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Darkrai/Sableye for Cities


X-Ball motherf***er
3 Darkrai EX
4 Sableye
1 Mewtwo EX

4 Prof.Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
3 Skyla
1 Random Receiver
2 Eviolite
2 Dark Claw
1 Tool Scrapper
4 Dark Patch
4 Energy Switch
4 Catcher
1 Comp Search
4 Ultra Ball
2 Potion
1 Energy Search

Energy: 12
12 Dark

Basic strategy here. Set up a night spear as early as possible. mewtwo is for keldeo and other mewtwo. potion saved my darkrai in some of my play testing
turning a 2 hit KO to 3 hit KO.
i think you should play 1 revive
attach/darkpatch/energy switch and you have a brand new darkrai out of the discard, with skyla that makes that combination in cards a lot easier
same can be said for mewtwo since you only play 1. an unexpected revive on a mewtwo
attach/energy switch can be terrifyingly surprising for your opponent especially if they load energies on a keldeo
expecting you to only be able to attack with a darkrai.
just an idea, in decks where i run energy switch and a lot of big basics, i always play 1 revive and it really works well.
No Hammers? How does this hold up to Landorus or Terrakion? I think Hammers could help you immensely and buy some time to gain the upper hand against those decks.


-1 Energy Search
-1 Darkness Energy
-1 Random Receiver (I hate having 1 card in decks...w/ as many supporters as you have, Random Receiver truly seems...random. not a fan)
-2 Dark Claw (110 Night Spear v. 90 Night Spear doesn't seem to be a make/break...maybe you've found otherwise?)
-1 Tool Scrapper (Garbodor doesn't really hurt you)

+4 Crushing Hammer
+1 Eviolite
+1 Revive

Enhanced Hammer is hit/miss depending on the deck. But Crushing hammer with Sableye works pretty well early game. I also liked the Revive mentioned earlier...
this deck aims to hit as early as T2 I guess I don't need hammers to slow down my opponent. about the random receiver I guess you are right.
dark claw is good here, my opponent often retreat his pokemon (damaged by night spear+dark claw), that pokemon is a few night spear snipe thanks to dark claw.
revive, I will try that

anyway thanks
Here is my updated list:
3 Darkrai EX
4 Sableye
1 Mewtwo EX

4 Prof.Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
3 Skyla
2 Eviolite
2 Dark Claw
1 Tool Scrapper
4 Dark Patch
4 Energy Switch
4 Catcher
1 Comp Search
3 Ultra Ball
4 Crushing Hammer
2 Enhanced Hammer

Energy: 11
11 Dark

any thoughts on my new list?
there is that route u can take but u can also go aggro mewtwo i played 4 mewtwo 2 darkrai in my version of mewtwo darkrai. but also testplay with dce in ur build.
-1 potion

+ 1 mewtwo ex

I play a deck similiar to this and i found that 2 mewtwo is the perfect number.
hammer time! said:
-1 potion

+ 1 mewtwo ex

I play a deck similiar to this and i found that 2 mewtwo is the perfect number.

I don't run potion on t he updated list

anyway I would like to know if I should use comp. search or gold potion
since this is a basic deck it doesn't require too much set up
comp search

HellYeah said:
hammer time! said:
-1 potion

+ 1 mewtwo ex

I play a deck similiar to this and i found that 2 mewtwo is the perfect number.

I don't run potion on t he updated list

anyway I would like to know if I should use comp. search or gold potion
since this is a basic deck it doesn't require too much set up

-1 sabeleye, 3 is enough

+ 1 mewtwo ex

Use computer search it is better in this deck