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Darkrai/Zoroark DEX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 13
  • 3 Darkrai EX
  • 3 Zorua (ascension)
  • 3 Zoroark (brutal bash)
  • 4 Sableye
Trainers 37
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Dark Claw
  • 4 Dark Patch
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Bicycle
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Computer Search
Energy 10
  • 10 Darkness Energy

The strategy of this deck is to get a turn 2 zoroark set up with darkrai EX as back up in case something goes wrong. This deck is designed for speed getting wins early. With the set up, Zoroark can hit for 140 damage on t-2 and with Laser/Bank it can OHKO any 170 hp EX that is non-resistant.
I have seen a few decks like this. I was wondering if you tested it? I haven't played with any of the cards that have came out in the last 6 months, so i`m very interested about this deck.
arcanine227 said:
I have seen a few decks like this. I was wondering if you tested it? I haven't played with any of the cards that have came out in the last 6 months, so i`m very interested about this deck.

I have done extensive testing against Blastoise/Keldeo EX, one of the best decks in the format and it has put up some solid numbers. Also have played against TDK and Landorus/Garbodor. So far after 46 games I have won 32 and lost 14. Landorus/Garbodor is the toughest matchup of the three and Keldeo EX/Blastoise is also difficult but not unwinnable. Its a solid list that is consistent and a blast to play.
what about using silver bangle instead of dark claw???
It'll increase your max dmg output up to 180, the magical number!