I'll try to help you out Martini!
I have been testing this deck for three or four weeks now and I really enjoy it! Is there anything specific that you haven't been able to play or set up that you feel needs some more consistency? Your list is quite similar to mine and I don't find many problems setting up. Here are my recommendations:
1) I find that having three Ultra Ball and two Level Ball provides plenty of Pokemon specific search cards to set up, well, my Pokemon
. Having a third Level Ball hurts the probability (read: consistency) that you will draw into other cards that are needed more.
2) I don't think that Super Rod is a great fit in this deck. You already have Basic Dark Energy acceleration from the discard pile through the use of Dark Patch. You are running three copies of Dark Patch which I believe is a good amount. Remember that Dark Patch can be placed back into your hand via Sableye's Junk Hunt. You have enough copies of each key Pokemon that if one is knocked out, you probably have another ready to go. Also, having a single copy of the card makes it really hard to draw into when you need it the most. It's better to boost the consistency of another more important card than to have a Super Rod for that one extremely rare situation in which it wins you the game.
So far I have recommended the following changes:
-1 Level Ball
-1 Super Rod
3) You said yourself that the deck's strategy is to deny prizes through the use of Max Potion. Using that strategy, Max Potion is arguably the most important Trainer-Item card in the deck. I would suggest boosting its count to four to increase the chance of having it when you need it. Suprisingly I have been able to chain two to four turns in which I have used Max Potion in quite a few games. The look on your Opponent's face when you negate turn after turn is well worth it!
4) If you are having any consistency issues with regards to having Energy equipped to your Pokemon, I would suggest increasing the count of your Basic Dark Energy to eight. Again, having more of such an important card increases the chance of having it when you need it. However, if you feel that the deck is running well in terms of Energy management, I would consider boosting the count of another card, such as Pokemon Catcher or Eviolite. Pokemon Catcher needs no explaining; it is an awesome card. You already have three which is a great amount but I don't see how having four could hurt. I am running three copies at the moment and there have been times when all three are in the discard and I wish I didn't have to use Sableye to get one back out. Eviolite is another great card as it can prevent Terrakion or Terrakion-EX from OHKOing your Darkrai-EX as well as causing a lot of Pokemon to 3HKO it instead of 2HKO it. If you see that Tool Scrapper is played a lot in your area then I would boost its count to three.
I've suggested adding the following cards:
+1 Max Potion
+1 Dark Energy or Pokemon Catcher or Eviolite
Keep on testing! The more you test, the greater your understanding of how the deck works will be, and you'll be able to determine what cards are the most important and which cards can be ran at a lower count.