Ruling Darkrai MD


If I use (MD) Darkrai's first attack "Dark Slumber" on my opponents pokemon and next turn my opponent either retreats or knocks out my darkrai, does their new poke or poke that knocked out my darkrai still go to sleep?

Also, can my opponent retreat when they're asleep? I was always told "no", but I was reading up on Darkrai's ability to put it's opponent to sleep and people were saying that it's not good because they can just retreat (by using energy) to get out of it. But I thought the only way to retreat out of sleep is to use "Switch" or "Warp Point" or any other trainers/poke-powers that force retreats, not by using energy.
If they knock out the Darkrai they will be asleep at the end of their turn. If they retreat or switch or warp point or whatever the turn after Darkrai uses that attack, the Pokemon isn't asleep.

When you are asleep you cannot retreat, only switch/warp point/pokepowers/any other trainers like that. But if they are asleep they can be Super-Scoop Up-ed.
OK as I read the card Dark Slumber puts an effect on the defending Pokemon which after your opponents next turn puts them to sleep.

So if they retreat to the bench all effects are removed from that Pokemon.

If they knock out Darkrai, that doesn't remove the effect and your opponent's Poke goes to sleep next turn.

Darkrai is not asleep so it can retreat on the next turn and avoid the effect. Sounds like a job for Skarmory Ex.
poleskitty said:
OK as I read the card Dark Slumber puts an effect on the defending Pokemon which after your opponents next turn puts them to sleep.

So if they retreat to the bench all effects are removed from that Pokemon.


George2FRESH said:
Also, can my opponent retreat when they're asleep? I was always told "no"

You were told correctly.