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Standard Darkrai / Yveltal / Zoroark / Hypno


Aspiring Trainer
  • 1 Seismitoad EX
  • 1 Yveltal EX
  • 2 Darkrai EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 2 Yveltal (XY)
  • 2 Zorua
  • 2 Zoroark
  • 2 Drowsee
  • 2 Hypno
  • 4 Proffesor Sycamore
  • 1 Professor Birchs Observation
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Max Elixir
  • 3 Trainers Mail
  • 3 All Night Party
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 1 Fighting Fury Belt
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 8 Darkness Energy

Use Hypno's ability, take sleep of from Darkrai EX with All Night Party or Zoroark's Stand In, reteat and attack with Darkrais bottom attack. Hex Maniac is good in mirror and Xerosic is good against Garbodor
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I literally started an account here just to reply to this.
Basically, I built this deck almost exactly like you did, down to the single level ball and Seismitoad. . The difference in my
list compared to your is:
-1 VS Seeker(I know, I know, but the deck space is soooo limited!)
-1 Max Elixir

+1 BKT Yvetal
+1 Malamar

The level ball in here is really bad, but almost necessary. I also at one point squeezed in the new Reverse stadium for something but cut it.
It's missing something small in mine, this might help out, who knows?
For me personally it feels like it needs either a zoroua or another drowsee but I can't make myself do a 3-2 line.
Anyone think puzzle might be good in this deck? It's already pretty consistent. You skip the Maxie stuff and you realize you so t have to dump your entire hand turn one every game--thanks for the post!
Can you explain the usage of the one seismitoad? I like the idea.

He's just overall really strong. With this deck, sometimes you'll be aggro and sometimes you'll be countering. This deck is capable of both and it lets you really have a chance to "outplay" someone if you practice some with it because the deck is just really flexible(aka everything in the deck is pretty strong already, it has few dead draws, consistent energy draws and card filtering etc)
I would say this deck to me feels at LEAST 50% favored over the field and you don't have to play the tech out your tech side game and straight up
PLAY STRONG CARDS. Fighting is tough, but nothing is an autoloss
No lysandre?
I didn't even notice that! I checked over again, I have a Lysandre over 1 muscle band.
Did some tuning over the weekend, mine looks like this as of March 13th, 2016-

2 Darkrai EX BPT
1 Yvetal EX
2 Yvetal XY
2 Drowzee BKP
2 Hypno BKP
2 Shaymin EX
1 Seismitoad EX
2 Zorua BKT (moonlight madness)
2 Zoroark BKT

4 Sycamore
1 Professor Birch's Observation(might be better as a Shauna or possibly Judge)
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Max Elixir
3 All Night Party
1 Muscle Band
1 Fighting Fury Belt(If lots of toads and mirror, change to muscle band)
1 Deliquent
4 Acro Bike(you can free up a spot for a FLEX by cutting 1)
2 Float Stone
1 Startling Megaphone(FLEX)
1 Lysandre
1 Xerosic
1 Hex Maniac(FLEX SPOT)
8 Darkness Energy

Consistent, fun and challenging to play. Darkrai and Muscle Band make 180.
Malamar EX can fit in the deck, but attaching your energy for turn to him is painful and not really that rewarding.
But still, it's a sleep effect you can ultra ball for.
Deliquent is really good. I've been testing a version that's more denial heavy. Judge into Deliquent is strong.
Choosing Acro Bikes for now smooths out the draw and the deck is an answer deck, so sometimes you gotta dig for energy
or a basic. Just a little more flexible. Things I've tried with the flex spots(from good to bad)
Yvetal BKT plus dropping some tools and adding a reverse valley
Subbing for Zorua 90 BKP (think about Delinquent plus this and some hammers)
Bunnelby, Bursting Baloons
Maxies, 1 battle compressor, 1 Gallade
Archie's Empoleon, cut Zororark
A 1-2 Hippowdon Line and Maxies(cool idea, probably not for this deck)
Tweak it to your liking!
Thanks for comments. List only had 59 cards, that 1 card what are missing is Lysandre
If you want do any changes on my list i would cut Max Elixir or Level Ball
If you want speed I would put in a Cresselia from breakpoint, because your deck seems to trying to be fast and get quick KO's and since max elixer only works on bench, I dont see any way you get get a turn KO. With cresselia you start with it put a stadium down, and then max elixer + DCE retreat KO.
That's getting pretty tricky, but I like where your heads at, Red. Not gonna mess with that though, gonna clean it
up by removing the problem card: Max Elixir. I had various reasons for keeping it, but have you ever whiffed on this?
It's not flexible, and if it can't do its one thing then it is a feel bad moment. I want to like it, but with just 8 energy, it's leaving
a skill deck taking its chances with luck. I kept wanting it to be this...

- 4 Max Elixir
+ 3 Trainers Mail
+ 1 Lysandre

-1 Acro Bike
+1 Battle Compressor

Had some disagree with Hex Maniac, saying it does nothing in this deck. It feels...safe...having one in there.
Deliquent is staying in. Turn one is okay, but catch them snoozing and BAM. Blowout.
Hey, I have been playing around with this deck for a while and I think we can all agree that the whole point is to put the opponent asleep and use all-night party to OHKO with Darkrai, so all I have done is work on its speed and consistency for doing just that.

Here is my current deck list:

Pokemon: 10

Darkrai EX - 3
Malamar EX - 1
Drowzee - 2
Hypno - 2
Yveltal (BKT) - 2

Trainers: 38

Acro Bike - 2 (Draw)
Energy Retrieval - 1 (Energy pickup)
Level Ball - 2 (Pokemon search) - Mainly for setting up Hypno
Max Elixir - 4 (Energy Acceleration for Darkrai's first attack)
Professor's Letter - 2 (Energy search)
Trainer's Mail - 4 (Draw)
Ultra Ball - 4 (Pokemon search)
VS Seeker - 2 (Supporter pickup)
Lysandre - 2 (Pull out EX's or fully charged pokemon)
Professor Birch's Observations - 2 (Draw)
Professor Sycamore - 4 (Draw)
All-Night Party - 4 (Stadium & Tech)
Fighting Fury Belt - 1 (Tech) - Can stop a OHKO
Float Stone - 2 (Free retreat on Darkrai) Only really used for getting a Darkrai out of the way of a fully charged Darkrai (Considering AZ - 1 and increasing Muscle Band to 3
Muscle Band - 2 (Used with Darkrai to OHKO, excluding mega's)

Energy - 12

Dark Energy - 8
Double Colorless Energy -4

IMO running really good cards as back-up or additional support just clogs your deck with pokemon and cuts your ability to have consistent trainers which kills a lot of decks.

Hope this helps out in any way. :)