with it there will be 2 free prizes on your bench for the rest of the game! Will all that aside, play out the movie that your opponent has taken 5 prizes, you have the necessary resources to get Shaymin up and running. At least 50% of the time when it comes down to my opponent only having one prize left, maybe even more than 50% the game is catcher wins for your opponent.
While i give Shaymin the credit that it CAN absolutely annihilate, there is just to many things that can make it not work or that you will lose anyway. Its more of your late game hail mary card. The most common thing i will see in competitive decklists is that there build is very consistent and versatile. Darkrai Hydreigon is a fairly consistent deck as is but when it comes to techs i take a look at versatility. How many different ways can this card i'm adding be played? That's what makes decks win. I personally would rather add a card in that could hopefully improve my consistency to get me MORE wins than a card that MIGHT save me from a loss once in a blue moon. Like i said before, generally by the time Shaymin is needed, even if you only have a prize or two left it will be likely that you wont be able to set it up. FWIW that's my opinion.
exdarkrai01 said:
Dia said:
I forgot to list Computer Search because it isn't out yet. And Shaymin EX isn't really bad, and you don't lose if you start with it, you just don't get off to a good start. 2 prizes doesn't make or break the game.
Shaymin EX isn't the worst card in this deck you can play but Shaymin only shines when your opponent has taken 5 prizes out, you have hydreigon AND a blend on the field, and when you don't discard it at some point during the game. My personal opinion is that you are better off adding a card to improve consistency rather that having a card that will actually help very, very seldomly. So many things have to go right for it to work that its not worth it. Most times in games if your opponent has taken 5 prizes you will either not have a blend or a hydreigon or something that will prevent you from using it. Shaymin is not that good because a Darkrai with Dark Claw will 1HKO it. Almost everything can 2HKO it. If you start with it there will be 2 free prizes on your bench for the rest of the game! Will all that aside, play out the movie that your opponent has taken 5 prizes, you have the necessary resources to get Shaymin up and running. At least 50% of the time when it comes down to my opponent only having one prize left, maybe even more than 50% the game is catcher wins for your opponent.
While i give Shaymin the credit that it CAN absolutely annihilate, there is just to many things that can make it not work or that you will lose anyway. Its more of your late game hail mary card. The most common thing i will see in competitive decklists is that there build is very consistent and versatile. Darkrai Hydreigon is a fairly consistent deck as is but when it comes to techs i take a look at versatility. How many different ways can this card i'm adding be played? That's what makes decks win. I personally would rather add a card in that could hopefully improve my consistency to get me MORE wins than a card that MIGHT save me from a loss once in a blue moon. Like i said before, generally by the time Shaymin is needed, even if you only have a prize or two left it will be likely that you wont be able to set it up. FWIW that's my opinion.

Its scary how much you are persuading me into taking it out :D but sadly it is very much needed due to there being MANY terrakion/ terrakion EX deck variants out there. ESPECIALLY darkrai terrakion. I will take the risk of starting with it if it means I can win at least 3 more rounds in tournaments where terrakions are very common. But yes, you make VERY good points
You lose to terrakion anyways. They just Catcher your Darkrais for KOs the whole game. Shaymin can't do anything until Terrakion has already gone up by a substantial amount of prize cards, and even then they can catcher to work around it, assuming they don't drop a Mewtwo and just KO your Shaymin outright. If you're going to beat them, it will be with Hydreigon and Mewtwo, neither of which need the shaymin to support them. My issue with Shaymin is it only really helps against Terrakion. It helps against stuff like Rayquaza but only if your opponent has taken a bunch of prize cards and you grab it at the perfect time. In any other game you just lose if you start with it. 1 game can make or break your top cut, which is why I feel it's neccessary to give few free wins away as possible. I would rather just take the loss against Mono-Terrakion, which isn't a very common deck, and strengthen my matchups against EVERYTHING else.

you just don't get off to a good start. 2 prizes doesn't make or break the game.

This is where you are wrong. You're assuming Shaymin is the 1st 2 Prize Cards to go, but this isn't always the case. Shaymin can be saved for a free 2 Prize Cards at any point during the match, and that does make or break the game. In a game where we have a time limit, going up by 2 prizes because of a Catcher you can't prevent could potentially lose you a game.
I'm not trying to persuade you not to use Shaymin, that's your business but i'm just laying out points that could be useful to anybody. A lot of players will take a look a what the card can do and use it rather than looking at situations it will be used in (in Shaymin's case, only one particular situation). I' not trashing the card just for me the pros outweigh the cons of it.
shaymin Ex is a good tech, i use it too. great late gamer and because this deck is a bit slower it can win games...
if ur local meta has lot of dragons, i'd suggest giratina ex, not a super great tech but woth concidering, just wait to put it on the bench until late game, switch those energy's and shred away :)...
One Approved said:
This is where you are wrong. You're assuming Shaymin is the 1st 2 Prize Cards to go, but this isn't always the case. Shaymin can be saved for a free 2 Prize Cards at any point during the match, and that does make or break the game. In a game where we have a time limit, going up by 2 prizes because of a Catcher you can't prevent could potentially lose you a game.
Nothing OHKOs Shaymin besides Entei, Reshiram (EX or BW) and a substantially powered up Mewtwo. Shaymin is much more of a benefit to the deck than it is dead weight, and not running a card that can OHKO Terrakion if they've only taken 2 prizes just because it is a bad start isn't a reason not to run it. Bad starts can always potentially happen, but more often than not you're going to be thankful you run Shaymin instead of hating it. One card can throw consistency, but it is pretty much a necessary tech for Darkrai with the high amount of Terrakion being run in any metagame lately.
And saying Shaymin is only useful with a Hydreigon on the field and 5 prizes taken holds some truth. Shaymin is a tech. of course it's used for specific situations and is not optimal as a starter or early game tech. However, 5 prizes taken is a different story. Shaymin is rarely used as an attacker against a card like Mewtwo, which only holds the threat of OHKOing Shaymin in a deck that runs Hydreigon. If Shaymin has 2 energy on it, your opponent drops a DCE and uses X Ball it's 100 damage. Unless I'm mistaken, Shaymin has 110 health and would, in turn, OHKO that Mewtwo assuming 5 prizes have been taken. In a Hydreigon deck that is obviously a different story because it is very rare to drop a Mewtwo on a field which doesn't have 3 or more energy. Now, assuming that the deck is not Hydreigon or a generic deck running DCE Mewtwo is certainly a considerable threat. But then again, I wouldn't drop a Shaymin if there was a fully loaded up Mewtwo sitting on someone's bench. And while it could still OHKO Shaymin, Mewtwo counters Mewtwo and any decent Darkrai/Hydreigon builds runs it, which means an easy KO.
So stop saying "take out Shaymin, take out Shaymin!" because we all know it's a situational tech, not a starter, but that shouldn't deter you from using it at all.
I can understand the point of adding Shaymin to help against Terrakion. It does help a lot, and if you want to run it, that's perfectly understandable. I would just like to throw one last thing out there...

Nothing OHKOs Shaymin besides Entei, Reshiram (EX or BW) and a substantially powered up Mewtwo.

...you forgot Zekrom, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Zekrom EX, and Rayquaza EX. Normally I wouldn't make a big deal of it, but those 5 are sort of prevalent in the metagame with Eels running around and Dragons everywhere. although Hydreigon and Rayquaza are the two I would worry about moreso than the other 3.
One Approved said:
I can understand the point of adding Shaymin to help against Terrakion. It does help a lot, and if you want to run it, that's perfectly understandable. I would just like to throw one last thing out there...

Nothing OHKOs Shaymin besides Entei, Reshiram (EX or BW) and a substantially powered up Mewtwo.

...you forgot Zekrom, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Zekrom EX, and Rayquaza EX. Normally I wouldn't make a big deal of it, but those 5 are sort of prevalent in the metagame with Eels running around and Dragons everywhere. although Hydreigon and Rayquaza are the two I would worry about moreso than the other 3.
I was speaking in terms of situations where Shaymin would be optimal to play. I see no reason to use Shaymin against a Rayquaza deck unless it's a truly sad situation. Same with Garchomp and Hydreigon. Either that, or it would be a late game tech when I needed a big attack to win. And Mewtwo is the only one that's really used often, both Reshiram and Entei both being pretty rogue ideas. Obviously there are other cards that could take out Shaymin, but I don't see a reason to play them, and I doubt that anything fire type would be teched into a deck other than Terrakion or possibly Vileplume after the next set.
One Approved said:
Dia said:
Your trainer line should look like this:
3 Max Potion
3 Rare Candy
3 Dark Patch
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
2 Random Reciever
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
1 Extra slot for something like a Tool Scrapper
The thing about Darkrai/Hydreigon is that there is little room for techs. Shaymin EX and Mewtwo EX are both good techs, and should be run in all Darkrai/Hydreigon. You can always have variations in certain cards but sticking to the classic format for this deck is really the way to win. Techs like Cresselia aren't worth it, Mewtwo is just better than it. Switch really aren't necessary at all and Skyla might be somewhat worthwhile playing, but if you want a successful deck there is little wiggle room because of the demanding Hydreigon line; I like playing a 4-1-3 with 2 Deino NV and 2 Deino DrX (the kind that can paralyze). Because Rayquaza can really ruin your day if you play only Dragon type Deino and get off to a bad start.
The answer to your question in the title is no, not really. Maybe 1 tech, but nothing that changes a deck's consistency exponentially.

I suppose it's time for my obligatory argument. Shaymin EX is bad. If you start with it, you lose. End of story.

Mewtwo is not just "better" than cresselia in Darkrai. I would argue that Cresselia is much better. It OHKO's an opponent's Mewtwo EX, and doesn't get OHKO'd in response. Its attack costs just as much as Hydreigons. Just need the one blend, and after you KO the mewtwo, you can safely switch the energies back off. I don't see the point of Mewtwo anymore, all it KOs is itself, which means if your opponent runs 2 Mewtwos, you're just giving up prize cards. Cresselia forces them to waste a catcher, and they will need 5 energies attatched to OHKO. I would like it noted, however, that Cresselia is ONLY good in Darkrai because you can move energies to it and power it up in one turn. In any other deck, Mewtwo is superior because it's easier to power up.

Also 4 Catchers is not to much, it is a staple. We don't have Junk Arm anymore. You can use Sableye, but again, you're giving up a free prize card to fish Catchers out of your discard pile when you just shouldn't have to.

Past the techs that Dia listed though, I do mostly agree with his trainer line. I personally run 4 Dark Patch and 2 Max Potion, but that's my own prefrence. I'd rather have the consistant start than the huge end game. I would also like to note that Dia doesn't list Computer Search, which Darkrai needs. It's like Ultra Ball except better, because it can search out anything. I also play 2 Skyla in my list, because it can search out Rare Candy, which is huge.

Lastly, and most importantly, where are your eviolites at? I can't believe that NOBODY between three people have come up with them.

My suggested changes:

-1 Shaymin EX if you start with this card you will lose. This is not debatable.)
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Bouffolant
-1 Deino, and make all 3 that are left the Dark-type ones, because you cannot use Dark Patch to attatch to the Dragon-type Deino.
-1 Energy Switch (...hydreigon does this for you rofl)
-1 Max Potion/Ultra Ball/Dark Patch (Depends on what you prefer. Take out the Max Potion if you dont' feel you use it too often, the Ultra Ball if you feel 3 + Computer Search is enough, or the Dark Patch if you feel 3 + Sableye is enough.)

+1 Cresselia EX (better than Mewtwo.)
+1 Skyla
+1 Blend {G}{R}{P}{D}
+1 N
+2 Eviolite (how everybody missed this is beyond me.)

Sorry, but I playtested this list and MANY other Darkrai/Hydreigon variations out there, and saw that almost every deck out there (1.5 in 2 decks) had from 1-2 tool scrappers teched in there. I just had to think ahead, and said to myself "Why would I waste room in my deck when the cards are going to get discarded?" so instead im adding two to one useless cards in my opponents deck while taking out two useless cards in my deck :) for the cresselia, it would only be good VS. Mewtwo, whereas Mewtwo is used to KO a WIDE assortment of pokemon. no blend because I felt 3 blend was good when I only need need an average of 2 for shaymin and the occasional hydreigon. No skyla cuz I saw that this supporter clogged up my random receiver when I am trying to look for something that would get me more cards instead of a trainer. No 3 N's because I also want to have some draw support (+1 Bianca, -1 N) instead of always shuffling in the hand I have.

Thanks for the suggestions though!

Jetninja said:
One Approved said:
I suppose it's time for my obligatory argument. Shaymin EX is bad. If you start with it, you lose. End of story.

Mewtwo is not just "better" than cresselia in Darkrai. I would argue that Cresselia is much better. It OHKO's an opponent's Mewtwo EX, and doesn't get OHKO'd in response. Its attack costs just as much as Hydreigons. Just need the one blend, and after you KO the mewtwo, you can safely switch the energies back off. I don't see the point of Mewtwo anymore, all it KOs is itself, which means if your opponent runs 2 Mewtwos, you're just giving up prize cards. Cresselia forces them to waste a catcher, and they will need 5 energies attatched to OHKO. I would like it noted, however, that Cresselia is ONLY good in Darkrai because you can move energies to it and power it up in one turn. In any other deck, Mewtwo is superior because it's easier to power up.

Also 4 Catchers is not to much, it is a staple. We don't have Junk Arm anymore. You can use Sableye, but again, you're giving up a free prize card to fish Catchers out of your discard pile when you just shouldn't have to.

Past the techs that Dia listed though, I do mostly agree with his trainer line. I personally run 4 Dark Patch and 2 Max Potion, but that's my own prefrence. I'd rather have the consistant start than the huge end game. I would also like to note that Dia doesn't list Computer Search, which Darkrai needs. It's like Ultra Ball except better, because it can search out anything. I also play 2 Skyla in my list, because it can search out Rare Candy, which is huge.

Lastly, and most importantly, where are your eviolites at? I can't believe that NOBODY between three people have come up with them.

My suggested changes:

-1 Shaymin EX if you start with this card you will lose. This is not debatable.)
-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Bouffolant
-1 Deino, and make all 3 that are left the Dark-type ones, because you cannot use Dark Patch to attatch to the Dragon-type Deino.
-1 Energy Switch (...hydreigon does this for you rofl)
-1 Max Potion/Ultra Ball/Dark Patch (Depends on what you prefer. Take out the Max Potion if you dont' feel you use it too often, the Ultra Ball if you feel 3 + Computer Search is enough, or the Dark Patch if you feel 3 + Sableye is enough.)

+1 Cresselia EX (better than Mewtwo.)
+1 Skyla
+1 Blend {G}{R}{P}{D}
+1 N
+2 Eviolite (how everybody missed this is beyond me.)

Sorry, but I playtested this list and MANY other Darkrai/Hydreigon variations out there, and saw that almost every deck out there (1.5 in 2 decks) had from 1-2 tool scrappers teched in there. I just had to think ahead, and said to myself "Why would I waste room in my deck when the cards are going to get discarded?" so instead im adding two to one useless cards in my opponents deck while taking out two useless cards in my deck :) for the cresselia, it would only be good VS. Mewtwo, whereas Mewtwo is used to KO a WIDE assortment of pokemon. no blend because I felt 3 blend was good when I only need need an average of 2 for shaymin and the occasional hydreigon. No skyla cuz I saw that this supporter clogged up my random receiver when I am trying to look for something that would get me more cards instead of a trainer. No 3 N's because I also want to have some draw support (+1 Bianca, -1 N) instead of always shuffling in the hand I have. BTW, there is a VERY low chance to start with a pokemon you have only one of in this deck (~1:46) so i'll take that chance if I can one some games with Shaymin! Bouffalant is one of the best cards to have in a deck like this: it changes the prize exchange with you taking two prizes by KOing your opponents EX's while your opponent only take one. 4x Deino because i NEED one on my first turn to assure my chances at getting a turn two hydreigon. I think you might be right in energy switch...my point was to have A CHANCE at getting a turn 1 night spear...but...i dont know, I might play test it a little more. And extra dark patch for again, like energy switch, faster consistency.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Well I have a feeling that we'll never really reach an agreeable trainer line. Of course there will be variations, but if you want a normal Darkrai Hydreigon that will get the job done I'd use the trainer line I suggested, which I forgot to add 2 Eviolite to. Depending on your Energy or Pokemon techs, well I suggest playing 8 Basic Dark and 4 Blend which only leaves space for 3 Darkrai, a 4-1-3 Hydreigon, 3 Sableye, 1 Mewtwo and 1 Shaymin/other tech and of course you don't have to play it, but in my experience it is the best chance you have for a successful deck. It doesn't really matter what anyone else decides to play, because if you play the list I suggested you'll be beating the other decks with odd techs that rarely have use and count as a dead draw late game.