Darkrai Lvx

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Shiftyenio said:
this poke-body, any dark basic energy attached gain this efect?

only attach to Darkrai Lv. X? or any dark pokemon??

well, it makes basic darkness into special darkness, so yes, each and everyone of ur basic darkness energy will become special ones, they add damage!
The only thing I see a problem is that you can't t2 him. even if you use celio's network he still needs 3 energy to attack.
I'd say this card is only broken if you got the perfect start, and the opponent got a bad start, otherwise, its just a really good card!
Someone said to play it with Weavile DP, I agree (I also think 2 Darkrai - 2 Darkrai Lv.X is good, otherwise if your going 3 - 1, then use Night Maintence DP2 and Celibi ex[time spiral] to quickly pull it back out of the discard)

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