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Darkrai Lasers w/ DCE attackers for States


O hai der
I've been through many test lists but I believe this should be the final skeleton with some things i'm still up in the air about.

Pokemon: 11
3 Darkrai Ex
2 Mewtwo Ex / Tornadus Ex (Still deciding but I have tested more with Mewtwo)
1 Keldeo Ex
3 Sableye
2 Bouffalant

Supporters: 12
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Skyla
2 Bianca/ Colress

Items/Stadium: 25
4 Catchers
4 Energy Switch
4 Dark Patch
3 Ultra Ball
2 Dark Claw
2 Virbank
1 Max Potion
1 Computer Search

Energy: 12
8 Dark

I'm still trying to work on my supporters and either using Mewtwo or Tornadus. Since this deck doesn't get along with Landorus it would be nice to have something that can take hammerheads. I'd also like to find room for a Tool Scrapper. Any thoughts?
I ran a very similar list for Louisana states. I will suggest using scramble switch as you ace spec. It works wonders with mewtwo.
MMAmonchan said:
I ran a very similar list for Louisana states. I will suggest using scramble switch as you ace spec. It works wonders with mewtwo.

True, but i'm starting to lean towards Tornadus. I just feel like it does wonders in this. I always like having the option to hit big with 1 energy. How did you do at States?
I like Tornadus-EX better than Mewtwo EX too. 2 of each should be good though if you have the space. If you don't have the space then go for Tornadus.
regimaster128 said:
MMAmonchan said:
I ran a very similar list for Louisana states. I will suggest using scramble switch as you ace spec. It works wonders with mewtwo.

True, but i'm starting to lean towards Tornadus. I just feel like it does wonders in this. I always like having the option to hit big with 1 energy. How did you do at States?

unfortunately, I only went 4-3. but it started 4-0 so that kinda makes it better... and a whole lot worse
Keep in mind that 2 of the top decks right now are LMT and LMTG, aka Landorus-Mewtwo-Tornadus and Landorus-Mewtwo-Tornadus-Garbodor, respectively. These "big basics" decks can hit Darkrais fast (players tend to start with Landorus). I'd suggest dropping 1 Dark Patch and 1 Energy Switch so that you can have 2 Tornadus and 2 Mewtwo. You can easily Junk Hunt these Items. A Tornadus start with a DCE a just as good, if not better than a Sableye start, IMHO.

And Scramble Switch is sooooo good in a deck like this too.
regimaster128 said:
MMAmonchan said:
unfortunately, I only went 4-3. but it started 4-0 so that kinda makes it better... and a whole lot worse

Dang, what did you lose to?

A mirror in a very very close game. A landorus terrakion garbodor. And embarrassingly my sableye got donked by a klinklang
Honestly, I would try running Druddigon from NVI.
Has no weakness, takes 3 energies and retreat lock for 60 damage.
That combined with Lasers is potent. It is a REALLY good landorus counter.
he only does 30 damage and can take a returned 50 with poison at the end of his turn.
That's 140 damage locking an EX active for an easy 2 for 1 prize exchange.

ALSO, Druddigon is really good against Kinklang, especially if you play giant cape so he can't get 1 shot by Cobalion EX (cape works well with bouff too against plasmakink and Cobalion EX).
You have retreat lock and unlimited catchers on their plasmakinks between sableye/druddigon.
It's worth the test, especially since he is a colorless pokemon with no weakness and he returns 2 damage if he is attacked.
Think about what 2 damage would do during a mewtwo war. Even if you don't use him as an attacker, just as a wall in a 2 for 1 prize exchange in wars. People are sleeping on Druddigon.