countzero said:
I run a very similar build. My thoughts:
+1 Max Potion - it is one of the key cards in the deck's functionality, so max it.
+2 Level Ball - Deino, Zweilous, Sableye search
+1 Heavy Ball - Hydreigon search
And to disagree w/Emopanda, I don't run any Dark Patches. I like the additional damage, but taking them out really helped consistency. Mine functions almost like a Speed Darkrai deck - I can have Darkrai powered-up by turn 2 about 50% of the time and Hydreigon by turn 3 most games as well.
Also, like the Japanese version, I run Shaymin EX, not for the Terrakion counter, but as an end-game surprise attacker. If your opponent has taken 4 prizes, Shaymin does 150 for 2 energy, 180 if they only have 1 prize left. His 110 HP makes him an easy target, so best to use him for the win. I have used him a few times when I was short on energy, but am not 100% convinced yet.
I think you might be confusing Dark Patch with Dark Claw
. Dark Patch allows you to attach a basic Dark Energy from the discard to one of your Benched Dark type Pokemon, whereas Dark Claw allows the Dark type Pokemon that it is attached to to deal 20 extra damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). Dark Patch is a huge component of this deck's strategy. It is the deck's form of Energy acceleration. It allows you to set up your main attacker, usually DarkraiEX, a lot quicker as you are able to attach more than one energy to it per turn. This is especially useful when combined with Hydreigon's Dark Trance ability. This ability allows you to Dark Patch an Energy to a Benched Dark Pokemon and then move it up to your active attacker.
Adding a Heavy Ball is unnecessary. It detracts from the consistency of the deck. The chance of you pulling that single Heavy Ball when you need it is extremely low. You can search Hydreigon out via Ultra Ball, and having three is very sufficient.
Another big component of the deck, like countzero said, is Max Potion. Max Potion, combined with Hydreigon's Dark Trance ability, allows you to "tank" with your DarkraiEX. Move Energy attached to DarkraiEX off via Dark Trance, heal it with Max Potion, and move the Energy back. This can completely negate your opponent's last turn.
I don't think Tool Scrapper is a "must have" in this deck. Garbador is the main reason why you would want Tool Scrapper, however Garbador isn't as tough of a match up as it seems, even with Terrakion or TerrakionEX. It's a nice card to have in certain situations but it isn't essential to the deck's strategy.
In terms of Dark Claw versus Eviolite, I have tested both and have decided to stick with Eviolite. I find that Eviolite saves me from being Knocked Out more times than Dark Claw allows me to Knock Out the Defending Pokemon. I wouldn't recommend using both because it hurts your consistency, especially considering you can only have one Pokemon Tool attached to a Pokemon at a time.
I also agree with Emopanda133 that eight Dark Energy is just fine.
Based off of all of that, I would make the following changes:
-2 Tool Scrapper
-1 Heavy Ball
-1 Dark Energy
-2 Dark Claw
+1 Max Potion
+1 Dark Patch
+2 Random Receiver (Allows you to get a Supporter if you don't have one in hand or would like to get a Supporter that is different than the one you have in hand. It can also be put back into your hand via Junk Hunt).
+2 Level Ball (Like countzero said, this card will allow you to search out Deino, Zweilous and Sableye).
I tried using ShayminEX for a couple of weeks and was never able to play it in the way I had hoped to, therefore I dropped it.
I hope this information helps
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