• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
So yeah, I've been playing this for 2 days now and getting the hang of it and I've had more success with this than FluffyChomp. I wanna know if I can make this better so any advice would help :)

Pokemon- 14
3 Deino NVI
1 Zweilus NVI
3 Hydreigon DRX
3 Darkrai EX
3 Sableye DE
1 Sigilyph DRX

Trainers- 34
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
4 Max Potion
3 Ultraball
4 Dark Patch
3 Eviolite
2 Level Ball

Energy- 12
8 Dark Energy
4 Blend Energy (GRPD)
-1 Sabeleye (2 is enough, trust me.)
-1 Dark Energy (8 Works fine for me.
+2 Dark Patch (Very, Very important in this deck, four is almost a must.)
Emopanda133 said:
-1 Sabeleye (2 is enough, trust me.)
-1 Dark Energy (8 Works fine for me.
+2 Dark Patch (Very, Very important in this deck, four is almost a must.)

so 4 dark patches? what more can i add? i've got dark patch already at 3 so if i take out 1 sableye and 1 dark energy that leaves 1 free space..

oh and I just beat this empoleon-claydol deck.. this is starting to be a fun deck to play lol
I run a very similar build. My thoughts:

+1 Max Potion - it is one of the key cards in the deck's functionality, so max it.
+2 Level Ball - Deino, Zweilous, Sableye search
+1 Heavy Ball - Hydreigon search

And to disagree w/Emopanda, I don't run any Dark Patches. I like the additional damage, but taking them out really helped consistency. Mine functions almost like a Speed Darkrai deck - I can have Darkrai powered-up by turn 2 about 50% of the time and Hydreigon by turn 3 most games as well.

Also, like the Japanese version, I run Shaymin EX, not for the Terrakion counter, but as an end-game surprise attacker. If your opponent has taken 4 prizes, Shaymin does 150 for 2 energy, 180 if they only have 1 prize left. His 110 HP makes him an easy target, so best to use him for the win. I have used him a few times when I was short on energy, but am not 100% convinced yet.

countzero said:
I run a very similar build. My thoughts:

+1 Max Potion - it is one of the key cards in the deck's functionality, so max it.
+2 Level Ball - Deino, Zweilous, Sableye search
+1 Heavy Ball - Hydreigon search

And to disagree w/Emopanda, I don't run any Dark Patches. I like the additional damage, but taking them out really helped consistency. Mine functions almost like a Speed Darkrai deck - I can have Darkrai powered-up by turn 2 about 50% of the time and Hydreigon by turn 3 most games as well.

Also, like the Japanese version, I run Shaymin EX, not for the Terrakion counter, but as an end-game surprise attacker. If your opponent has taken 4 prizes, Shaymin does 150 for 2 energy, 180 if they only have 1 prize left. His 110 HP makes him an easy target, so best to use him for the win. I have used him a few times when I was short on energy, but am not 100% convinced yet.


I think you might be confusing Dark Patch with Dark Claw :p. Dark Patch allows you to attach a basic Dark Energy from the discard to one of your Benched Dark type Pokemon, whereas Dark Claw allows the Dark type Pokemon that it is attached to to deal 20 extra damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). Dark Patch is a huge component of this deck's strategy. It is the deck's form of Energy acceleration. It allows you to set up your main attacker, usually DarkraiEX, a lot quicker as you are able to attach more than one energy to it per turn. This is especially useful when combined with Hydreigon's Dark Trance ability. This ability allows you to Dark Patch an Energy to a Benched Dark Pokemon and then move it up to your active attacker.

Adding a Heavy Ball is unnecessary. It detracts from the consistency of the deck. The chance of you pulling that single Heavy Ball when you need it is extremely low. You can search Hydreigon out via Ultra Ball, and having three is very sufficient.

Another big component of the deck, like countzero said, is Max Potion. Max Potion, combined with Hydreigon's Dark Trance ability, allows you to "tank" with your DarkraiEX. Move Energy attached to DarkraiEX off via Dark Trance, heal it with Max Potion, and move the Energy back. This can completely negate your opponent's last turn.

I don't think Tool Scrapper is a "must have" in this deck. Garbador is the main reason why you would want Tool Scrapper, however Garbador isn't as tough of a match up as it seems, even with Terrakion or TerrakionEX. It's a nice card to have in certain situations but it isn't essential to the deck's strategy.

In terms of Dark Claw versus Eviolite, I have tested both and have decided to stick with Eviolite. I find that Eviolite saves me from being Knocked Out more times than Dark Claw allows me to Knock Out the Defending Pokemon. I wouldn't recommend using both because it hurts your consistency, especially considering you can only have one Pokemon Tool attached to a Pokemon at a time.

I also agree with Emopanda133 that eight Dark Energy is just fine.

Based off of all of that, I would make the following changes:

-2 Tool Scrapper
-1 Heavy Ball
-1 Dark Energy
-2 Dark Claw

+1 Max Potion
+1 Dark Patch
+2 Random Receiver (Allows you to get a Supporter if you don't have one in hand or would like to get a Supporter that is different than the one you have in hand. It can also be put back into your hand via Junk Hunt).
+2 Level Ball (Like countzero said, this card will allow you to search out Deino, Zweilous and Sableye).

I tried using ShayminEX for a couple of weeks and was never able to play it in the way I had hoped to, therefore I dropped it.

I hope this information helps :D.

[/sand=Secret Pikachu]
Giratina Ex is better than Shaymin EX IMO, just because of versatility. He may take a turn more to set up, but he's worth the turn, since he can OHKO Terrakion and the regular dragons.
Doh! I did confuse Dark Patch & Claw. 4 Patches are necessary as well, and no Claws.

I wanted to test Giraina in place of Shaymin, but haven't pulled one yet (or made a proxy). Anyone have any experience w/Giratina?

Also, what about Registeel EX?
what i'm gonna change:
-1 Dark Energy
-2 Dark Claw
-2 Tool Scrapper

+1 Max Potion
+1 Dark Patch
+2 Level Ball

i tried playing this new list a couple games and it got me the same to better results.. i've won 4-2 which is a good thing (i guess) given that i just started re-learning the new game.

the problem i have is that there's seem to be a lot of test fighting decks which is giving me a headache.. what's a good support to counter this?
countzero said:
Anyone have any experience w/Giratina?

I play this deck with Giratina EX, and he's great against Zekrom Reshiram and Kruyem, he's also a life saver against Terrakion. And when you're opponent has an Eviolited EX, You can 2HKO them, and with Max Potion, it comes in handy to Tank with Giratina EX.
countzero said:
Doh! I did confuse Dark Patch & Claw. 4 Patches are necessary as well, and no Claws.

I wanted to test Giraina in place of Shaymin, but haven't pulled one yet (or made a proxy). Anyone have any experience w/Giratina?

Also, what about Registeel EX?

No worries, it happens to everyone!

I've never tested with Giratina EX but I have read about it being a possible tech in a Darkrai/Hydreigon deck. I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has tested with it.

I have a feeling that it would be a seldom used situational card. It could also be an easy two prizes for any opposing Dragon-type deck or the mirror match.
Hey guys, did you know that, um..., you can use Hydreigon to KO the 140HP and lower Pokemon?

-1 Hydreigon (NVI)

+1 Hydreigon DRE

This helps heaps with consistency, losing one by prizes hurts, then losing one by Catcher+Attack leaves you with none, and this will happen a lot, also, Hydreigon (DRE) can OHKO ANY Dragon type Pokemon (so long as there isn't a Weakness remover) This includes Eviolite deductions. This is why Blend GPRD is ran in the deck, so Hydreigon can attack, it's just very fortunate that Sigilyph uses the P in GPRD.

- 2 Dark Claw

+ 1 Super Rod
+1 Eviolite

With my testing with this deck, I've found the more Eviolite, the merrier, four is a bit to many, seeing as Sigilyph is only there as an EX counter and that Shaymin EX is a late game prize taker which leaves only Darkrai to use it, and you happen to run three of them (joyous)(No I did not forget Sableye and Deino, they just have to little HP to utilize it)
I've also found that using a Super Rod helps, when you get down to two prizes (around) you will find that a wealth of your Pokemon have been placed in there. Also if there are too many Dark Energy.

Hope I helped, and good luck with this tough deck to play.
I totally missed seeing the NVI Hydreigon in that list! I agree with Blui129 that it should be dropped and replaced with the DRX Hydreigon (w/ Dark trance). I tested using one NVI Hydreigon and two DRX Hydreigon and found that I was never able to use the NVI Hydreigon the way I wanted to and that it hurt my chances of getting the DRX Hydreigon out.

I've never found myself needing a Super Rod, however a third Eviolite may not be a bad idea. Do you find yourself using it (and I mean using three different Eviolites to mitigate damage during one game, not just placing it on a Pokemon)? What would you take out to fit it in? I believe alainster already dropped the Dark Claw (maybe he didn't update his original post?).

Blui129 said:
Hey guys, did you know that, um..., you can use Hydreigon to KO the 140HP and lower Pokemon?

-1 Hydreigon (NVI)

+1 Hydreigon DRE

This helps heaps with consistency, losing one by prizes hurts, then losing one by Catcher+Attack leaves you with none, and this will happen a lot, also, Hydreigon (DRE) can OHKO ANY Dragon type Pokemon (so long as there isn't a Weakness remover) This includes Eviolite deductions. This is why Blend GPRD is ran in the deck, so Hydreigon can attack, it's just very fortunate that Sigilyph uses the P in GPRD.

- 2 Dark Claw

+ 1 Super Rod
+1 Eviolite

With my testing with this deck, I've found the more Eviolite, the merrier, four is a bit to many, seeing as Sigilyph is only there as an EX counter and that Shaymin EX is a late game prize taker which leaves only Darkrai to use it, and you happen to run three of them (joyous)(No I did not forget Sableye and Deino, they just have to little HP to utilize it)
I've also found that using a Super Rod helps, when you get down to two prizes (around) you will find that a wealth of your Pokemon have been placed in there. Also if there are too many Dark Energy.

Hope I helped, and good luck with this tough deck to play.
Secret Pikachu said:
I totally missed seeing the NVI Hydreigon in that list! I agree with Blui129 that it should be dropped and replaced with the DRX Hydreigon (w/ Dark trance). I tested using one NVI Hydreigon and two DRX Hydreigon and found that I was never able to use the NVI Hydreigon the way I wanted to and that it hurt my chances of getting the DRX Hydreigon out.

I've never found myself needing a Super Rod, however a third Eviolite may not be a bad idea. Do you find yourself using it (and I mean using three different Eviolites to mitigate damage during one game, not just placing it on a Pokemon)? What would you take out to fit it in? I believe alainster already dropped the Dark Claw (maybe he didn't update his original post?).

So is this right? I got kind of confused with the Hard Ball but I didn't add to it whatsoever.. I tried playing this a couple games and the extra eviolite does help imo but I think it should be used wisely (cuz of scrapper) esp with the play of N early game..
I would run -2 Level Ball and +1 Tool Scrapper +1 Shaymin EX or +2 Tool Scrapper. After lots of playtesting, I found out that I literally NEVER used Level Ball. I found that the Tool Scrapper is a better choice. Also, Shaymin EX is a great tech because after a Darkrai EX is KO'ed, you can OHKO Terrakion/EX w/o Eviolite. Attach an Eviolite to Shaymin, and they can't KO you. Pretty much won there. Against Garbordor/Entei EX varients, that's a bit harder. Goal is to KO Entei ASAP, so the Tool Scrapper is vital. You can't use Darkrai really without it's ability. (well get it set up).